
デヴォン / イギリス

デヴォン は、イングランド南西部の地域であり、デヴォン州 とも呼ばれる。 コーンウォール半島の中部に位置し、西にコーンウォール、東にドーセットとサマセットにそれぞれ接している。かつてはデヴォンシャー と呼ばれていたが、現在ではいくつかの名称とデヴォンシャー公爵の称号に残っているのみである。地名の "Devon" は、西暦50年ごろに南ブリテンに侵入したローマ人によって、その地に住んでいたケルト人を指してつけられた。Dumnoniiという名前がつけられ、意味は「深い谷に住むもの」という意味である。 4億0800万年前から3億6300万年前を指す地質時代は、デボンに地層が良く分布し、世界で初めてこの時代の地層が研究された事から、この地域にちなんでデボン紀と呼ばれている。

Arlington Court

デヴォン / イギリス

Arlington Court is a neoclassical style country house built 1820-23, situated in the parish of Arlington, next to the parish church of St James, 5 1/4 miles NE of Barnstaple, north Devon, England. It is a Grade II* listed building. The park and gardens are Grade II* listed in the National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.The house was commissioned by Colonel John Palmer Chichester to the design of the North Devon architect Thomas Lee, replacing the earlier Georgian house of about 1790, built on a different site and demolished, designed by John Meadows. Arlington Court was considerably expanded in 1865 by John Palmer Chichester's grandson, Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce Chichester, 2nd Baronet , son of Sir John Palmer Bruce Chichester, 1st Baronet . In 1873 according to the Return of Owners of Land, 1873 the Arlington estate comprised about 5,300 acres.Sir Bruce's unmarried daughter and heiress, Rosalie Chichester , donated the mansion to the National Trust together with 3,500 acres two years before her death in 1949. Today, the house, together with the Chichester family's collection of antique furniture and an eclectic collection of family memorabilia, is fully open to the public.

Guildhall, Barnstaple

デヴォン / イギリス

The Guildhall in Barnstaple in Devon in the United Kingdom is the Guildhall for the town and was completed in 1828, replacing an earlier Guildhall. Beneath and behind the Guildhall is the Pannier Market; completed in 1855, the building has been a Grade II* listed building since 19 January 1951.

Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon

デヴォン / イギリス

Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon is a local museum covering the history and culture of the North Devon area and which is located in The Square in Barnstaple in Devon. The displays range from prehistoric times to the Victorian era. The building and its garden railings beside the river front have been Grade II listed since 1988.