
Wilton, Wiltshire / イギリス

カウンティ(英語: county)は、英語圏における地方行政構造の一階層ならびにその階層に属する個々の行政区画ないし行政区分である。州、県、郡などとも訳される。その具体的意味は地域、時代などにより様々である。個々の詳細は下記項目を参照。

Wilton House

Wilton, Wiltshire / イギリス

Wilton House is an English country house at Wilton near Salisbury in Wiltshire. It has been the country seat of the Earls of Pembroke for over 400 years. The first recorded building on the site of Wilton House was a priory founded by King Egbert circa 871. Through the munificence of King Alfred, the priory was granted lands and manors until it became wealthy and powerful. However, by the time Wilton Abbey was dissolved in the Dissolution of the Monasteries set in motion by King Henry VIII, its prosperity was already on the wane. Following the seizure of the abbey, Henry presented it and its attached estates to William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke c. 1544.