

アメリカ合衆国 United States of America 国の標語:E pluribus unum(1776年 - 現在)(ラテン語:多数からひとつへ)In God We Trust(1956年 - 現在)(英語:我ら神を信ずる) 国歌:The Star-Spangled Banner(英語)星条旗 アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英: United States of America, USA)、通称アメリカは、50の州および連邦区などからなる連邦共和制国家。日本語では音訳の「亜米利加」から一文字を取って、米国(べいこく)または米(べい)英語圏では合衆国を意味するUnited StatesまたはU.S.とも略称される。 首都コロンビア特別区(ワシントンD.C.)とアメリカ本土の48州はカナダとメキシコの間の北アメリカ中央に位置する。 アラスカ州は北アメリカ北西部の角に位置し、東ではカナダと、西ではベーリング海峡を挟んでロシアと国境を接している。ハワイ州は中部太平洋における島嶼群である。 同国は、太平洋とカリブに5つの有人の海外領土および9つの無人の海外領土を有する。985万km2の総面積は世界第3位または第4位、3億2,700万人の人口は世界第3位である。同国は世界で最も民族的に多様かつ多文化な国のひとつである。 同国は先進国かつ世界最大級の国民経済を有する。同国経済は、豊富な天然資源と高度な労働者の生産性により支えられている。同国経済は脱工業化社会だとされている一方、世界最大の製造国のうちのひとつであり続けている。同国は2018年で世界の軍事支出の36%を占め、世界最高位の経済・軍事大国であり、多大な影響を及ぼす政治・文化的勢力であり、科学研究・技術革新におけるリーダー的存在とされている。

Milwaukee Art Museum


The Milwaukee Art Museum is an art museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Its collection contains nearly 25,000 works of art, making it one of the largest museums in the world.

Oakland Museum of California

オークランド (カリフォルニア州)

The Oakland Museum of California or OMCA is an interdisciplinary museum dedicated to the art, history, and natural science of California, located adjacent to Oak Street, 10th Street, and 11th Street in Oakland, California. The museum contains more than 1.8 million objects dedicated to "telling the extraordinary story of California." It was created in the mid-1960s out of the merger of three separate museums dating from the early 20th century , and was opened in 1969.

Tweed Museum of Art

ダルース (ミネソタ州)

The Tweed Museum of Art is a museum on the campus of the University of Minnesota Duluth, in Duluth, Minnesota, United States. The Tweed Museum of Art was established in 1950 when Alice Tweed Tuohy, widow of George P. Tweed, donated their house and an approximately 500-piece American and European art collection to the University of Minnesota Duluth to enrich the lives of the people in the academic and civic communities of the region. Following its initial operation out of the Tweed home from 1950 to 1958, a museum facility was constructed on the UMD campus in 1958, with funds donated primarily by Mrs. Tweed and her daughter, Bernice Brickson. The museum has been expanded and renovated four times between 1965 and 2008. Today, the museum operates in a 33,000-square-foot facility with 15,000 square feet of exhibit space, and offers nine galleries to service an average of 33,000 visitors each year. Of artistic, cultural, regional and historical significance, the collection is the focus of all museum activities. It contains 15th–21st-century European, American and world art in all media by artists of regional, national and international importance, including outstanding work by artists from the Upper Midwest and Minnesota. Artists in the collection include Thomas Hart Benton, Charles Biederman, Frederick Childe Hassam, Anna Hyatt Huntington, Jean-Francois Millet, Robert Motherwell, Robert Priseman, John Henry Twachtman and Helen Turner. The Tweed contains the largest collection of paintings by the American landscape artist Gilbert Munger.The collection also features painting and illustrations about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that were donated by the Potlatch Corp., including works by Arnold Friberg.In 2007, the museum acquired the Richard E. and Dorothy Rawlings Nelson Collection of American Indian Art, an acquisition that opened new programmatic territories. By establishing a modestly comprehensive historical canon, the Nelson collection opened the museum to build upon it by collecting contemporary American Indian arts.Beyond its region's borders, Tweed enjoys relationships with museums around the world. Artwork circulates from the Tweed collection both nationally and internationally. Recent world exhibitions featuring artwork from Tweed's collection have taken place at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, at the Prado in Madrid, at the Complesso del Vittoriano in Rome, and at prefectural museums throughout Japan.

Eskenazi Museum of Art

ブルーミントン (インディアナ州)

The Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University opened in 1941 under the direction of Henry Radford Hope. The museum was intended to be the center of a “cultural crossroads,” an idea brought forth by then-Indiana University President Herman B Wells. The present museum building was designed by I.M. Pei and Partners and dedicated in 1982. The museum's collection comprises approximately 45,000 objects, with about 1,400 on display. The collection includes items ranging from ancient jewelry and paintings by Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock. In May 2016, after the announcement of the largest cash gift in the museum's history, the museum was renamed the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art in honor of Indianapolis-based philanthropists Sidney and Lois Eskenazi The museum is located on the Indiana University Bloomington campus at 1133 E. Seventh Street. As of May 15, 2017, the museum has been closed to the public for renovations to add additional gallery and teaching spaces and visitor amenities. The museum has been reopened to the public since November 7, 2019.

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

サラソータ (フロリダ州)

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is the state art museum of Florida, located in Sarasota, Florida. It was established in 1927 as the legacy of Mable Burton Ringling and John Ringling for the people of Florida. Florida State University assumed governance of the Museum in 2000.Designated as the official state art museum for Florida, the institution offers twenty-one galleries of European paintings as well as Cypriot antiquities and Asian, American, and contemporary art. The museum's art collection currently consists of more than 10,000 objects that include a variety of paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, photographs, and decorative arts from ancient through contemporary periods and from around the world. The most celebrated items in the museum are 16th–20th-century European paintings, including a world-renowned collection of Peter Paul Rubens paintings. Other artists represented include Benjamin West, Marcel Duchamp, Diego Velázquez, Paolo Veronese, Rosa Bonheur, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Giuliano Finelli, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Frans Hals, Nicolas Poussin, Joseph Wright of Derby, Thomas Gainsborough, Eugène Boudin, and Benedetto Pagni. In all, more than 150,000 square feet have been added to the campus, which includes the art museum, circus museum, and Ca' d'Zan, the Ringlings' mansion, which has been restored, along with the historic Asolo Theater. New additions to the campus include the McKay Visitor's Pavilion, the Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion exhibiting studio glass art, the Johnson-Blalock Education Building housing The Ringling Art Library and Cuneo Conservation Lab, the Tibbals Learning Center complete with a miniature circus, the Searing Wing, a 30,000-square-foot gallery for special exhibitions attached to the art museum, the Chao Center for Asian Art, and the Monda Gallery for Contemporary Art.

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

ブランズウィック (メイン州)

The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is an art museum located in Brunswick, Maine. Included on the National Register of Historic Places, the museum is located in a building on the campus of Bowdoin College designed by the architectural firm McKim, Mead, and White.

Farnsworth Art Museum

ロックランド (メイン州)

The Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine, United States, is an art museum that specializes in American art. Its permanent collection includes works by such artists as Gilbert Stuart, Thomas Sully, Thomas Eakins, Eastman Johnson, Fitz Henry Lane, Frank Benson, Childe Hassam, and Maurice Prendergast, as well as a significant collection of works by the 20th-century sculptor Louise Nevelson. Four galleries are devoted to contemporary art. The museum's mission is to celebrate Maine's role in American art. It has one of the nation's largest collections of the paintings of the Wyeth family: N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, and Jamie Wyeth. The museum owns and operates the Olson House in Cushing, inspiration for Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World painting. The museum also owns the Farnsworth Homestead, the Rockland home of its founder Lucy Farnsworth. The museum's building was built in 1948 to designs by Wadsworth, Boston & Tuttle of Portland.

Mariners' Museum and Park


The Mariners' Museum and Park is located in Newport News, Virginia, United States. Designated as America’s National Maritime Museum by Congress, it is one of the largest maritime museums in North America. The Mariners' Museum Library, contains the largest maritime history collection in the Western Hemisphere.

Memorial Art Gallery

ロチェスター (ニューヨーク州)

The Memorial Art Gallery is the civic art museum of Rochester, New York. Founded in 1913, it is part of the University of Rochester and occupies the southern half of the University's former Prince Street campus. It is the focal point of fine arts activity in the region and hosts the biennial Rochester-Finger Lakes Exhibition and the annual Clothesline Festival.