

アメリカ合衆国 United States of America 国の標語:E pluribus unum(1776年 - 現在)(ラテン語:多数からひとつへ)In God We Trust(1956年 - 現在)(英語:我ら神を信ずる) 国歌:The Star-Spangled Banner(英語)星条旗 アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英: United States of America, USA)、通称アメリカは、50の州および連邦区などからなる連邦共和制国家。日本語では音訳の「亜米利加」から一文字を取って、米国(べいこく)または米(べい)英語圏では合衆国を意味するUnited StatesまたはU.S.とも略称される。 首都コロンビア特別区(ワシントンD.C.)とアメリカ本土の48州はカナダとメキシコの間の北アメリカ中央に位置する。 アラスカ州は北アメリカ北西部の角に位置し、東ではカナダと、西ではベーリング海峡を挟んでロシアと国境を接している。ハワイ州は中部太平洋における島嶼群である。 同国は、太平洋とカリブに5つの有人の海外領土および9つの無人の海外領土を有する。985万km2の総面積は世界第3位または第4位、3億2,700万人の人口は世界第3位である。同国は世界で最も民族的に多様かつ多文化な国のひとつである。 同国は先進国かつ世界最大級の国民経済を有する。同国経済は、豊富な天然資源と高度な労働者の生産性により支えられている。同国経済は脱工業化社会だとされている一方、世界最大の製造国のうちのひとつであり続けている。同国は2018年で世界の軍事支出の36%を占め、世界最高位の経済・軍事大国であり、多大な影響を及ぼす政治・文化的勢力であり、科学研究・技術革新におけるリーダー的存在とされている。

Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art

セントジョセフ (ミズーリ州)

The Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art is an art museum located in St. Joseph, Missouri. The museum is in the former home of Mr. and Mrs. William Albrecht at 2818 Frederick Avenue. The Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art has an extensive collection of 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century American art. Through special exhibitions, educational programs, performance events and publications, the Albrecht-Kemper serves as a cultural arts center for Northwest Missouri.

Altadena Library District

Altadena, California

The Altadena Library District is an independent special district that serves the residents of Altadena, California, an unincorporated community north of Pasadena in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County. The district was formed in December 1926 under the provision of Sections 19600-19734 of the California Education Code. The district is supported by property taxes and governed by a locally elected Board of Library Trustees. according to a May, 2005 California State Department of Finance estimate, the District provides library services to a population of approximately 54,876 people. The system includes the main branch located at 600 E. Mariposa St., and the Bob Lucas Memorial Branch Library and Literacy Center located at 2659 Lincoln Avenue. In addition to the board and the staff, the Altadena Library has an active Friends of the Library which conducts an annual book sale and has a permanent store inside the library. The library has many special programs including summer reading programs, adult book clubs, wifi, a career center, the literacy center and a community room.



アメリカ自然史博物館(アメリカしぜんしはくぶつかん、英: American Museum of Natural History)は、ニューヨーク市マンハッタン区アッパー・ウエスト・サイドにある科学博物館。動植物、鉱物など自然科学・博物学に関わる多数の標本・資料を所蔵・公開している。1869年に設立され、現在、1,200名を超えるスタッフを擁し、毎年100を超える特別野外探査を主催している。

Anderson Center for the Arts

Anderson, Indiana

The Anderson Center for the Arts is located in downtown Anderson, Indiana at 32 West 10th Street in the former Carnegie Library building built partly in honor of educator and railroad executive John Byers Anderson. The building, as Carnegie Public Library, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Annmary Brown Memorial

プロビデンス (ロードアイランド州)

Annmary Brown Memorial is an art museum, library and mausoleum at Brown University. It is located at 21 Brown Street in Providence, Rhode Island. It is one of six libraries comprising the University Library system. Before merging with the university in 1948, the museum was founded as an independent collection by General Rush Hawkins and his wife, Annmary Brown. The Hawkinses are interred in a crypt at the building. The building was constructed in 1903 by architect Norman Isham. Today, the museum features a wide array of art from around the world.The building housed a well known collection of 450 incunabula for many years. In 1990, the collection was moved to the John Hay Library.

Appleton Museum of Art

オカラ (フロリダ州)

The Appleton Museum of Art is an art museum located in Ocala, Florida. It is affiliated with and governed by the College of Central Florida and has been since 2004. The Appleton Museum of Art houses a permanent collection of around 18,000 works including art and artifacts representative of European, American, Asian, African, Contemporary and pre-Columbian styles. It also displays certain exhibits on a temporary basis throughout the year. The museum collects works specifically from Florida artists and showcases history and progression of Central Florida culture.

Aquinas College (Michigan)

Grand Rapids Charter Township, Michigan

Aquinas College is a small, Roman Catholic, liberal arts college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States. The College was ranked among the "Best Regional Universities – Midwest" by U.S. News & World Report in 2012.

Arizona State University Art Museum

テンピ (アリゾナ州)

The Arizona State University Art Museum is an art museum operated by Arizona State University, located on its main campus in Tempe, Arizona. The Art Museum has some 12,000 objects in its permanent collection and describes its primary focuses as contemporary art, including new media and "innovative methods of presentation"; crafts, with an emphasis on American ceramics; historic and contemporary prints; art from Arizona and the Southwestern United States, with an emphasis on Latino artists, and art of the Americas, with one historic American pieces and modernist and contemporary Latin American works.The art collection was established in 1950. The current director of the Art Museum is Miki Garcia. The director of the museum reports to the dean of the ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, and community members are represented through the museum's Creative Impact Board. The museum is located in two buildings. The main exhibition space is the Nelson Fine Arts Center, designed by architect Antoine Predock. A second museum facility, the Ceramics Research Center lies to the north, on 7th Street and Mill Ave in the Brickyard Engineering Building. Admission to the museum is free. Parking at the main museum is free if you use the reserved spaces directly in front of the museum. Parking at the Brickyard location is metered.

Arnot Art Museum


Arnot Art Museum, opened 1913, is a municipal art museum located at 235 Lake Street in Elmira, New York. Its permanent collection includes 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century European paintings; and 19th- and 20th-century American art. Its 21st-century collection focuses on contemporary representational art. The building is a contributing property in the Elmira Civic Historic District.