

アメリカ合衆国 United States of America 国の標語:E pluribus unum(1776年 - 現在)(ラテン語:多数からひとつへ)In God We Trust(1956年 - 現在)(英語:我ら神を信ずる) 国歌:The Star-Spangled Banner(英語)星条旗 アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英: United States of America, USA)、通称アメリカは、50の州および連邦区などからなる連邦共和制国家。日本語では音訳の「亜米利加」から一文字を取って、米国(べいこく)または米(べい)英語圏では合衆国を意味するUnited StatesまたはU.S.とも略称される。 首都コロンビア特別区(ワシントンD.C.)とアメリカ本土の48州はカナダとメキシコの間の北アメリカ中央に位置する。 アラスカ州は北アメリカ北西部の角に位置し、東ではカナダと、西ではベーリング海峡を挟んでロシアと国境を接している。ハワイ州は中部太平洋における島嶼群である。 同国は、太平洋とカリブに5つの有人の海外領土および9つの無人の海外領土を有する。985万km2の総面積は世界第3位または第4位、3億2,700万人の人口は世界第3位である。同国は世界で最も民族的に多様かつ多文化な国のひとつである。 同国は先進国かつ世界最大級の国民経済を有する。同国経済は、豊富な天然資源と高度な労働者の生産性により支えられている。同国経済は脱工業化社会だとされている一方、世界最大の製造国のうちのひとつであり続けている。同国は2018年で世界の軍事支出の36%を占め、世界最高位の経済・軍事大国であり、多大な影響を及ぼす政治・文化的勢力であり、科学研究・技術革新におけるリーダー的存在とされている。

Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)

グレンデール (カリフォルニア州)

Forest Lawn Memorial Park is a privately owned cemetery in Glendale, California. It is the original and current flagship location of Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks & Mortuaries, a chain of six cemeteries and four additional mortuaries in Southern California.

Forsyth Wickes


Forsyth Wickes was an art collector and philanthropist.

Fort Wayne Museum of Art


The Fort Wayne Museum of Art is an American art museum located in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, Allen County, United States. The Fort Wayne Museum of Art contains permanent collections and national traveling exhibitions and is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. FWMoA annually receives about 100,000 visitors.

Gardena High School

ガーデナ (カリフォルニア州)

Garden High School is a private, English-medium, co-educational school in Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It was established in 2000 by the Satikanta Guha Foundation.

Glensheen Historic Estate

ダルース (ミネソタ州)

Glensheen, the Historic Congdon Estate is a 20,000 square foot mansion in Duluth, Minnesota, United States, operated by the University of Minnesota Duluth as a historic house museum. Glensheen sits on 12 acres of waterfront property on Lake Superior, has 39 rooms and is built in the Jacobean architectural tradition, inspired by the Beaux-Arts styles of the era. The mansion was constructed as the family home of Chester Adgate Congdon. The building was designed by Minnesota architect Clarence H. Johnston Sr., with interiors designed by William A. French Co. and the formal terraced garden and English style landscape designed by the Charles Wellford Leavitt firm out of New York. Construction began in 1905 and completed in 1908. The home cost a total of $854,000, equivalent to more than $22 million in 2017. The home is a crowning example of design and craftmanship of the Midwest in the early 20th century.

Grey Art Gallery


The Grey Art Gallery is New York University’s fine art museum, located on historic Washington Square Park, in New York City's Greenwich Village. As a university art museum, the Grey Art Gallery functions to collect, preserve, study, document, interpret, and exhibit the evidence of human culture. While these goals are common to all museums, the Grey distinguishes itself by emphasizing art's historical, cultural, and social contexts, with experimentation and interpretation as integral parts of programmatic planning. Thus, in addition to being a place to view the objects of material culture, the Gallery serves as a museum-laboratory in which a broader view of an object's environment enriches our understanding of its contribution to civilization. In 1974, Abby Weed Grey established the Grey Art Gallery at New York University, both as a permanent home for her art collection and to promote international artistic exchange in an academic setting. The museum opened to the public in 1975. The Abby Weed Grey Collection of Modern Asian and Middle Eastern Art at NYU comprises some 700 works produced by artists from countries as diverse as Japan, Thailand, India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and Israel. Mrs. Grey's vision was bold and simple: one world through art. Believe that art, as a universal language, could serve as a potent vehicle for knowledge, communication, and understanding, Mrs. Grey formed this unique collection while traveling in Asia and the Middle East in the 1960s and '70s. The Abby Weed Grey Collection constitutes the largest institutional holdings of modern Iranian and Turkish art outside those countries.The Grey Art Gallery also oversees the art collection of New York University. Founded in 1958 with the acquisition of Francis Picabia's Resonateur and Fritz Glarner's Relational Painting , the NYU Art Collection comprises approximately 5,000 works, mainly dating from the 19th and 20th centuries, such as Pablo Picasso's Bust of Sylvette , currently installed at University Village ; Joseph Cornell's Chocolat Menier ; and works by Henri Matisse, Joan Mirò, and Ilya Bolotowsky, as well as Romare Bearden, Arshile Gorky, Adolph Gottlieb, Kenneth Noland, Jane Freilicher, Ad Reinhardt, and Alex Katz, among many others.

Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art


The Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, sometimes referred to simply as "the Haggerty", is located at 13th and Clybourn Streets on the campus of Marquette University in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. The museum opened in 1984 following a university collaborative effort that was chaired by professor Curtis L. Carter. The construction site was decorated by a mural called Construction Fence by American artist and social activist, Keith Haring. The construction of the museum was made possible by a donation from alumnus and co-founder of Texas Instruments, Inc., Patrick E. Haggerty, and his wife, Beatrice, for whom the museum is named. Haggerty and his wife donated an art collection to the university. Another important benefactor of the museum is David A. Straz, Jr., a Marquette alumnus and philanthropist. The current director of the Haggerty is Susan Longhenry.

The Players (New York City)


The Players, or the Players Club, is a private social club founded in New York City by the noted 19th-century Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth. In 1888, Booth purchased an 1847 mansion at 16 Gramercy Park, reserved an upper floor for his residence, and turned the rest into a clubhouse. The building's interior and part of its exterior were designed by architect Stanford White; its entryway gaslights are among the few remaining examples in New York City. It is reportedly the oldest club in its original clubhouse and was named a National Historic Landmark in 1962.The Players serves as a social club but is also a repository of American and British theatre history, memorabilia, and theatrical artifacts. It has been reported to have the largest private collection of stage memorabilia, including costumes and weaponry, and owns portraits of its members, most notably a portrait of actor Joseph Jefferson painted by John Singer Sargent. A portrait of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, hangs in Edwin Booth's suite, along with the letter Edwin wrote to the public apologizing for the actions of his brother.Today, the club still holds "Pipe Nights" honoring theatrical notables, and maintains a kitchen and wine cellar and a billiard table in its usually busy Grill Room. In the Dining Room, filled with portraits of theatre and film notables and rare playbills from the 19th and 20th centuries, a small stage has been built where members and people of the theatre can be honored; staged readings can take place and new works tried out. The Players also gives the prestigious "Edwin Booth Life Achievement Award" to actors who have had a long, important body of theatre and film work. Past recipients include Helen Hayes, José Ferrer, Garson Kanin, Christopher Plummer, Jason Robards, Jack Lemmon, and Marian Seldes. In June 2007, Angela Lansbury was the recipient, and Edward Albee received it on September 30, 2007.

Hampton University Museum

ハンプトン (バージニア州)

Hampton University is a private historically black university in Hampton, Virginia. It was founded in 1868 by black and white leaders of the American Missionary Association after the American Civil War to provide education to freedmen. It is home to the Hampton University Museum, which is the oldest museum of the African diaspora in the United States, and the oldest museum in the commonwealth of Virginia. In 1878, it established a program for teaching Native Americans that lasted until 1923. It is classified among "R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity".