
ブルーミントン (インディアナ州) / アメリカ合衆国

ブルーミントン はアメリカ合衆国インディアナ州南部にあるモンロー郡に位置する都市である。2010年現在の国勢調査で、この都市は総人口80,405人である(2017年の推計は85,070人)インディアナ州で7番目に大きな人口をもつ都市である。この都市はモンロー郡の郡庁所在地である。1818年にケンタッキー、テネシー、カロライナおよびバージニアからの開拓者により設立された町で、当時は町に咲き誇る花々を目にした他地方からの開拓者が"花の天国”と、この地方に感銘をうけたことにちなんで命名されたと考えられている。 ブルーミントンには、州内に8キャンパスを擁するインディアナ大学システム(総登録学生数91,515人; 2018年)の本部がおかれているブルーミントンキャンパス(登録学生数 42,937人; 2018年度)がある。ここはまたキンゼイ研究所(en:Kinsey Institute)の本拠地となっており、全米屈指の音楽学校の一つであるジェイコブズ音楽院の所在地である。都市の人口の大半が大学の学生および教職員からなる典型的な大学町であり大学やその関連施設で働いている市民が多い。そのため感謝祭の時期や冬休みなど学生がこぞって里帰りする期間は町の人口が一気に激減する(夏は夏期講習を受ける生徒がそこそこいるためそこまで激減はしない)。 インディアナ大学で行われる自転車競技を主題としたアカデミー脚本賞受賞映画『ヤング・ゼネレーション』の舞台である。『スタートレック:ヴォイジャー』の主人公キャスリン・ジェインウェイ艦長の故郷。

Eskenazi Museum of Art

ブルーミントン (インディアナ州) / アメリカ合衆国

The Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University opened in 1941 under the direction of Henry Radford Hope. The museum was intended to be the center of a “cultural crossroads,” an idea brought forth by then-Indiana University President Herman B Wells. The present museum building was designed by I.M. Pei and Partners and dedicated in 1982. The museum's collection comprises approximately 45,000 objects, with about 1,400 on display. The collection includes items ranging from ancient jewelry and paintings by Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock. In May 2016, after the announcement of the largest cash gift in the museum's history, the museum was renamed the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art in honor of Indianapolis-based philanthropists Sidney and Lois Eskenazi The museum is located on the Indiana University Bloomington campus at 1133 E. Seventh Street. As of May 15, 2017, the museum has been closed to the public for renovations to add additional gallery and teaching spaces and visitor amenities. The museum has been reopened to the public since November 7, 2019.

Indiana Memorial Union

ブルーミントン (インディアナ州) / アメリカ合衆国

The Indiana Memorial Union is a student union building at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana United States. It is located at 900 E 7th Street, facing the Jordan River and the Dunn Meadow. The Indiana Memorial Union was dedicated on June 13, 1932. At nearly 500,000 square feet , it is one of the world's largest student unions. The IMU contains a hotel, restaurants, a bookstore, a bowling alley, a movie theater, a beauty salon, an electronics store and gathering spaces for lecturers, meetings, conferences and performances. The building also houses IU's student government offices within the Student Activities Tower, where as many as 50 campus organizations conduct regular meetings.Initial construction of the building took place from 1931–1932, and was designed by the firm Granger and Bollenbacher. The Biddle Hotel and Conference Center was added in 1960. The wing contains 189 guest rooms and over 50,000 square feet of meeting space. The IMU hosts more than 17,000 events every year.On the first floor of the IMU the Memorial Room pays tribute to members of the Indiana University community that have served in the U.S. military. Contained within this room is the Golden Book, which contains the names of IU's service members going back to the War of 1812.John Whittenberger, a student, founded the Indiana Union in 1909. Every student at Indiana University's Bloomington campus is a member of the Indiana Memorial Union by default. The Indiana Memorial Union Board is the governing body of the Indiana Memorial Union. The Union Board is led by a group of 16 student directors, a faculty representative, an administrative representative, an alumni representative, and the Executive Director of the Indiana Memorial Union. This 20-person committee is known as the Union Board of Directors.