
Doylestown, Pennsylvania / アメリカ合衆国

バックス郡(英: Bucks County)は、アメリカ合衆国ペンシルベニア州の南東隅、デラウェア・バレーに位置する郡である。2010年国勢調査での人口は625,249人であり、2000年の597,635人から4.6%増加した。人口では州内第4位、国内第95位の郡である。郡庁所在地はドイルスタウン・ボロ(人口8,380人)であり、同郡で人口最大の自治体はベンセイラム・タウンシップ(人口60,427人)である。郡名はイングランドのバッキンガムシャーから採られた。

James A. Michener Art Museum

Doylestown, Pennsylvania / アメリカ合衆国

The Michener Art Museum is a private, non-profit museum in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, founded in 1988 and named for the Pulitzer Prize–winning writer James A. Michener, a Doylestown resident. It is situated within the old stone walls of a historic 19th-century prison and houses a collection of Bucks County visual arts, along with holdings of 19th- and 20th-century American art. It is noted for its Pennsylvania Impressionism collection, an art colony centered in nearby New Hope during the early 20th century, as well as its changing exhibitions, ranging from international touring shows to regionally focused exhibitions.

Mercer Museum

Doylestown, Pennsylvania / アメリカ合衆国

The Mercer Museum is a museum located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States. The Bucks County Historical Society operates the Mercer Museum, as well as the Research Library, and Fonthill Castle, former home of the museum's founder, archeologist Henry Chapman Mercer. The museum was individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972, and was later included in a National Historic Landmark District along with the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works and Fonthill. These three structures are the only poured-in-place concrete structures built by Mercer.