
ダルース (ミネソタ州) / アメリカ合衆国

ダルース(Duluth)は、アメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州北東部に位置する都市。同州セントルイス郡の郡庁所在地である。市域人口は86,265人(2010年国勢調査)で、ミネアポリス、セントポール、ロチェスターに次ぐ州第4の都市である。南に隣接するウィスコンシン州スペリオル市とともに形成している都市圏は4郡にまたがり、290,637人(2010年国勢調査)の人口を抱える。市名は17世紀にこの一帯を探索した初めてのヨーロッパ人となった、フランスの軍人ダニエル・グレイソロン(Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Lhut)にちなんでいる。周辺に住むネイティブ・アメリカンのオジブワ族の言語では、ダルースはオニガミインシング(Onigamiinsing)と呼ばれている。 ダルースは五大湖のひとつ、スペリオル湖の最西端に位置する港湾都市である。ダルース港は世界有数の鉄山であるメサビ鉄山からの鉄鉱石・タコナイトの積出港であり、五大湖・セントローレンス海路で最も重要な港湾のひとつとなっている。ダルース港は世界で最も内陸にある港湾で、大西洋のセントローレンス川河口からは約3,700km離れている。ダルースで積みこまれた鉄鉱石は五大湖・セントローレンス海路を下って、また同水路に通ずる運河を経由して国内外へと運ばれていく。 一方、夏の涼しいダルースでは観光化も進んでいる。主な名所としては、ダルース港とスペリオル湖とをつなぐ運河沿いに整備されたキャナル・パークと、港の入り口に架かるエアリアル橋が挙げられる。またダルース市内には、全盛期を偲ぶことのできる歴史的建造物がいくつか残っている。 また、ダルースはボブ・ディランの生まれた町としても知られている。しかし、ディランは少年期のほとんどをダルースではなく、メサビ鉄山の鉱山町ヒビングで過ごした。

Tweed Museum of Art

ダルース (ミネソタ州) / アメリカ合衆国

The Tweed Museum of Art is a museum on the campus of the University of Minnesota Duluth, in Duluth, Minnesota, United States. The Tweed Museum of Art was established in 1950 when Alice Tweed Tuohy, widow of George P. Tweed, donated their house and an approximately 500-piece American and European art collection to the University of Minnesota Duluth to enrich the lives of the people in the academic and civic communities of the region. Following its initial operation out of the Tweed home from 1950 to 1958, a museum facility was constructed on the UMD campus in 1958, with funds donated primarily by Mrs. Tweed and her daughter, Bernice Brickson. The museum has been expanded and renovated four times between 1965 and 2008. Today, the museum operates in a 33,000-square-foot facility with 15,000 square feet of exhibit space, and offers nine galleries to service an average of 33,000 visitors each year. Of artistic, cultural, regional and historical significance, the collection is the focus of all museum activities. It contains 15th–21st-century European, American and world art in all media by artists of regional, national and international importance, including outstanding work by artists from the Upper Midwest and Minnesota. Artists in the collection include Thomas Hart Benton, Charles Biederman, Frederick Childe Hassam, Anna Hyatt Huntington, Jean-Francois Millet, Robert Motherwell, Robert Priseman, John Henry Twachtman and Helen Turner. The Tweed contains the largest collection of paintings by the American landscape artist Gilbert Munger.The collection also features painting and illustrations about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that were donated by the Potlatch Corp., including works by Arnold Friberg.In 2007, the museum acquired the Richard E. and Dorothy Rawlings Nelson Collection of American Indian Art, an acquisition that opened new programmatic territories. By establishing a modestly comprehensive historical canon, the Nelson collection opened the museum to build upon it by collecting contemporary American Indian arts.Beyond its region's borders, Tweed enjoys relationships with museums around the world. Artwork circulates from the Tweed collection both nationally and internationally. Recent world exhibitions featuring artwork from Tweed's collection have taken place at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, at the Prado in Madrid, at the Complesso del Vittoriano in Rome, and at prefectural museums throughout Japan.

Duluth Public Library

ダルース (ミネソタ州) / アメリカ合衆国

The Duluth Public Library is a library in downtown Duluth, Minnesota. It is a part of the Arrowhead Library System and serves a population of 86,319.

Glensheen Historic Estate

ダルース (ミネソタ州) / アメリカ合衆国

Glensheen, the Historic Congdon Estate is a 20,000 square foot mansion in Duluth, Minnesota, United States, operated by the University of Minnesota Duluth as a historic house museum. Glensheen sits on 12 acres of waterfront property on Lake Superior, has 39 rooms and is built in the Jacobean architectural tradition, inspired by the Beaux-Arts styles of the era. The mansion was constructed as the family home of Chester Adgate Congdon. The building was designed by Minnesota architect Clarence H. Johnston Sr., with interiors designed by William A. French Co. and the formal terraced garden and English style landscape designed by the Charles Wellford Leavitt firm out of New York. Construction began in 1905 and completed in 1908. The home cost a total of $854,000, equivalent to more than $22 million in 2017. The home is a crowning example of design and craftmanship of the Midwest in the early 20th century.