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Os 100 melhores museus

Museu Pushkin



O Museu Estatal Pushkin de Belas Artes é o maior museu de Moscou dedicado à arte europeia, e um dos maiores do mundo neste gênero.

Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain

Provença-Alpes-Costa Azul


The Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain , also known as MAMAC, is a museum dedicated to modern art and contemporary art. It opened on 21 June 1990, in Nice, France.

Galeria Nacional de Arte Antiga

Lácio (região moderna)


Gallerie Nazionali d'Arte Antica ou Galeria Nacional de Arte Antiga é uma galeria de arte em Roma, Itália, localizada em dois espaços: no Palazzo Barberini e no Palazzo Corsini.O Palazzo Barberini foi projetado para o papa Urbano VIII, da família Barberini, pelo arquiteto italiano Carlo Maderno no local da antiga Villa Sforza. Seu salão central foi decorado por Pietro da Cortona com o panegírico visual da "Alegoria da Divina Providência e do Poder Barberini" para glorificar a família patrocinadora. O Palazzo Corsini, conhecido antigamente como Palazzo Riario, é um palácio do século XV reconstruído no século XVIII pelo arquiteto Ferdinando Fuga para o cardeal Neri Maria Corsini.

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

São Francisco (Califórnia)

Estados Unidos

O Museu de Belas Artes de São Francisco , que inclui o Young Museum no Golden Gate Park e a Legion of Honor no Lincoln Park, é a maior instituição pública de artes da cidade de San Francisco . O acervo permanente dos Museus de Belas Artes, com cerca de 150 mil objetos, está organizado em nove áreas, cada uma com uma equipe de curadoria .

Brotherton Library


Reino Unido

The Brotherton Library is a 1936 Grade II listed Beaux-Arts building with some art deco fittings, located on the main campus of the University of Leeds. It was designed by the firm of Lanchester & Lodge, and is named after Edward Brotherton, 1st Baron Brotherton, who in 1927 donated £100,000 to the university as funding for its first purpose-built library. The Brotherton Library is a hub in what has become Leeds University Library. Initially, it contained all of the university's books and manuscripts, with the exception of books housed in the separate Medical Library and Clothworkers' Library. Its contents cover the main collections in arts and languages and the Special Collections' Research Centre. It also houses part of the University Library's administration. Science, engineering and social science research collections are located in the Edward Boyle Library, opened in 1975. The Laidlaw Library opened in 2015 contains core texts for undergraduates and a high demand collection. The Health Sciences Library, housed in the Worsley Building since 1977, contains the University Library's medical and related collections, with a small satellite library at St James's University Hospital. Leeds University Library is also responsible for the University Archives, the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, the Treasures Gallery and the International Textile Collection.

Museu Nacional de Arte da Dinamarca

Região da Capital (Dinamarca)


O Museu Nacional de Arte , localizado em Copenhague, é um dos principais museus da Dinamarca. Possui mais de 250 mil peças distribuídas entre pinturas, obras em papel e estatuária, compondo um amplo panorama da arte ocidental desde o Renascimento até a contemporaneidade, com algumas obras ainda mais antigas. Recentemente o Museu foi fundido com a Biblioteca Nacional de Arte. Seu prédio original foi construído entre 1889 e 1896, com projeto de Wilhelm Dahlerup e G.E.W. Møller, seguindo modelos da Renascença italiana em uma interpretação eclética. Sofrendo com a falta de espaço expositivo desde sua fundação, nos anos 60 a coleção de cópias de esculturas foi transferida para um prédio especial próximo ao Palácio Real de Amalienborg. Na década de 1970 a área disponível foi aumentada com a cobetura do pátio interno. Em 1998 foi acrescentada uma nova ala no jardim atrás do museu, com projeto de Maria Indrio e Mads Møller numa arquitetura contemporânea, com uma galeria envidraçada de comunicação com a sede antiga, chamada de "avenida das esculturas".

Examination Schools


Reino Unido

The Examination Schools of the University of Oxford are located at 75–81 High Street, Oxford, England. The building was designed by Sir Thomas Jackson , who also designed the cricket pavilion in the University Parks. The designs for the building were prepared in 1876 and it was completed in 1882, in Clipsham stone. The Examination Schools building is Grade II listed.During the First World War, the Examination Schools together with Somerville College and other Oxford buildings were requisitioned by the War Office to create the 3rd Southern General Hospital, a facility for the Royal Army Medical Corps to treat military casualties. The headquarters of the hospital were at the Examination Schools.The main purpose of the Schools is for the organisation and administration of the university examinations. Many of the final and other examinations for the University's students take place in the building, especially during Trinity Term. There is access to the building from both the High Street and Merton Street. Traditionally there have been parties in the street by students who have finished their exams, although the University tries to take measures to prevent this. At their height, traffic has been disrupted in the High Street. In Michaelmas Term, the Examination Schools are host to the university's Freshers' Fair. The building provides a major lecturing facility for the University and is also used as a meeting and conference venue outside term time. It is one of the largest buildings owned by the University. The Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art is located at 74 High Street to the east of the Examination Schools and University College is to the west.

The Hepworth Wakefield


Reino Unido

The Hepworth Wakefield is an art museum in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, which opened on 21 May 2011. The gallery is situated on the south side of the River Calder and takes its name from artist and sculptor Barbara Hepworth who was born and educated in the city.The gallery was designed by British architect David Chipperfield, who won an architectural design competition managed by RIBA Competitions and was built by Laing O'Rourke with funding from Wakefield Council, Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Yorkshire Forward, the Homes and Communities Agency, and the European Regional Development Fund have also supported the building of the gallery alongside a number of charitable trusts, corporations and private individuals. The Hepworth Wakefield is a registered charity under English law.The gallery cost £35 million to build. Five weeks after opening it had received 100,000 visitors. In May 2012 it celebrated its first birthday, having received over 500,000 visitors in the year. In October 2015, the gallery launched the £30,000 biennial Hepworth Prize for Sculpture as part of the celebrations marking its 5th anniversary.

Museu Nacional de Belas-Artes da Suécia

Estocolmo (comuna)


O Museu Nacional de Belas-Artes é um dos mais importantes museus de arte da Suécia. Localizado em Estocolmo, a capital do país, este museu alberga impressionantes colecções de arte europeia.

Museu da Ciência (Londres)


Reino Unido

O Museu da Ciência é um dos três principais museus em Exhibition Road, South Kensington, Londres. Foi fundado em 1857 e é hoje um das principais atrações turísticas da cidade, com mais de 3,3 milhões de visitantes anuais , sendo o 6° museu mais visitado do Reino Unido.À semelhança de outros museus nacionais com financiamento público no Reino Unido, o Science Museum não cobra entradas para visitação. Exibições temporárias, entretanto, podem ter uma taxa de entrada. Ele é parte do Science Museum Group, tendo se fundido ao Museum of Science and Industry, de Manchester, em 2012.

Dick Institute


Reino Unido

The Dick Institute is a museum in Kilmarnock, Scotland. It is an important cultural venue in the south-west of Scotland, featuring the largest museum and art gallery space in Ayrshire as well as the central library for East Ayrshire.

Galeria Nacional de Praga



Galeria Nacional de Praga é um museu de arte de Praga. Guarda a mais extensa coleção de arte da República Checa, espalhada por diferentes instalações e prédios históricos da cidade. O maior prédio é o Palácio de Feiras e Exposições , que abriga a coleção moderna. É um dos principais museus da Europa Central.

Hastings Museum and Art Gallery


Reino Unido

Hastings Museum & Art Gallery is a museum and art gallery located in, Hastings, East Sussex, England. Established in 1892, it originally resided in the Brassey Institute , but moved to its current location in 1927. As of 2019 it had around 97,000 objects of local history, natural sciences, fine and decorative arts, and world cultures.The early local history gallery recounts the history of the area from prehistory to the Saxons. Local wildlife is displayed in dioramas of different local habitats, and there is a dinosaur gallery. Other galleries include local wildlife and a Native North American collection, featuring the Plains and Sub-Arctic areas and the life of Hastings-born conservationist Archibald Belaney, who adopted the name "Grey Owl".

List of National Trust land in England

Thames, New Zealand

Nova Zelândia

This is a list of National Trust land in England. This is land that is looked after by the National Trust and includes coast, countryside and heritage landscapes. This does not include NT properties, unless they contain significant estate land. The list is subdivided using the National Trust's own system which divides England into nine regions. These are not the same as the official Regions of England. The counties of England are divided up as follows: Devon & Cornwall East of England Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, part of Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk East Midlands Derbyshire, Leicestershire, S Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland North West Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside South East East Sussex, Kent, Surrey, West Sussex Thames & Solent Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Greater London, Oxfordshire West Midlands Birmingham, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire Wessex Bristol / Bath, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire Yorkshire & North East County Durham, N Lincolnshire, Newcastle & Tyneside, Northumberland, Teesside, Yorkshire

List of National Trust land in England

Milford (Connecticut)

Estados Unidos

This is a list of National Trust land in England. This is land that is looked after by the National Trust and includes coast, countryside and heritage landscapes. This does not include NT properties, unless they contain significant estate land. The list is subdivided using the National Trust's own system which divides England into nine regions. These are not the same as the official Regions of England. The counties of England are divided up as follows: Devon & Cornwall East of England Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, part of Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk East Midlands Derbyshire, Leicestershire, S Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland North West Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside South East East Sussex, Kent, Surrey, West Sussex Thames & Solent Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Greater London, Oxfordshire West Midlands Birmingham, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire Wessex Bristol / Bath, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire Yorkshire & North East County Durham, N Lincolnshire, Newcastle & Tyneside, Northumberland, Teesside, Yorkshire

Kedleston Hall

Amber Valley

Reino Unido

Kedleston Hall é um palácio rural inglês situado no Derbyshire, aproximadamente quatro milhas a Noroeste de Derby. É a casa histórica da família Curzon. Actualmente é propriedade do National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty . A família Curzon possuiu a propriedade de Kedleston desde, pelo menos, 1297 e viveu numa sucessão de mansões e palácios próximo ou no próprio local do presente Kedleston Hall. O edifício actual foi encomendado por Sir Nathaniel Curzon em 1759. O palácio foi desenhado pelos arquitectos James Paine e Matthew Brettingham ao estilo Palladiano e foi livremente baseado numa planta original de Andrea Palladio para a nunca construída Villa Mocenigo. Nesta época Robert Adam, um relativamente pouco conhecido arquitecto, desenhava alguns templos de jardim para realçar a paisagem do parque; Curzon ficou tão impressionado com o desenho de Adam que rapidamente o encarregou da construção do novo palácio.

Galeria de Arte de Ontário



O Art Gallery of Ontario é um museu de arte no lado oriental do centro da Cidade de Toronto, Ontário, distrito de Chinatown, na Dundas Street West entre a McCaul Street e Beverley Street. Com 45.000 m² de espaço físico, o AGO é o oitavo maior museu de arte da América do Norte.