Procure museus e pinturas


França ), oficialmente República Francesa , é um país, ou, mais especificamente, um Estado unitário localizado na Europa Ocidental, com várias ilhas e territórios ultramarinos noutros continentes. A França Metropolitana estende-se do Mediterrâneo ao Canal da Mancha e Mar do Norte, e do rio Reno ao Oceano Atlântico. É muitas vezes referida como L'Hexagone por causa da forma geométrica do seu território e partilha fronteiras com a Bélgica e Luxemburgo a norte; Alemanha a nordeste; Suíça e Itália a leste; Espanha ao sul e com as micronações de Mônaco e Andorra. A nação é o maior país da União Europeia em área e o terceiro maior da Europa, atrás apenas da Rússia e da Ucrânia . Por cerca de meio milênio, o país tem sido uma grande potência, com forte influência econômica, cultural, militar e política no âmbito europeu e global. Durante muito tempo a França exerceu um papel de liderança e hegemonia na Europa . Ao longo daqueles dois séculos, a nação iniciou a colonização de várias áreas do planeta e, durante o século XIX e início do século XX, chegou a constituir o segundo maior império da história, o que incluía grande parte da América do Norte, África Central e Ocidental, Sudeste Asiático e muitas ilhas do Pacífico. É conhecida como a terra natal da primeira grande enciclopédia do mundo, a chamada Encyclopédie, formada por 35 volumes e publicada entre 1751 e 1766, em pleno iluminismo do século XVIII.O país tem seus principais ideais expressos na Declaração dos Direitos do Homem e do Cidadão. A República Francesa é definida como indivisível, laica, democrática e social pela sua constituição. A França é um dos países mais desenvolvidos do mundo, possui a quinta maior economia do mundo por produto interno bruto nominal, a nona maior por paridade do poder de compra e a segunda maior de toda a Europa. O país goza de um alto padrão de vida, bem como um elevado nível de escolaridade pública, além de ter uma das mais altas expectativas de vida do mundo. A França foi classificada como o melhor provedor de saúde pública do mundo pela Organização Mundial de Saúde . É o país mais visitado no mundo, recebendo 82 milhões de turistas estrangeiros por ano. O país tem o terceiro maior orçamento militar do mundo, a terceira maior força militar da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte e o maior exército da União Europeia , além de ser um dos cinco membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas e possuir o terceiro maior número de armas nucleares do mundo. O país é um dos membros fundadores da UE e possui a maior área e a segunda maior economia do bloco. É também membro fundador da Organização das Nações Unidas, além de ser membro da Francofonia, do G8, do G20, da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico , da Organização Mundial do Comércio e da União Latina.

Musée Bonnat

Baiona (França)

The Musée Bonnat-Helleu is an art museum in Bayonne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. The museum was created in 1901 when Bayonne-born painter Léon Bonnat gave his extensive personal collections of art – notably an exceptional drawing collection – as well as many of his paintings to the City of Bayonne. Subsequent donors enriched the collections of the Bonnat Museum with major gifts in 1936, 1989, 1997 and 2010, making its holdings one of the largest collections of art in southern France. The "Helleu" in its name refers to Paul César Helleu. The museum owns 181 works by Helleu, from a gift in 1989 and then a legacy in 2010 from Paulette Howard-Johnston, daughter of Helleu, and a legacy in 1997 from Ghislaine de Kermaingant.The Museum has been closed to the public for extensive renovation since April 2011. An architectural project intended to double the size of the museum will begin in early 2018, with the objective of opening the museum at the end of 2019.

Musée National d'Art Moderne

Ilha de França

The Musée National d'Art Moderne is the national museum for modern art of France. It is located in Paris and is housed in the Centre Pompidou in the 4th arrondissement of the city. It is among the most visited art museums in the world and one of the largest for modern and contemporary art. In 1937, the Musée National d'Art Moderne succeeded the Musée du Luxembourg, established in 1818 by King Louis XVIII as the first museum of contemporary art created in Europe, devoted to living artists whose work was due to join the Louvre 10 years after their death. Imagined as early as 1929 by Auguste Perret to replace the old Palais du Trocadero, the construction of a museum of modern art was officially decided in 1934 in the western wing of the Palais de Tokyo. Completed in 1937 for that year's International Exhibition of Arts and Technology, it was temporarily used for another purpose, since the exhibition of national and foreign art indépendant was then preferably held in the Petit Palais and the Musée du Jeu de Paume. Although due to open in 1939, construction was eventually interrupted by the war; following the nomination of its first Chief Conservator in September 1940, the museum partially opened in 1942 with only a third of the collection brought back from some national collection caches hidden in the province. But its real inauguration didn't take place until 1947, after World War II and the addition of the foreign schools collection of the Musée du Luxembourg, which had been held at the Musée du Jeu de Paume since 1922. In 1947, then housed in the Palais de Tokyo, its collection was dramatically increased by its first director, Jean Cassou, thanks to his special relationship with many prominent artists or their families, such as Picasso and Braque. With the creation of the Centre Pompidou, the museum moved to its current location in 1977. The museum has the second largest collection of modern and contemporary art in the world, after the Museum of Modern Art in New York, with more than 100,000 works of art by 6,400 artists from 90 countries since Fauvism in 1905. These works include painting, sculpture, drawing, print, photography, cinema, new media, architecture, and design. A part of the collection is exhibited every two years alternately in an 18,500-square-metre space divided between two floors, one for modern art , the other for contemporary art , and 5 exhibition halls, on a total of 28,000 m2 within the Centre Pompidou. The Atelier Brancusi is located in its own building adjacent to the museum.The works displayed in the museum often change in order to show to the public the variety and depth of the collection. Many major temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art have taken place on a separate floor over the years, among them many one-person exhibitions. Since 2010, the museum has also displayed unique, temporary exhibitions in its provincial branch, the Centre Pompidou-Metz, in a 10,000-square-metre space divided between 3 galleries and since 2015, in Málaga, Spain, and 2018, in Brussels, Belgium.

Autun Cathedral


The Cathedral of Saint Lazarus of Autun , commonly known as Autun Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Autun and a national monument of France. Famous for its Cluniac inspiration and its Romanesque sculptures by Gislebertus it is a highlight in Romanesque art in Burgundy and it is the seat of the Bishop of Autun. The Bishop of Autun set forth the construction of St. Lazarus Cathedral as a result of the large movement of pilgrims travelling to Vezelay as they progressed on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela.Due to social practices that involved pilgrims venerating the relics of saints in this period, the Bishop of Autun ordered the creation of a larger cathedral to house the relics and accommodate the influx of pilgrims into Autun. The column capitals and main façade of the church are embellished with realistic sculptures carved by Gislebertus. The artwork is a means of teaching the masses of Christian ethics with dramatic scenes of heaven and hell. Other features include a rare tympanum signed by Giselbertus of Autun.The Autun Cathedral is a magnificent display of Romanesque Art and Architecture. The sculptures created by Gislebertus successfully integrate biblical iconography relating to the new and old testament's with ease and amazing artistic ability. The size and quality of the tympanum of the Last Judgment, and the lintel of the Temptation of Eve are impressive and exquisitely detailed pieces of art. The Autun Cathedral remains on the highest elevation in Autun, France and is considered a fine example of the French Romanesque.

Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes


The Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes Musée des beaux-arts de Rennes) is a municipal museum of fine arts in the French city of Rennes, the capital of Brittany. Its collections range from ancient Egypt antiquities to the Modern art period and make the museum one of the most important in France outside Paris, notably for its paintings and drawings holdings.

Museu Jacquemart-André

Ilha de França

O museu Jacquemart-André, é um museu privado que pertence ao Instituto de França localisado num hotel particular no 8º arrondissement de Paris, próximo do Arco do Triunfo e por trás da avenida dos Campos Elíseos , no boulevard Haussmann, 158. O museu foi inaugurado em 1913, logo após a morte de Nélie Jacquemart, viúva de Édouard André, e apresenta a colecção de obras de arte reunidas pelo casal, entre 1864 e 1912.

Castelo de Pau

Pau (Pirenéus Atlânticos)

O Château de Pau é um castelo no centro da cidade de Pau, a capital dos Pirenéus Atlânticos e Béarne. Ele domina essa parte da cidade. Henrique IV de França e Navarra nasceu aqui em 13 de dezembro de 1553 e ele foi usado uma vez por Napoleão como uma casa de férias durante o seu período de poder.O castelo foi classificado como Monumento histórico da França desde 1840 pelo Ministério da Cultura francês. Atualmente contém uma coleção de tapeçarias.

Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner

Ilha de França

The Muséum national Jean-Jacques Henner is an art museum dedicated to the works of painter Jean-Jacques Henner , and located in the 17th arrondissement at 43, avenue de Villiers, Paris, France. The museum in housed within an 1878 mansion, formerly owned by the painter Guillaume Dubufe, acquired by Henner's niece in 1921. It was inaugurated as a museum in 1924, and became a national museum in 1943. Today the museum contains a large collection of paintings and drawings by Alsatian painter Jean-Jacques Henner, including some 1,000 sketches, documents, and souvenirs distributed in seven rooms on four floors of exhibition space. The collection includes more than 130 portraits, as well as mythical themes and figures in dream landscapes that approached Symbolism. Many studies are displayed with finished paintings, together with descriptions by major critics of the day.