Guildhall Art Gallery
Cidade de Londres / Reino Unido
The Guildhall Art Gallery houses the art collection of the City of London, England. It is a stone building in a semi-Gothic style intended to be sympathetic to the historic Guildhall, which is adjacent and to which it is connected internally.
robert besley ( 1794–1876 ) , senhor prefeito de londres ( 1869 )
John Edgar Williams
Tour virtual 3D Comprar
sir edward Bancos ( 1770–1835 ) , Construtor
William Patten
panorâmica paisagem
Philips De Koninck
William Adotivo Branco
John Prescott Knight
Verde-oliva Gertrude Veado ( 1897–1983 )
Edward Irvine Halliday
Eu e rex meus
John Gilbert
o manhã do Batalha de Agincourt
o Artist's Mão
Arthur Segal
o visitação
Luca Giordano
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