Guildhall Art Gallery
Cidade de Londres / Reino Unido
The Guildhall Art Gallery houses the art collection of the City of London, England. It is a stone building in a semi-Gothic style intended to be sympathetic to the historic Guildhall, which is adjacent and to which it is connected internally.
rainha charlotte ( 1744–1818 ) , rainha consorte de george iii
Allan Ramsay
Tour virtual 3D Comprar
asenino na uma bem
Arthur Segal
Santuário ( edward iv e Lancastrian Fugitivos no tewkesbury Abadia )
Richard Burchett
João Reay , Xerife de londres ( 1814–1815 )
James Lonsdale
sir thomas kelly , senhor prefeito de londres ( 1836 )
Mary Martha Pearson
Samuel Luke Fildes
Briseis Restaurado para Archilles ( depois de pedro Paulo Rubens )
Joseph Severn
Retrato de um Homem dentro de a sua estudar
Gerard Terborch Ii
a carta
William Mouat Loudan
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