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Kirkcaldy / Reino Unido

Kirkcaldy é a maior cidade da área de Fife, na Escócia. A população da cidade, de acordo com o Censo de 2001 está em torno de 46,912.[1]. Kirkcaldy é conhecida como The Lang Toun na língua escocesa. Tal nome deriva-se da expansão original da cidade como uma fina listra, paralela à costa marítima. Desde então a cidade se desenvolveu mais e mais na direção oposta ao mar, agregando a si comunidades anteriormente distintas, mas também grandes extensões de terra. Assim, o termo "The Lang Toun" é agora somente uma referência ao seu formato histórico. Acredita-se hoje em dia que o nome Kirkcaldy se derive das palavras do Bretão caer, que significa fortaleza, e caled, que significa dura, e a palavra do Galês dun, que também significa fortaleza [2]. Outras teorias envolvendo a palavra Scots kirk que significa igreja são menos acreditadas hoje em dia.

Kirkcaldy Galleries

Kirkcaldy / Reino Unido

Kirkcaldy Galleries is the main museum, library and exhibition space in Kirkcaldy in Fife, Scotland. The land for the town's museum and art gallery was donated by John Nairn on the former site of Balsusney House, the home of John Maxton. This was opened in 1925, with the first chairman of trustees local cloth-manufacturer businessman John Blyth, the maternal grandfather of politician Michael Portillo. The art gallery holds the largest collection of paintings by William McTaggart and Scottish Colourist Samuel Peploe aside from the National Galleries of Scotland. The museum contains many significant works by the Glasgow Boys. Situated on the ground floor, is the museum's award-winning permanent exhibition covering the town's industrial heritage. The museum also has a cafe which displays examples of Wemyss Ware pottery, made in the town from around the 1890s to 1930s.In 2012 Fife Council undertook a £2.5m refurbishment of the building, which reopened in June 2013. It now contains a museum, library, children's library, PC suite, cafe, gift shop, meeting rooms, museum, local family and history rooms and gallery spaces. The Galleries opening was attended by local author Val McDermid, Wolf from Gladiators, MP and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and artist Jack Vettriano. In 2015, Kirkcaldy Galleries became the first institution in Fife to display work by American photographer Diane Arbus.