Procure museus e pinturas

Londres / Reino Unido

Londres é a capital da Inglaterra e do Reino Unido. Por dois milênios, foi um grande povoado e sua história remonta à sua fundação pelos romanos, quando foi nomeada Londínio. O centro de Londres, a antiga City of London, também conhecida como The Square Mile ou The City, mantém suas fronteiras medievais. Pelo menos desde o século XIX, o nome "Londres" se refere à metrópole desenvolvida em torno desse núcleo. Hoje, a maior parte dessa conurbação constitui a região da Grande Londres, cuja área administrativa tem seu próprio prefeito eleito e assembleia.Londres é uma importante cidade global e é um dos maiores, mais importantes e influentes centros financeiros do mundo. O centro de Londres abriga a sede de mais da metade das 100 melhores companhias do Reino Unido e mais de 100 das 500 maiores da Europa. Londres possui forte influência na política, finanças, educação, entretenimento, mídia, moda, artes e cultura em geral, o que contribui para a sua posição global. É um importante destino turístico para visitantes nacionais e estrangeiros. Londres sediou os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1908, 1948 e 2012.Londres tem uma gama diversa de povos, culturas e religiões e mais de 300 idiomas são falados em seu território. Em julho de 2007, a população oficial era de 7 556 900 habitantes dentro dos limites de Londres, tornando-se o município mais populoso da União Europeia. Sua área urbana tem uma população de 8 278 251 habitantes, enquanto a região metropolitana tem uma população total estimada entre 12 milhões e 14 milhões de habitantes. O Metrô de Londres, administrado pela Transport for London, é a mais extensa rede ferroviária subterrânea do mundo, o Aeroporto de Londres Heathrow é o aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo em número de passageiros internacionais. e o espaço aéreo da cidade é o mais movimentado do qualquer outro centro urbano do mundo.A cidade possui quatro Patrimônios Mundiais: a Torre de Londres; os Reais Jardins Botânicos de Kew; o local que compreende o Palácio de Westminster, a Abadia de Westminster e a Igreja de Santa Margarida; e o local histórico de Greenwich . Outros marcos famosos incluem o Palácio de Buckingham, a London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, a Catedral de São Paulo, a Tower Bridge, a Trafalgar Square e o The Shard. Londres é a sede de inúmeros museus, galerias, bibliotecas e outras instituições culturais, como o Museu Britânico, a National Gallery, Tate Modern e a Biblioteca Britânica. O metrô de Londres é a mais antiga rede ferroviária subterrânea do mundo.

Museu da Ciência (Londres)

Londres / Reino Unido

O Museu da Ciência é um dos três principais museus em Exhibition Road, South Kensington, Londres. Foi fundado em 1857 e é hoje um das principais atrações turísticas da cidade, com mais de 3,3 milhões de visitantes anuais , sendo o 6° museu mais visitado do Reino Unido.À semelhança de outros museus nacionais com financiamento público no Reino Unido, o Science Museum não cobra entradas para visitação. Exibições temporárias, entretanto, podem ter uma taxa de entrada. Ele é parte do Science Museum Group, tendo se fundido ao Museum of Science and Industry, de Manchester, em 2012.

Bruce Castle

Londres / Reino Unido

Bruce Castle is a Grade I listed 16th-century manor house in Lordship Lane, Tottenham, London. It is named after the House of Bruce who formerly owned the land on which it is built. Believed to stand on the site of an earlier building, about which little is known, the current house is one of the oldest surviving English brick houses. It was remodelled in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The house has been home to Sir William Compton, the Barons Coleraine and Sir Rowland Hill, among others. After serving as a school during the 19th century, when a large extension was built to the west, it was converted into a museum exploring the history of the areas now constituting London Borough of Haringey and, on the strength of its connection with Sir Rowland Hill, the history of the Royal Mail. The building also houses the archives of the London Borough of Haringey. Since 1892 the grounds have been a public park, Tottenham's oldest.

William Morris Gallery

Londres / Reino Unido

The William Morris Gallery is a museum devoted to the life and works of William Morris, an English Arts and Crafts designer and early socialist. It is located in Walthamstow at Water House, a substantial Grade II* listed Georgian home. The extensive grounds of the building are a public park, known as Lloyd Park.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Londres / Reino Unido

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is a 430-bed teaching hospital located in Chelsea, London. Although the Hospital has been at its present site since only 1993, the Hospital has a rich history in that it serves as the new site for the Westminster Hospital. It is operated by Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and has close ties with Imperial College London. Many of the hospital's employees hold research contracts with Imperial College London, and the hospital plays an integral role in teaching students at Imperial College London.

South London Gallery

Londres / Reino Unido

The South London Gallery, founded 1891, is a public-funded gallery of contemporary art in Camberwell, London. Until 1992, it was known as the South London Art Gallery, and nowadays the acronym SLG is often used. Margot Heller became its director in 2001.

Royal College of Physicians

Londres / Reino Unido

The Royal College of Physicians is a British professional body dedicated to improving the practice of medicine, chiefly through the accreditation of physicians by examination. Founded in 1518, it set the first international standard in the classification of diseases, and its library contains medical texts of great historical interest. The college hosts four training faculties: the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, the Faculty for Pharmaceutical Medicine, the Faculty of Occupational Medicine and the Faculty of Physician Associates. The college is sometimes referred to as the Royal College of Physicians of London to differentiate it from other similarly named bodies. Its home in Regent's Park is one of the few post-war buildings to be granted Grade I listed status. In 2016 it was announced that the North of England centre of excellence was to be based at a new building in the Liverpool Knowledge Quarter in Liverpool. The new centre is set to open in 2020.

Orleans House

Londres / Reino Unido

The 4th House of Orléans , sometimes called the House of Bourbon-Orléans to distinguish it, is the fourth holder of a surname previously used by several branches of the Royal House of France, all descended in the legitimate male line from the dynasty's founder, Hugh Capet. The house was founded by Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, younger son of Louis XIII and younger brother of Louis XIV, the "Sun King". From 1709 until the French Revolution, the Orléans dukes were next in the order of succession to the French throne after members of the senior branch of the House of Bourbon, descended from Louis XIV. Although Louis XIV's direct descendants retained the throne, his brother Philippe's descendants flourished until the end of the French monarchy. The Orléanists held the French throne from 1830 to 1848 and are still pretenders to the French throne today.

St George's Hospital

Londres / Reino Unido

Construído em 1733, St George’s Hospital é um dos maiores hospitais universitários do Reino Unido. Partilha o seu site em Tooting, Inglaterra, com a Universidade St George, Londres, que forma todo o staff do serviço nacional de saúde e desenvolve importante investigação médica.

Museum of Freemasonry

Londres / Reino Unido

Museum of Freemasonry , based at Freemasons’ Hall, London, is a fully accredited museum since 2014, with a designated outstanding collection of national importance since 2007 and registered charitable trust since 1996. The facility encompasses a museum, library, and archive. The collections are composed of masonic ceremonial objects, jewellery, regalia, ceramics, glassware, silverware, clocks, furniture, books, prints and manuscripts relating to English freemasonry and its interactions with overseas lodges and orders. It also retains artefacts relating to other associated fraternal orders and friendly societies such as the Oddfellows, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Sons of the Phoenix and Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. The Museum is open to the public Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. Admission is free.