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Londres / Reino Unido

Londres é a capital da Inglaterra e do Reino Unido. Por dois milênios, foi um grande povoado e sua história remonta à sua fundação pelos romanos, quando foi nomeada Londínio. O centro de Londres, a antiga City of London, também conhecida como The Square Mile ou The City, mantém suas fronteiras medievais. Pelo menos desde o século XIX, o nome "Londres" se refere à metrópole desenvolvida em torno desse núcleo. Hoje, a maior parte dessa conurbação constitui a região da Grande Londres, cuja área administrativa tem seu próprio prefeito eleito e assembleia.Londres é uma importante cidade global e é um dos maiores, mais importantes e influentes centros financeiros do mundo. O centro de Londres abriga a sede de mais da metade das 100 melhores companhias do Reino Unido e mais de 100 das 500 maiores da Europa. Londres possui forte influência na política, finanças, educação, entretenimento, mídia, moda, artes e cultura em geral, o que contribui para a sua posição global. É um importante destino turístico para visitantes nacionais e estrangeiros. Londres sediou os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1908, 1948 e 2012.Londres tem uma gama diversa de povos, culturas e religiões e mais de 300 idiomas são falados em seu território. Em julho de 2007, a população oficial era de 7 556 900 habitantes dentro dos limites de Londres, tornando-se o município mais populoso da União Europeia. Sua área urbana tem uma população de 8 278 251 habitantes, enquanto a região metropolitana tem uma população total estimada entre 12 milhões e 14 milhões de habitantes. O Metrô de Londres, administrado pela Transport for London, é a mais extensa rede ferroviária subterrânea do mundo, o Aeroporto de Londres Heathrow é o aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo em número de passageiros internacionais. e o espaço aéreo da cidade é o mais movimentado do qualquer outro centro urbano do mundo.A cidade possui quatro Patrimônios Mundiais: a Torre de Londres; os Reais Jardins Botânicos de Kew; o local que compreende o Palácio de Westminster, a Abadia de Westminster e a Igreja de Santa Margarida; e o local histórico de Greenwich . Outros marcos famosos incluem o Palácio de Buckingham, a London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, a Catedral de São Paulo, a Tower Bridge, a Trafalgar Square e o The Shard. Londres é a sede de inúmeros museus, galerias, bibliotecas e outras instituições culturais, como o Museu Britânico, a National Gallery, Tate Modern e a Biblioteca Britânica. O metrô de Londres é a mais antiga rede ferroviária subterrânea do mundo.

Fulham Palace

Londres / Reino Unido

Fulham Palace, in Fulham, London, previously in the former English county of Middlesex, is a Grade I listed building with medieval origins and was formerly the principal residence of the Bishop of London. The site was the country home of the bishops from at least the 11th century until 1973. Though still owned by the Church of England, the palace is managed by the Fulham Palace Trust and houses a museum of its long history as well as restored historic rooms. It also has a large botanic garden and is situated next to Bishops Park. The palace garden is listed Grade II* on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.The Palace is open daily and is free to visit. According to figures released by the Fulham Palace Trust, over 390,000 people visited Fulham Palace in 2015/2016.

Highgate School

Londres / Reino Unido

Highgate School, formally Sir Roger Cholmeley's School at Highgate, is an English co-educational, fee-paying, independent day school, founded in 1565 in Highgate, London, England. It educates over 1,400 pupils in three sections – Highgate Pre-Preparatory School , Highgate junior school and the senior school – which together comprise the Highgate Foundation. As part of its wider work the charity was from 2010 a founding partner of the London Academy of Excellence and it is now also the principal education sponsor of an associated Academy, the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham, which opened in September 2017. The principal business sponsor is Tottenham Hotspur FC. The charity also funds the Chrysalis Partnership, a scheme supporting 26 state schools in six London boroughs.

Valence House Museum

Londres / Reino Unido

Valence House Museum is the only surviving of the five manor houses of Dagenham. The timber-framed museum building, partially surrounded by a moat, is situated in Valence Park off Becontree Avenue, in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, London, England. The building has been used as a manor house, a family home, a town hall, the headquarters of the library service and now houses a museum.

Greenwich Heritage Centre

Londres / Reino Unido

Greenwich Heritage Centre was a museum and local history resource centre in Woolwich, south-east London, England. It was established in 2003 by the London Borough of Greenwich and was run from 2014 by the Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust until the centre's closure in July 2018. The museum was based in a historic building in Artillery Square, in the Royal Arsenal complex, which was established in the 17th century as a repository and manufactory of heavy guns, ammunition and other military ware.

Harrow Arts Centre

Londres / Reino Unido

Harrow Arts Centre is a professional arts venue in the London Borough of Harrow. HAC is located in Hatch End, Harrow, North London, in the Elliott Hall and other buildings that were previously part of the Royal Commercial Travellers School. It is the only dedicated performing arts venue in the borough.

Headstone Manor and Museum

Londres / Reino Unido

The Harrow Museum, known as the Headstone Manor & Museum, is the local history museum for the London Borough of Harrow in northwest London, England.

Northwick Park Hospital

Londres / Reino Unido

Northwick Park Hospital is a major general hospital in Harrow, Greater London, managed by the London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust. It falls within the boundaries of the borough of London Borough of Brent, in its extreme north-western corner.

Roy Miles

Londres / Reino Unido

Roy Miles was a colourful London art dealer who was one of the first dealers to recognise the commercial potential of the art of the former Soviet block.Born Roy Marsh in Liverpool, Roy took his step-father's name of Miles and moved to London at an early age to work for an antique dealer. He quickly changed to hairdressing and owned a salon in London's West End. In the late 1960s he began in business as an art dealer. Miles specialised first in British Victorian art and later toured the former Soviet Union buying Socialist Realist art that he sold for a huge markup. In the 1970s and 80s he was able to capitalise on the rising status of London as an art centre and his innate entrepreneurial skills and flair for self-publicity. Miles' parties at his various galleries became legendary social events, and Miles was associated with names such as Rudolf Nureyev, Edward Heath, Lord Forte, Raine Spencer, Ossie Clark, the Duke of Devonshire and Jonathan Aitken.Publicity material, correspondence, photographs, visitors' books and printed material from the Roy Miles Gallery c. 1973 to 1998 forms part of the collection of the Tate Gallery Archive.

Royal Veterinary College

Londres / Reino Unido

The Royal Veterinary College is a veterinary school located in London and a constituent college of the federal University of London. The RVC was founded in 1791 and joined the University of London in 1949. It is the oldest and largest Veterinary school in the United Kingdom, and one of only nine in the country where students can study to become a vet.