Procure museus e pinturas

Shrewsbury / Reino Unido

Shrewsbury é uma cidade localizada no condado de Shropshire, na região das Midlands Ocidentais, Inglaterra. Tem cerca de 72 000 habitantes e é a segunda cidade mais populosa de Shropshire, atrás de Telford. Shrewsbury é uma cidade histórica do mercado cujo centro da cidade tem uma rua medieval plana em grande parte inalterada e mais de 660 edifícios listados, incluindo vários exemplos de enquadramento de madeira dos séculos XV e XVI. O Castelo de Shrewsbury, uma fortificação de arenito vermelho e a Abadia de Shrewsbury, um antigo mosteiro beneditino, foi fundado em 1074 e 1083, respectivamente, pelo conde normando de Shrewsbury, Rogério de Montgomery.Até 2015, 14 quilômetros a leste da fronteira galesa, Shrewsbury serve como o centro comercial para Shropshire e meados de Gales, com uma saída de varejo de mais de 299 milhões de libras esterlinas por ano. Existem alguns centros industriais e de distribuição de luz, como Battlefield Enterprise Park, principalmente na periferia. As estradas nacionais A5 e A49 cruzam perto da cidade, e cinco linhas ferroviárias na Estação de Shrewsbury. O Shrewsbury Flower Show é um dos maiores eventos de horticultura na Inglaterra. Foi onde nasceu e cresceu Charles Darwin.

Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery

Shrewsbury / Reino Unido

Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery was founded in 1835 as the Museum of the Shropshire and North Wales Natural History and Antiquarian Society Society in Dogpole, Shrewsbury, England. In 1853 the collections were moved to Vaughan's Mansion on College Hill, which became known as the Shropshire and North Wales Museum. After 160 years and two subsequent homes the museum returned to Vaughan's Mansion and the Music Hall Complex after a major redevelopment of the site.

Shrewsbury College

Shrewsbury / Reino Unido

Shrewsbury College is a further education college in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Formerly called Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology, the college is based on a campus on London Road. The College provides vocational excellence across a range of disciplines and has working environments for students including a commercial restaurant, Origins, a commercial salon, Evolve a student zone including a new Student Learning Centre and The Hub. The College is the main provider of vocational education in the county and has a full range of full-time and part-time courses available in the full range of subject areas. In 2012, Shrewsbury College was named by The National Data Service as the highest placed general FE college in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Staffordshire based on their success rates for young students. In 2019, it was rated Inadequate by Ofsted.

Shirehall, Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury / Reino Unido

Shirehall is a municipal facility in Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.