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100 лучших музеев


Wraxall and Failand


Tyntesfield is a Victorian Gothic Revival house and estate near Wraxall, North Somerset, England. The house is a Grade I listed building named after the Tynte baronets, who had owned estates in the area since about 1500. The location was formerly that of a 16th-century hunting lodge, which was used as a farmhouse until the early 19th century. In the 1830s a Georgian mansion was built on the site, which was bought by English businessman William Gibbs, whose huge fortune came from guano used as fertilizer. In the 1860s Gibbs had the house significantly expanded and remodelled; a chapel was added in the 1870s. The Gibbs family owned the house until the death of Richard Gibbs in 2001. Tyntesfield was purchased by the National Trust in June 2002, after a fundraising campaign to prevent it being sold to private interests and ensure it would be open to the public. The house was opened to visitors for the first time just 10 weeks after the acquisition, and as more rooms are restored they are added to the tour. The mansion was visited by 301,765 people in 2018.

Torquay Museum

Торки (Англия)


Torquay Museum is a museum in the town of Torquay, Devon, England. The building has been a grade II listed building since 1975.

Torlonia Museum



The Torlonia Museum was a museum in Rome, which housed the Torlonia Collection of ancient sculptures.

Royal Victoria Infirmary



The Royal Victoria Infirmary is a 673-bed tertiary referral centre in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. The hospital is part of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and is a teaching hospital for the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Royal Military School of Music



The Royal Military School of Music trains musicians for the British Army's twenty-two bands, as part of the Corps of Army Music. It is based at Kneller Hall, in Twickenham, west London; however, the Ministry of Defence has recently indicated that the site will be sold, and the school moved elsewhere.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland



The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland , formerly the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, is a conservatoire of dance, drama, music, production and film in the centre of Glasgow, Scotland. It is a member of the Federation of Drama Schools.Founded in 1847, it has become the busiest performing arts venue in Scotland with over 500 public performances each year. The current Principal is American pianist and composer Jeffrey Sharkey, the President is Sir Cameron Mackintosh, and the Patron is Prince Charles.

Ashton Court

Leigh Woods, Somerset


Ashton Court is a mansion house and estate to the west of Bristol in England. Although the estate lies mainly in North Somerset, it is owned by the City of Bristol. The mansion and stables are a Grade I listed building. Other structures on the estate are also listed. Ashton Court has been the site of a manor house since the 11th century, and has been developed by a series of owners since then. From the 16th to 20th centuries it was owned by the Smyth family with each generation changing the house. Designs by Humphry Repton were used for the landscaping in the early 19th century. It was used as a military hospital in the First World War. In 1936 it was used as the venue for the Royal Show and, during the Second World War as an army transit camp. In 1946 the last of the Smyth family died and the house fell into disrepair before its purchase in 1959 by Bristol City Council. The estate developed from the original deer park and is Grade II* listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England. It is the venue for a variety of leisure activities, including the now-defunct Ashton Court Festival, Bristol International Kite Festival and the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. It is home to charity The Forest of Avon Trust.

Кризи, Джон



Джон Кризи — британский писатель, политик, общественный деятель, главный редактор детективного журнала. Автор более 500 романов в различных жанрах . Оценки деятельности Кризи литературной критикой очень полярны — от восторженных до резко негативных.

Carlisle Citadel

Карлайл (Англия)


Carlisle Citadel or The Citadel is a former medieval fortress on English Street in Carlisle, Cumbria. It comprises two towers, both of which are Grade I listed buildings: the Nisi Prius Courthouse and the former Crown Court.




Олимпико — театр в городе Виченца, спроектированный архитектором эпохи Возрождения Андреа Палладио в 1580 году. Первый и наиболее древний крытый театр в истории Европы. Реализация проекта на базе уже существующего средневекового комплекса была поручена Андреа Палладио Олимпийской Аккадемией для постановок на сцене классических комедий. Строительство началось в 1580 году и было завершено 3 марта 1585 года, после завершения Винченцо Скамоцци работы над знаменитыми декорациями. Деревянные конструкции театра — уникальный объект эпохи Возрождения, дошедший до нас в прекрасном состоянии. Театр до сих поря является местом проведения концертов и постановок. В 1994 был включен в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, вместе с другими постройками Палладио в Виченце.

Teatro all'Antica



The Teatro all'Antica is a theatre in Sabbioneta, northern Italy; it was the first free-standing, purpose-built theater in the modern world. The Teatro all'Antica is the second-oldest surviving indoor theater in the world , and is, along with that theater and the Teatro Farnese in Parma, one of only three Renaissance theaters still in existence.

Государственный музей искусств Грузии



Музей искусств Грузии официально известный как «Музей изобразительных искусств им. Шалва Амиранашвили» — является одним из наиболее важных музеев в Грузии. Он расположен на улице Ладо Гудиашвили, 1 — вблизи Площади Свободы в Тбилиси, в собрании около 140000 единиц хранения произведений грузинского, восточного, русского и европейского искусства.

Sundby Church



Sundby Church is a Church of Denmark parish church located on Amagerbrogade in Copenhagen, Denmark. Completed in 1870 to designs by Hans Jørgen Holm, it is the oldest church on the northern part of Amager.

Сумской областной художественный музей имени Н. Х. Онацкого



Сумской областной художественный музей им. Н. Х. Онацкого – государственный музей в Сумах . В собрании музея – произведения отечественного и мирового искусства. Адрес: Покровская площадь, 1.

Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters



The Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters is a fine art museum in Zagreb, Croatia exhibiting the collection donated to the city by Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer in 1884. Located at 11 Nikola Šubić Zrinski Square, it forms part of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts . The Strossmayer Gallery holding includes around 4,000 works, of which some 250 are on display, with the remainder in storage, or on display at other museums or gallery institutions in Croatia.

Stowe Nine Churches



Stowe Nine Churches is a civil parish incorporating the settlements of Church Stowe and Upper Stowe in the English county of Northamptonshire. The population of the civil parish at the 2011 census was 259.

Церковь Святого Николая (Стокгольм)

Стокгольм (коммуна)


Церковь Святого Николая — кафедральный собор Стокгольма , главный собор Стокгольмского диоцеза и старейшая церковь исторического центра Стокгольма. Здание представляет собой образец шведской неоготической архитектуры с элементами кирпичной готики во внутренней архитектуре собора. Расположенный рядом с Королевским дворцом, собор выходит восточным фасадом на Королевскую площадь, одновременно замыкая с запада улицу Слоттсбаккен. Улицы Стурчуркубринкен, Челларгренд и Тренгсунд проходят к северу и к западу от здания. К югу от церкви расположено здание Стокгольмской фондовой биржи.

Stockwood Discovery Centre



Stockwood Discovery Centre, formerly known as Stockwood Craft Museum, is one of two free admission museums situated in Luton . The museums in Luton are a part of a charitable trust, Luton Culture. The discovery centre displays collections of local social history, archaeology, geology and rural crafts. It also houses the biggest collection of horse-drawn carriages in Europe, the Mossman Collection. The external part of the Discovery Centre features extensive gardens. The Period Gardens, ranging from the Elizabethan Knot Garden to the Dig for Victory Garden, were created by Luton Council from the mid-1980s onwards. Redevelopment work in 2007 included the building of the Sensory Garden, World Garden and Medicinal Garden. It is one of the few places in the country where the work of acclaimed artist Ian Hamilton Finlay can be seen on permanent display. Improvement Garden is a classical garden in which Ian Hamilton Finlay sculptures are an integral part of the landscape.