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100 лучших музеев

Сан-Лоренцо-Маджоре (Неаполь)

Кампания (Италия)


Сан-Лоренцо-Маджоре — церковь и монастырь в Неаполе, освящённые в честь св. Лаврентия . Церковь расположена в центре древнего греко-романского города, на пересечении улиц Виа Сан Грегорио Армено и Виа деи Трибунали . Название «Сан-Лоренцо» также употребляется для обозначения музея церкви. В ходе археологических раскопок под церковью был раскрыт центр античного Неаполя, руины которого ныне публично экспонируются.

San Lorenzo, Sansepolcro



San Lorenzo is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church located on Via Santa Croce 2 corner with Via Luca Pacioli, in Sansepolcro, province of Arezzo, region of Tuscany, Italy. The church is known for its Rosso Fiorentino masterpiece depicting the Deposition.

San Giorgio alla Costa



The church of San Giorgio alla Costa, called in earlier times also dei Santi Giorgio e Massimiliano dello Spirito Santo is a small historical church in the Oltrarno district of the centre of Florence, situated on the steep slope of via Costa San Giorgio which runs uphill from Ponte Vecchio to Forte di Belvedere.

San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, Naples

Кампания (Италия)


San Giacomo degli Spagnoli is a basilica church in Piazza Municipio in central Naples, Italy. The Renaissance church was enveloped in 1812 by the Palazzo San Giacomo built by King Ferdinand I of Bourbon when he built a central block of offices for the ministries of his government adjacent to the fortress of the Castel Nuovo. The Palazzo San Giacomo is now the municipio or city hall of Naples. Another church of San Giacomo degli Spagnoli is found in Rome. The original church was commissioned in 1540 by the Spanish viceroy Don Pedro Álvarez de Toledo, Marquis of Villafranca and associated with the adjacent hospital for the poor. The church was dedicated to St James, the patron saint of Spain, and designed by Ferdinando Manlio. The construction of the Palazzo San Giacomo did away with the facade, but retained the internal layout of three naves and a tall central ceiling. The interior still retains a number of monumental tombs, including for the viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo, his wife and son, sculpted in 1570 by Giovanni da Nola. Near the entrance are two sculptures by Francesco Cassano. In addition the tomb of Ferdinando Maiorca and his wife Porzia Coniglia in the apse was completed by Michelangelo Naccherino. The tomb of Alfonso Basurto, was carved by Annibale Caccavello and Giovanni Domenico D'Auria. The church was elevated to the status of basilica in 1911 but then suffered damage during the bombing of World War II. It is now rarely opened to the public.

Базилика Святого Фридиана (Лукка)



Базилика святого Фридиана — католическая церковь романского стиля, находящаяся в городе Лукка, Италия. Церковь названа в честь святого Фридиана и находится на одноименной площади святого Фридиана.

Сан-Доменико-Маджоре (Неаполь)

Кампания (Италия)


Сан-Доме́нико-Маджо́ре — церковь в историческом центре Неаполя, одна из наиболее значительных достопримечательностей современного города. Является частью бывшего доминиканского монастырского комплекса. Необычно расположение церкви: апсидой она выходит к одноимённой площади, а её фасад выходит на одноимённый переулок.

San Bernardino in Pignolo, Bergamo



San Bernardino in Pignolo is a Roman Catholic church located on Via Pignolo #59, in Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy.

San Bartolomeo, Venice



San Bartolomeo is a church in Venice, Italy. It is near the Rialto Bridge in the sestiere of San Marco.

Église de la Madeleine (Aix-en-Provence)



The Église de la Madeleine is a Roman Catholic church in Aix-en-Provence.

Сент-Эсташ (церковь)



Парижская церковь Сент-Эсташ — церковь Святого Евстафия в 1-м округе французской столицы; рядом с бывшим Центральным рынком, ныне центром Ле-Аль. Одна из последних готических церквей Парижа; сочетает архитектуру готики с ренессансными формами объёмов и классическим фасадом. В храме регулярно проходят органные концерты.

Vasari Sacristy

Кампания (Италия)


The Vasari Sacristy or Old Sacristy is a room in Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, Naples, Italy, one of its two sacristies. It was the refectory of the Olivetan monastery of Santa Maria di Monteoliveto until 1688, when it was converted to its current role. The conversion in 1688 revealed 15th century inlays by Fra Giovanni da Verona, also to be seen in the church's Tolosa Chapel. The church was renamed Sant'Anna dei Lombardi in 1805. An Adoration of the Shepherds by a follower of Vasari was moved to its present position above the door in the counter-facade during the 17th century. The two side lunettes contain sculptures of the archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, attributed to Giovan Battista Cavagna and resting on two marble lavabos leaning against the walls. The central nave vault is divided into three quadrants, showing personifications of Faith, Religion and Eternity It is accompanied along the walls by 17th century furniture decorated with a cycle of precious wooden inlays by Fra Giovanni da Verona dating to 1506 with views of the city and scenes of life in the Olivetan order. Between the inlays are niches with wooden statues showing saints relating to the Olivetans. Behind the altar is a painting of Carlo Borromeo by Girolamo d'Arena, which had hung in the original church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi but was moved to its present location after that church was destroyed in the 1805 earthquake. Either side are two paintings of Michael the Archangel and the Virgin Mary.




Ряза́нь — город в России, административный центр Рязанской области и Рязанского муниципального района. Входит в тридцатку крупнейших городов России. Население — 539 290 чел. . Занимает территорию в 224 км² на высоте 130 м над уровнем моря, при этом часть его территории является анклавом, окружённым территорией Рязанского района. Город областного значения, образует муниципальное образование городской округ город Рязань. Расположен на высоком правом берегу Оки при впадении в неё реки Трубеж, в центре Восточно-Европейской равнины, в 180 км к юго-востоку от Москвы. Крупный научный, военный и промышленный центр. Город обслуживает два аэродрома, два железнодорожных и автобусный вокзал, два речных порта, имеющих выходы к морям бассейнов Атлантического и Северного Ледовитого океанов и Каспийского моря. В 50 км ниже по течению Оки располагается историко-ландшафтный музей-заповедник Старая Рязань — древняя столица Великого Рязанского княжества, в честь которой в 1778 году был переименован современный город.

Дом Рубенса



Дом Рубенса — муниципальный музей города Антверпена, посвящённый жизни и творчеству прославленного художника XVII века Питера Пауля Рубенса с частичным воспроизведением его интерьеров и художественных коллекций.

Hecht Museum



The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum is a museum located on the grounds of the University of Haifa, Israel.

Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum (Royal Warwickshire)



The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers is an infantry regiment of the British Army, part of the Queen's Division. Currently, the regiment has two battalions: the 1st battalion, part of the Regular Army, is an armoured infantry battalion based in Tidworth, Wiltshire, and the 5th battalion, part of the Army Reserve, recruits in the traditional fusilier recruiting areas across England. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was largely unaffected by the infantry reforms that were announced in December 2004, but under the Army 2020 reduction in the size of the Army, its second battalion was merged into the first in 2014.

Royal Marsden Hospital



The Royal Marsden Hospital is a specialist cancer treatment hospital in London based in Kensington and Chelsea, next to the Royal Brompton Hospital, in Fulham Road with a second site in Belmont, close to Sutton Hospital, High Down and Downview Prisons. It is managed by the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.