Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Национальный музей Дании



Национальный музей Дании — крупнейший историко-культурный музей Дании, расположенный в столице государства — городе Копенгагене, в центральной его части, по адресу: улица Ny Vestergade, 10, недалеко от пешеходной зоны Стройет. В залах музея экспонируется большое количество памятников материальной культуры, привезённых датскими учёными со всех материков и островов: начиная Гренландией и заканчивая Южной Америкой. К тому же оказывается материальная поддержка Гренландскому научно-исследовательскому центру SILA на базе Национального музея Дании, проводящему археологические и антропологические раскопки в Гренландии, а затем выставляющему находки непосредственно в самом музее. Также, помимо археологии и антропологии, музей вкладывает средства в развитие этнологии, нумизматики, этнографии, естествознания, реставрацию памятников архитектуры, коммуникационные технологии, финансирует реставрацию церквей и иных объектов культурного наследия.

Национальная и университетская библиотека Загреба



Национальная и университетская библиотека Загреба — крупнейшая научная библиотека Хорватии, расположена в городе Загреб. В фондах библиотеки хранятся более 2 млн книг. Коллекция библиотеки содержит много ценных изданий на старославянском языке, а также первую книгу хорватском языке, ценные древние издания на немецком языке и редкие географические карты. Генеральный директор библиотеки — Др. Иосиф Стипанов.

Южноафриканская национальная галерея


Южно-Африканская Республика

Южноафриканская национальная галерея — национальная художественная галерея Южно-Африканской Республики .

National Gallery of Modern Art



The National Gallery of Modern Art is the premier art gallery under Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The main museum at Jaipur House in New Delhi was established on 29 March 1954 by the Government of India, with subsequent branches at Mumbai and Bangalore. Its collection of more than 1700 works by 2000 plus artists includes artists such as Thomas Daniell, Raja Ravi Verma, Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Gaganendranath Tagore, Nandalal Bose, Jamini Roy, Amrita Sher-Gil as well as foreign artists. Some of the oldest works preserved here date back to 1857. With 12,000 square meters of exhibition space, the Delhi branch is one of the world's largest modern art museums.

Национальная картинная галерея Армении



Национальная галерея Армении — главный музей изобразительных искусств Армении. Национальная галерея Армении является одним из крупнейших музеев на территории СНГ. Галерея была основана в 1921 г. и представляет собой часть Музейного комплекса на площади Республики в городе Ереване. Национальная галерея занимает верхние этажи комплекса с третьего по восьмой, а нижние два этажа здания занимает Национальный исторический музей Армении. По собранию армянского изобразительного искусства — крупнейшая коллекция в мире. В музее представлена самая полная коллекция картин Айвазовского . В фондах Национальной галереи Армении есть свыше 35 тыс. единиц хранения, фонд западноевропейского отдела располагает более 350 полотнами и рисунками.

Национальный музей футбола



Национальный музей футбола — музей, созданный для сохранения и демонстрации ряда важных коллекций памятных экспонатов футбола.

Nagoya City Museum



Nagoya is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's fourth-largest incorporated city and the third most populous urban area. Located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with those of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, and Chiba. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chūkyō metropolitan area. As of 1 October 2019, 2,327,557 people lived in the city, part of Chūkyō metropolitan Area's 10.11 million people, making it one of the 50 largest urban areas in the world. In 1610, the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu, a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, moved the capital of Owari Province from Kiyosu to Nagoya. This period saw the renovation of Nagoya Castle. Nagoya was proclaimed a city in 1889, during the Meiji Restoration; it became a major industrial hub for Japan. The traditional manufactures of timepieces, bicycles, and sewing machines were followed by the production of special steels, chemicals, oil, and petrochemicals, as the area's automobile, aviation, and shipbuilding industries flourished. Nagoya was impacted by bombing from US air raids during World War II. After the war, Nagoya developed into a major port and transport center. The Shinkansen high-speed line connecting Tokyo and Osaka converges on Nagoya. Nagoya is served by two airports: Chubu Centrair International Airport in nearby Tokoname, and Nagoya Airfield, home to Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation. Nagoya remains an important center for the automotive, aviation, and ceramic industries, hosting the headquarters of Brother Industries, Ibanez, Lexus, and Toyota Tsusho, among others. Nagoya is home to Nagoya University, the Nagoya Institute of Technology, and Nagoya City University. It is also the location of numerous cultural institutions, including the Tokugawa Art Museum, Atsuta Shrine, Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Aichi Arts Center, and Misono-za. Nagoya TV Tower is the oldest TV tower in Japan.

Museum of Western Art (Kerrville, Texas)

Кервилл (Техас)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Museum of Western Art in Kerrville, Texas, is an art museum dedicated to the painting and sculpture of living artists of the American West who follow in the tradition of Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell. In addition to the rotating collection, the museum also has an art library and teaching facilities. The museum uses the motto "Where the Legend Lives Forever".

Museum of Lakeland Life & Industry



The Museum of Lakeland Life & Industry, formerly the Museum of Lakeland Life and sometimes abbreviated to MOLLI, is a local museum in Kendal, Cumbria, northwest England.The museum was opened in 1971 by Princess Alexandra. It won the first ever UK Museum of the Year award in 1973.The Museum presents life in the Lake District from the late 18th century onwards. The museum is located within the original Georgian stables of the Abbot Hall Art Gallery. It is managed by Lakeland Arts. The displays include presentations of the author Arthur Ransome and the Swallows and Amazons series of books, local photographers, and the Arts & Crafts Movement in the Lake District.The museum is the registered office of the Arthur Ransome Society.

Museum of John Paul II Collection

Мазовецкое воеводство


The Museum of John Paul II Collection in Warsaw, also known as the Porczyński Gallery or Carroll-Porczyński Collection, is a museum dedicated to its painting collection, which is housed in the building of the former stock exchange and National Bank. It is considered one of the finest collections of European art in Warsaw. The collection includes around 400 exhibits mainly Old Masters and the Impressionists along with some copies of masterpieces of European painting.

Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge



The Museum of Classical Archaeology is a museum in Cambridge, run by the Faculty of Classics of the University of Cambridge, England. Since 1983, it has been located in a purpose-built gallery on the first floor of the Faculty of Classics on the Sidgwick Site of the University. The museum is one of the few surviving collections of plaster casts of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture in the world. The collection consists of several hundred casts, including casts of some of the most famous surviving ancient Greek and Roman sculptures. Noteworthy casts include those of the Laocoön and His Sons, the Farnese Hercules, the Barberini Faun and Charioteer of Delphi. The Peplos Kore is perhaps the best known exhibit in the museum. It is a plaster cast of an ancient Greek statue of a young woman painted brightly as the original would have been, which was set up on the Acropolis of Athens, around 530 BCE. In 1975, the museum attempted to replicate the sculpture's original appearance by painting a cast of the figure. The replica was then displayed next to a second, unpainted cast as a challenge to the erroneous equation of ancient Greek sculpture with pure white marble.The museum also holds a large collection of sherds and epigraphic squeezes. The museum is open to the public Tuesday to Friday: 10.00am to 5.00pm and on Saturdays in University term time: 10.00am to 1.00pm. The museum is one of eight which make up the University of Cambridge Museums consortium. Its former home on Little St Mary's Lane was designed by Basil Champneys in 1883. In the 1970s it became evident that it was no longer adequate to house the collection, and it is now part of the buildings of Peterhouse.




The Behnhaus is an art museum in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, Germany, and part of its World heritage site. The Behnhaus as a structure is a neoclassical building with interior design by the Danish architect Joseph Christian Lillie. The museum exhibits furniture from this period, and paintings and sculptures from this period onwards. It specializes in Nazarene art, since Friedrich Overbeck was born in Lübeck. The museum is also known for its collection of works by Edvard Munch.

Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art

Região Geográfica Imediata de Porto Alegre


The Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art is an art museum in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It is located in the centre of Porto Alegre. Its eclectic building, national heritage, is one of the most noteworthy historic buildings in Porto Alegre. Its design is usually attributed to Theodor Wiederspahn, a German-Brazilian architect, although important local historian and artist Fernando Corona ascribes it to Germano Gundlach.




«Соумайя» — музей искусства в Мехико, Мексика. Основан в 1994 году, с 2011 года находится в новом шестиэтажном здании. Был построен на средства миллиардера Карлоса Слима в его родном городе Мехико для экспозиции личной коллекции произведений искусства, насчитывающей свыше 66 000 экспонатов. Стоимость экспонатов составляет около 700 миллионов долларов. Строительство музея стоило около 34 миллиона долларов. Название музея связано с именем скончавшейся в 1999 году жены Слима. В музее в постоянной экспозиции представлены произведения мексиканских и европейских художников. Собрание включает в себя картины французских импрессионистов Камиля Писсарро, Клода Моне, Эдгара Дега и Пьера-Огюста Ренуара. Кроме того, музей известен одной из самых обширных в мире коллекций скульптур Родена .