Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Халльвюльский музей

Стокгольм (коммуна)


Музей Халльвюль — музей семейства Халльвюль по улице Хамнгатан строение 4, в Стокгольме. Музей расположен в строении дворцового типа , построенном в 1893—1898 годах по проекту шведского архитектора Исака Класона для четы Вальтера и Вильгельмины фон Халльвюль. На рубеже XIX—XX веков графская чета собрала одно из самых крупных в Швеции частных собраний фарфора, антикварной мебели, оружия и живописи. В 1920 году здание и обширнейшая коллекция, насчитывающая около 50 тысяч произведений искусства, были переданы графиней в собственность шведского государства.

Gunby Hall

Восточный Линдси


Gunby Hall is a country house in Gunby, near Spilsby, in Lincolnshire, England, reached by a half mile long private drive. The Estate comprises the 42-room Gunby Hall, listed Grade I, a clocktower, listed Grade II* and a carriage house and stable block which are listed Grade II. In 1944 the trustees of the Gunby Hall Estate, Lady Montgomery-Massingberd, Major Norman Leith-Hay-Clarke and Field Marshal Sir Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd, gave the house to the National Trust together with its contents and some 1,500 acres of land.Gunby Hall is currently leased from the National Trust with a requirement to open the Hall's State Rooms and Gardens to the public.


Strängnäs Municipality


Грипсхольм — замок в Мариефреде , расположенный на острове на озере Меларен.

Green Templeton College, Oxford



Green Templeton College is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The college is located on the previous Green College site on Woodstock Road next to the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter in North Oxford and is centred on the architecturally important Radcliffe Observatory, an 18th-century building, modelled on the ancient Tower of the Winds at Athens. It is the university's second newest graduate college, after Parks College, having been founded by the historic merger of Green College and Templeton College in 2008.The college has a distinctive academic profile, specialising in subjects relating to human welfare and social, economic and environmental well-being, including medical and health sciences, management and business, and most social sciences.Green Templeton's sister college at the University of Cambridge is St Edmund's College.

Grantham Museum



Grantham Museum is located at St Peter's Hill, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England in the building provided for it in 1926. The building also housed the public library, and was partly funded by the Carnegie UK Trust which was continuing Andrew Carnegie's project of building libraries across the United Kingdom. Grantham's library is now located in the Isaac Newton Centre, and the museum occupies the whole of the 1926 building. The idea of a museum can be traced back to meetings of the Grantham Scientific society in the 1890s. The basis of the collection is material provided by Henry Preston, the first Curator and Founder, and twentieth century additions included material about Sir Isaac Newton, Edith Smith and Margaret Thatcher. There is also material about the Dambusters Raid. The Museum hosts a variety of exhibitions during the year. The museum is currently managed by the Grantham Community Heritage Association . This charity was formed in 2011 to take over the management of the museum from Lincolnshire County Council with a view to reopening the facility for the Queen's Jubilee in June 2012. In 2013, a few months before the death of Margaret Thatcher, the GCHA announced plans to raise funds to obtain a statue of the former prime minister.

Texas Governor's Mansion

Остин (Техас)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Texas Governor's Mansion, is a historic home for the Governor of Texas in downtown Austin, Texas. Designed by prominent architect Abner Cook, it was built in 1854 and has been the home of every governor since 1856. Governor Greg Abbott and First Lady Cecilia Phalen Abbott are the current residents. On June 8, 2008, while midway through a major renovation, the mansion was badly damaged by an arson fire started with a Molotov cocktail.

Gordon Highlanders Museum



The Gordon Highlanders Museum is based in Aberdeen, Scotland and celebrates the story of the Gordon Highlanders regiment, which originated as the 92nd Regiment of Foot in 1794, became the Gordon Highlanders in 1881 and was then amalgamated into a new larger unit of the British Army in 1994. It is a 5-star Scottish Tourist Board attraction, as of 2019, the only one in Aberdeen.

Gladstone's Land



Gladstone's Land is a surviving 17th-century high-tenement house situated in the Old Town of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. It has been restored and furnished by the National Trust for Scotland, and is operated as a popular tourist attraction. The "Land" was originally built in 1550, but was bought and redeveloped in 1617 by a prosperous Edinburgh merchant and burgess, Thomas Gledstanes, and his wife, Bessie Cunningham. The work was completed in 1620. Its prominent siting and the extent of its accommodation mark out the affluence of its mercantile owner. However, not only did Gledstanes reside there, he let out parts of the building to an assortment of tenants of different social classes . Thus the restored building allows an insight into varieties of Edinburgh life of the period. The cramped conditions of the Old Town, and the physical size of the lot, meant that the house could only be extended in depth or in height. As a result, the house is six storeys tall.In 1934, the building was condemned and scheduled for demolition, until it was rescued by the National Trust for Scotland. Under the auspices of the Trust, restoration of the building was carried out by the architect, Sir Frank Mears, in consultation with the Ancient Monuments Department of the Ministry of Works in Edinburgh. Original renaissance painted ceilings were uncovered in the process. Today the restored premises offer a glimpse of 17th-century life, with open fires, lack of running water, and period decoration and furniture. At ground level, there is an arcade frontage and reconstructed shop booth, complete with replicas of 17th-century wares. This would originally have provided shelter for the merchant's customers. On the left of the building, a curved stone forestair with iron railings leads from the street to a door at 1st floor level. The sign above the entrance to the building displays the date 1617 and a gilt-copper hawk with outstretched wings. Although not an original feature, the significance of this is that the name "Gledstanes" is derived from the Scots word "gled" meaning a kite or hawk.By the late-18th century, Edinburgh's Old Town was no longer a fashionable address. Increasing pressures from population growth encouraged the flight of the affluent from cramped conditions to the developing New Town. Today, visitors to the city can contrast Gladstone's Land to the Trust's restored example of a New Town residence, The Georgian House, at No. 7 Charlotte Square.

Уайт, Гилберт



Гилберт Уайт — английский исследователь, «священник-натуралист», новаторский учёный, натуралист и орнитолог. Был холост и служил всю свою жизнь. Он известен своими исследованиями естественной истории и древностей Селборна.

Кассельская картинная галерея



Картинная галерея старых мастеров — художественное собрание правителей Гессен-Касселя, которое с 1956 года экспонируется в залах кассельского дворца Вильгельмсхёэ. Гордость Кассельской галереи — залы, посвящённые голландским и фламандским художникам XVII века: Рембрандту , Рубенсу, Хальсу, Йордансу и Ван Дейку. Под работы каждого из них отведён отдельный зал. Основная часть этих картин была привезена в Кассель при Вильгельме VIII и нескольких его предшественниках. Среди других шедевров коллекции — портрет Елизаветы Тухер кисти Дюрера и портрет вельможи в военном костюме работы Тициана. По своему уровню Кассельская галерея в XVIII—XIX вв. считалась единственной соперницей Берлинской в протестантских землях Германии. Вестфальский король Жером Бонапарт, переименовавший Вильгельмсхёэ в честь своего брата Наполеона, подверг её разорению. Виван-Денон отбрал лучшие кассельские картины для музея Наполеона в Париже, откуда их удалось вернуть в Кассель после падения Империи благодаря хлопотам Якоба Гримма. Среди тех картин, которые Гримму не удалось вернуть в Кассель, были полотна, висевшие в Мальмезонском дворце императрицы Жозефины. Сразу после её смерти в 1814 году дети императрицы, Евгений и Гортензия, поспешили продать «трофейные» картины российскому императору Александру I, находившемуся в то время в Париже. Так из Касселя в петербургский Эрмитаж перебрались «Снятие с креста» Рембрандта, «Святое семейство» Андреа дель Сарто, серия «Времена суток» кисти Лоррена и другие произведения. В 1877 г. для картинной галереи было построено отдельное здание, где ныне экспонируется искусство XIX—XX веков. На исходе Второй мировой войны это строение было разрушено, однако всю коллекцию успели вывезти в венский Музей истории искусств, где она оставалась на сохранении до завершения реставрационных работ в Вильгельмсхёэ в 1956 году. Любопытно, что именно Кассельская галерея приобрела несколько портретов ван Дейка, покинувших Эрмитаж во время распродажи его коллекции в 1930-е годы. Шедевры Кассельской галереи

Дворец Лихтенштейнов на Банкгассе



О пригородном дворце см. Дворец Лихтенштейнов на Фюрстенгассе Городской дворец Лихтенштейнов — жилые строения на Банкгассе, 9 в первом округе венского внутреннего города. Один из двух дворцов в Вене, принадлежащих княжеской семье Лихтенштейнов. Дворец был построен в стиле барокко в период с 1692 по 1705 гг. итальянским архитектором Доменико Мартинелли и швейцарским архитектором Габриэлем дэ Габриэли. Впоследствии не раз реконструировался.

Вилла Пратолино

Валья (Италия)


Вилла Пратолино, Вилла Демидофф, Вилла Медичеа ди Пратолино — загородное имение в Италии, Тоскана, в 12 км к северу от Флоренции на Болонской дороге. Построенное по заказу Франческо Медичи. Затем принадлежала Францу I Стефану, Леопольду II Тосканскому, Фердинанду III, русскому посланнику в Тоскане Павлу Демидову, после смерти его дочери — югославскому принц-регенту Павлу, с 1981 года является собственностью города Флоренция. Здание, построенное в XVI веке итальянскими архитекторами не сохранилось . Сохранилась лишь вилла построенная П. Демидовым и часть некогда обширного паркового ансамбля с коллекцией скульптур — большая скульптура «Аллегория Аппенин» Джованни Джамболонья, гроты, лабиринт и каскад малых прудов.

Галерея современного искусства (Турин)



Галерея современного искусства в Турине — художественный музей в итальянском городе Турин , основанный в 1891—1895 годах; постоянная коллекции содержит работы XIX и XX веков; является частью фонда музеев Турина ; проводит временные выставки произведений современного искусства.

Palazzo Chigi-Saracini



The Palazzo Chigi-Saracini is a Gothic urban palace on the Via di Città in the Terzo di Città in central Siena, Tuscany, Italy. In 2014 it housed the Accademia Musicale Chigiana. It was built by the Marescotti family in the 12th century. It was the house of Count Galgano Lucarini Saracini and then it became property of Fabio Chigi Lucarini Saracini. The palace is described as a "Gothic beauty with a curved facade and back courtyard."

Современная галерея (Загреб)



Современная галерея в Загребе — художественный музей в столице Хорватии городе Загребе; значительное и ценное собрание произведений изобразительного искусства, скульптуры и рисунков хорватских художников ХІХ — XX веков; значительный культурно-просветительский центр страны. Музейные фонды насчитывают около 10 000 художественных произведений, размещенных с 1934 года в историческом дворце Враничаны в центре города, с видом на Зриневац. Дополнительная галерея музея — студия Иосифа Рачича по улице Маргаретской, 3. Режим работы музейного учреждения: с понедельника по субботу — с 10:00 до 18:00; по воскресеньям — с 10:00 до 13:00; закрыт на праздники и в праздничные дни.Директор музея — Бисерка Раутер-Планчич .

Gairloch Heritage Museum



Gairloch Museum is an independent museum in the Wester Ross region of Scotland. The museum is located in the Highland village of Gairloch, in Achtercairn. The museum was set up in 1977 by the Gairloch Parish Branch of the Ross & Cromarty Heritage Society. This would later become the Gairloch & District Heritage Society and then the Gairloch & District Heritage Company Ltd. They applied and were successful in converting part of the existing farm steading in Achtercairn to form a heritage museum and clubs rooms for members during the winter months for lectures, films etc. The year later they applied and were successful in converting the second wing of farm steading to extend the museum as the current building was too small to house the exhibits. The library extension was added in 1987 and an extension for the Rudha Reidh lighthouse lens in 1988. The museum was created due to concern of possible damage to the growing collection of artefacts that had been donated by local people such as the Pictish Stone and thus they investigated means to protect it. The Company wanted to provide a wet weather facility for tourists for them to appreciate aspects of Gairloch’s past. Members of the Company were interested in displaying objects relating to archaeology, farming, fishing, and domestic utensils etc, those that showed the history of the West Coast. In 2017 the board of Gairloch Heritage Museum announced that they obtained a grant from Heritage Lottery Fund to transform a nearby nuclear bunker into a new museum for Gairloch. The museum board and volunteers raised £2.4 million to complete the project. The newly rebranded Gairloch Museum was officially opened on 9 July 2019 by the Princess Royal. The museum is housed in the former Gairloch Roads Depot, which was previously built as an anti-aircraft operations room during the Cold War. The building also served as an Emergency Operations Room in the 1980s and the museum incorporates features of that period, including the heavy blast doors.