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100 лучших музеев

University of Glamorgan



The University of Glamorgan was a university based in South Wales prior to the merger with University of Wales, Newport, that formed the University of South Wales in April 2013. The university was based in Pontypridd, in Rhondda Cynon Taf, with campuses in Trefforest, Glyntaff, Merthyr Tydfil, Tyn y Wern and Cardiff. The university had four faculties, and was the only university in Wales which had no link with the University of Wales.In July 2012 the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport, announced that they had begun talks aimed at integrating the two institutions.

Национальная галерея Ирландии


Ирландия (остров)

Национальная галерея Ирландии — художественный музей в Дублине. Галерея основана в 1854 году, открылась для посещения через 10 лет. В музее хранится наиболее полное в мире собрание ирландской живописи. Также представлены работы итальянских, голландских и других старых мастеров.

Кунстхаус (Цюрих)



Кунстхаус в Цюрихе — один из наиболее крупных художественных музеев Швейцарии. Расположен в Цюрихе по адресу Хаймплац 1 . Музей открылся в здании, построенном по проекту Карла Мозера и Роберта Курьела, в 1910 г. В его собрание входят преимущественно произведения швейцарского искусства начиная от Средних веков и до XX в. На регулярной основе в музее проводятся сменные выставки высокого уровня. В Кунстхаусе собраны значительные коллекции работ Эдварда Мунка и Альберто Джакометти. Швейцарские художники представлены Иоганном Генрихом Фюсли, Фердинандом Ходлером, а также Пипилотти Рист и Петером Фишли.

Gracefield Arts Centre



Gracefield Arts Centre is located in Dumfries. The gallery's main building, a Category B listed building, was bought in 1951 by a committee of local people who raised the money needed for the purchase and to do the alterations necessary to change the former house, which was known as ‘Gracefield’ into an art gallery.The gallery houses a collection of over 600 Scottish paintings which include paintings by the Scottish Colourists, the Glasgow Boys, the Kirkcudbright School and the Edinburgh School, as well as contemporary Scottish works of art by the likes of Joan Eardley and Andy Goldsworthy. The gallery hosts a changing programme of contemporary exhibitions featuring regional, national and international artists and craftmakers. A wide range of art and craft activities for adults and children run throughout the year at the gallery.

Merseyside Maritime Museum



The Merseyside Maritime Museum is a museum based in the city of Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK. It is part of National Museums Liverpool and an Anchor Point of ERIH, The European Route of Industrial Heritage. It opened for a trial season in 1980 before fully opening in 1984 and expanding in 1986. The museum occupies warehouse block D at the Albert Dock, along with the Piermaster's House, Canning Half Tide Dock and Canning Graving Docks.The city's seafaring heritage is brought to life within the historic Albert Dock. The museum's collections reflect the international importance of Liverpool as a gateway to the world, including its role in the transatlantic slave trade and emigration, the merchant navy and the RMS Titanic. The UK Border Agency National Museum, 'Seized! The Border and Customs uncovered' is located in the basement gallery of the building.

Lowestoft Maritime Museum



Lowestoft Maritime Museum is a private museum in the town of Lowestoft in Suffolk, England, which is dedicated to local and national maritime history. Its exhibits include maritime artefacts including medals awarded to Royal Navy and RNLI personnel, marine art, the fishing industry in Lowestoft and the town's involvement with the Royal Navy in World War II, shipwrights and coopers tools, an extensive collection of ship models in various scales, the workshop of Christopher Cockerell, the inventor of the hovercraft, and a small display dedicated to Thomas Crisp, a local man who posthumously won the Victoria Cross during World War I. Britain's most easterly museum, it is run by enthusiasts and volunteers and is open to the public from late April to late October each year. The museum was the Suffolk Museum of the Year in 2012 and a finalist in 2014. There is an admission charge.

Haig Colliery Mining Museum



Haig Colliery Mining Museum was a visitor attraction in Kells, on the site of Cumbria's last deep coal mine on the cliffs above Whitehaven in Cumbria, England. It closed in January 2016 due to insolvency.

Вустерский музей искусств

Вустер (Массачусетс)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Вустерский музей искусств — художественный музей в США, находящийся в городе Вустер. Второе по размерам после Бостонского музея изящных искусств собрание изобразительного искусства в штате Массачусетс и всей Новой Англии.




The Residenzgalerie is an art gallery in the Alte Residenz, Salzburg, Austria. Its collection includes works by Rembrandt, Carel Fabritius, Carlo Saraceni and Hieronymus Francken II.

Pinacoteca Nazionale (Siena)



The Pinacoteca Nazionale is a national museum in Siena, Tuscany, Italy. Inaugurated in 1932, it houses especially late medieval and Renaissance paintings from Italian artists. It is housed in the Brigidi and Buonsignori palaces in the city's center: the former, built in the 14th century, it is traditionally identified as the Pannocchieschi family's residence. The Palazzo Bichi-Buonsignori, although built in the 15th century, has a 19th-century neo-medieval façade based on the city's Palazzo Pubblico. The gallery has one of the largest collections of Sienese paintings with gold backgrounds from the 14th and 15th centuries.Works in the gallery include: Duccio di Buoninsegna's Polyptych N. 28 and Madonna of the Franciscans Guido da Siena's St. Peter Enthroned Simone Martini's Blessed Agostino Novello and His Miracles Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Annunciation Bartolo di Fredi's Adoration of the Magi Michelino da Besozzo's Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine Il Sodoma's Christ at the Column and Deposition Domenico Beccafumi's Birth of the Virgin, St. Michael Expelling the Rebel Angels, Coronation of the Virgin, Trinity Triptych, Marriage of St Catherine, Stigmatization of St. Catherine of Siena, St Lucy and Christ in LimboOther artists represented include Ugolino di Nerio, Pietro Lorenzetti, Sassetta, Domenico di Bartolo, Taddeo di Bartolo, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Matteo di Giovanni, Neroccio di Bartolomeo

Norwich Castle



Norwich Castle is a medieval royal fortification in the city of Norwich, in the English county of Norfolk. It was founded in the aftermath of the Norman conquest of England when William the Conqueror ordered its construction because he wished to have a fortified place in the town of Norwich. It proved to be one of his two castles in East Anglia, the other being Wisbech. In 1894 the Norwich Museum moved to Norwich Castle and it has been a museum ever since. The museum & art gallery holds significant objects from the region, especially works of art, archaeological finds and natural history specimens. The castle is one of the city's Norwich 12 heritage sites.

Hastings Contemporary



The Hastings Contemporary is a museum of contemporary British art located on The Stade in Hastings, East Sussex and is a not for profit organisation. The gallery opened in March 2012 as the Jerwood Gallery and cost £4m to build. The gallery contains both temporary exhibitions and a permanent collection that includes work from artists including: L. S. Lowry, Augustus John, Stanley Spencer, Walter Sickert, Ben Nicholson, Patrick Caulfield, Maggi Hambling, Craigie Aitchison and Prunella Clough.

Музей изобразительных искусств (Гент)

No City name


Музей изящных искусств — художественный музей в восточной части гентского парка Цитадели. Гентский художественный музей основан в 1798 году и относится к числу первых музеев на территории современной Бельгии. Славится разнообразием живописной коллекции, охватывающей период от Средневековья до начала XX века. В музее работают конференц-зал, библиотека, детская мастерская и кафе. Неподалёку построен Музей современного искусства. Наиболее известные экспонаты музея: «Св. Иероним за молитвой» Иеронима Босха; «Несение креста» Иеронима Босха; «Портрет Джованни Паоло Корнаро» Тинторетто ; «Портрет клептомана» Теодора Жерико .В 2018 году музей привлёк внимание российских журналистов и фигурировал в новостях в связи с выставкой спорной коллекции Игоря Топоровского.

Orleans House



The 4th House of Orléans , sometimes called the House of Bourbon-Orléans to distinguish it, is the fourth holder of a surname previously used by several branches of the Royal House of France, all descended in the legitimate male line from the dynasty's founder, Hugh Capet. The house was founded by Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, younger son of Louis XIII and younger brother of Louis XIV, the "Sun King". From 1709 until the French Revolution, the Orléans dukes were next in the order of succession to the French throne after members of the senior branch of the House of Bourbon, descended from Louis XIV. Although Louis XIV's direct descendants retained the throne, his brother Philippe's descendants flourished until the end of the French monarchy. The Orléanists held the French throne from 1830 to 1848 and are still pretenders to the French throne today.

Музей Франса Халса



Музей Франса Халса — художественный музей в Харлеме, известный как музей Золотого века голландской живописи. Музей был основан в 1862 году и первоначально находился в заново отремонтированном бывшем клуатре в задней части городской ратуши, известной как Принсенхоф. Основу собрания составила богатая коллекция картин ратуши, включавшая в себя в том числе более десятка картин Франса Халса, в честь которого и был назван музей. Музей переехал в нынешнее здание в 1913 г. Коллекция современной живописи находится в филиале музея, расположенном в зданиях бывших мясных и рыбных торговых рядов в центре города.