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100 лучших музеев

Lotherton Hall

Селби (Англия)


Lotherton Hall is a country house near Aberford, West Yorkshire, England. It lies a short distance from the A1 motorway, 200 miles equidistant between London and Edinburgh. It is one of nine sites in the Leeds Museums & Galleries group. There has been a manor house on the site of the current Hall from at least 1775, where it appears on Thomas Jeffery's map of Yorkshire. The house at this time was owned by Thomas Maude, who had brought it from George Rhodes in 1753 for £4,115. Ownership then passed to Wollen and then to John Raper. In 1824 John Raper died and his son and heir, John Lamplugh Raper, sold the property to Richard Oliver Gascoigne in 1825. Following Richard Oliver Gascoigne's death in 1842, Lotherton was inherited by his then unmarried daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Isabella. Richard Trench Gascoigne took up ownership of the house following the death of his aunt Elizabeth, wife of Lord Ashtown, in 1893. It became the main residence of the Gascoigne family after the death of Richard's father Frederick at Parlington Hall in 1905. Between 1914 and 1918, the Hall was used as a V.A.D. hospital. There is a twelfth century Norman chapel in the grounds which was in use until 1830 and renovated between 1913 and 1917 and was also used as part of the V.A.D. hospital.The Hall is sited on part of the Gascoigne estate, and was presented to the City of Leeds in 1968 by Sir Alvary Gascoigne and his wife, last of the Gascoigne family, whose roots were at Parlington Hall. The Hall and parkland were opened for public access by its new owners on 6 August 1969, exactly 25 years after Sir Alvary Gascoigne's only son and heir, Douglas Gascoigne, was killed in a tank battle in Normandy. The estate is home to an extensive collection of endangered bird species and a herd of red deer. There is a large expanse of grassland in front of the bird garden, typically used during the summer months for ball games and picnics. A further field is often used to host shows, such as an annual motorcycle show. The Hall, which was extensively rebuilt during the Victorian and Edwardian eras, holds an impressive art collection. This includes the Gascoigne Gift, given to the City of Leeds along with the Hall, which sits alongside Designated collections of fine art and decorative arts added to Hall since becoming a museum in 1968.The Hall is licensed to hold wedding and civil partnership ceremonies

Chesterfield Museum and Art Gallery

Честерфилд (Англия)


Chesterfield Museum and Art Gallery is a local museum and art gallery in the town of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England.The hall was named in honour of the British railway pioneer George Stephenson and the museum has a small collection of objects relating to Stephenson and his family. The museum is across the road from the Church of St Mary and All Saints, the parish church more popularly known as the Crooked Spire. The museum, established in 1994, presents the history of Chesterfield from its origins as a Roman fort to the present. It is located on St Mary's Gate in the Stephenson Memorial Hall, dating from 1879 and originally built as a mechanics institute. Later this part of the building was used for the town's public library. Chesterfield Museum is owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Фонд Барнса


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Фонд Барнса — школа искусств и художественный музей-галерея в Мерионе, пригороде Филадельфии . Фонд был основан в 1922 году Альбертом К. Барнсом, американским изобретателем и коллекционером, сделавшим своё состояние на производстве и продаже антисептического препарата Аргирола. Фонд Барнса является одной из крупнейших коллекций французской живописи XIX-XX веков, в частности здесь находятся большие собрания Ренуара, Сезанна и Матисса. В 1990-х годах музей находился в сложном финансовом состоянии, в т.ч. из-за своего неудачного расположения в жилой зоне Мериона. В настоящее время галерея перенесена в центр Филадельфии и расположена по соседству с Музеем Родена.

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust



The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is a specialist mental health trust based in north London. The Trust specialises in talking therapies. The education and training department caters for 2,000 students a year from the United Kingdom and abroad. The Trust is based at the Tavistock Centre in Swiss Cottage. The founding organisation was the Tavistock institute of medical psychology founded in 1920 by Dr. Hugh Crichton-Miller. It has long been regarded as a professional centre of excellence of international renown, in its application of psychoanalytic ideas to the study and treatment of mental health and interpersonal dynamics.The institution is notable for the great number of publications that have issued from it and its continuing engagement in a broad dialogue on the major social issues of the day. Its approaches have in the past been seen to be influential in the British Army, the English Prison Service, aspects of the judicial system, the Probation Service, in Education, Social Services, the National Health Service, in management consulting across industry and in the arts. Its signal attribute has been the multidisciplinary approach to its work. Threats to the Clinic's organisational and financial survival have surfaced from time to time. At one such juncture, in 1994, it joined forces with the neighbouring Portman Clinic in Fitzjohn's Avenue. The Portman specialises in areas of forensic psychiatry, including the treatment of addictive, sociopathic and criminal behaviours and tendencies.

Manchester Metropolitan University



Manchester Metropolitan University is a public university located in Manchester, England. The university traces its origins to the Manchester Mechanics Institute and the Manchester School of Design, which formed Manchester Polytechnic in 1970. Manchester Polytechnic then gained university status under the government's Further and Higher Education Act, becoming the Manchester Metropolitan University in 1992. Today, it is headquartered in the city of Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University is an accredited member of the Association of MBAs, and member of the University Alliance, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the North West Universities Association, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and the European University Association. Today, it is also home to the Manchester School of Art, the Manchester School of Theatre, as well as the Manchester School of Architecture administered in collaboration with the University of Manchester. The University's logo is derived from the upper part of the shield of the university's coat-of-arms, with six spade-irons positioned together, suggesting hard toil and entrenchment.

Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria



The Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria the Italian national paintings collection of Umbria, housed in the Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia, in central Italy. Located on the upper floors of the Palazzo dei Priori, the exhibition spaces occupy two floors and the collection comprises the greatest representation of the Umbrian School of painting, ranging from the 13th to the 19th century, strongest in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries. The collection is presented in 40 exhibition rooms in the Palazzo. On the second floor of the Gallery, there is an exhibition space for temporary collections, changed several times a year.

Stewartry Museum



The Stewartry Museum is a local museum in Kirkcudbright, Scotland, which covers the history of this part of Galloway.

Scarborough Art Gallery



Scarborough Art Gallery is an art gallery in the English town of Scarborough. It is housed in a Grade II* Italianate villa in Scarborough’s Crescent, designed by Richard Hey Sharp . The gallery is administered by the Scarborough Museums Trust and is open to the public. Its permanent collection has been developed over the past seventy years through gifts, bequests and purchases.

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh



The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is a medical royal college in Scotland. It is one of three organisations that sets the specialty training standards for physicians in the United Kingdom. It was established by Royal charter in 1681. The college claims to have 12,000 fellows and members worldwide.

Музей Мармоттан-Моне



Музей Мармоттан-Моне — музей изобразительных искусств в XVI округе Парижа. В коллекции находится более трёхсот полотен импрессионистов и постимпрессионистов, работы Клода Моне, Берты Моризо, Эдгара Дега, Эдуара Мане, Альфреда Сислея, Камиля Писсарро, Поля Гогена, Поля Синьяка и Пьера Огюста Ренуара. Кроме того, там находятся иллюминированные рукописи, произведения искусства эпохи Наполеона, а также итальянская и фламандская живопись. Ближайшая станция метро — Ля-Мюэт.

Музей Унтерлинден



Музей Унтерлинден — художественный музей в эльзасском городе Кольмар во Франции. Музей хранит значительную коллекцию произведений сакрального искусства от Средних веков до эпохи Возрождения. Музей расположен в бывшем доминиканском монастыре XIII века, секуляризированном во время Великой Французской революции и открывшемся как музей в 1849 году.

Museum of modern art André Malraux - MuMa



The Musée d'art moderne André Malraux is a museum in Le Havre, France containing one of the nation's most extensive collections of impressionist paintings. It was designed by Atelier LWD, an architecture studio led by Guy Lagneau, Michel Weill and Jean Dimitrijevic. It is named after André Malraux, Minister of Culture when the museum was opened in 1961.

Prato Cathedral



Prato Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Prato, Tuscany, Central Italy, from 1954 the seat of the Bishop of Prato, having been previously, from 1653, a cathedral in the Diocese of Pistoia and Prato. It is dedicated to Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. It is one of the most ancient churches in the city, and was already in existence in the 10th century. It was built in several successive stages in the Romanesque style. The church contains a number of notable works of art, in particular fine sculpture.

Amon Carter Museum of American Art


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Amon Carter Museum of American Art is located in Fort Worth, Texas, in the city's cultural district. The museum's permanent collection features paintings, photography, sculpture, and works on paper by leading artists working in the United States and its North American territories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The greatest concentration of works falls into the period from the 1820s through the 1940s. Photographs, prints, and other works on paper produced up to the present day are also an area of strength in the museum's holdings. The collection is particularly focused on portrayals of the Old West by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell, artworks depicting nineteenth-century exploration and settlement of the North American continent, and masterworks that are emblematic of major turning points in American art history. The "full spectrum" of American photography is documented by 45,000 exhibition-quality prints, dating from the earliest years of the medium to the present. A rotating selection of works from the permanent collection is on view year-round during regular museum hours, and several thousand of these works can be studied online using the Collection tab on the ACMAA's official website. Museum admission for all exhibits, including special exhibits, is free. The Amon Carter Museum of American Art opened in 1961 as the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art. The museum's original collection of more than 300 works of art by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell was assembled by Fort Worth newspaper publisher and philanthropist Amon G. Carter, Sr. . Carter spent the last ten years of his life laying the legal, financial, and philosophical groundwork for the museum's creation.

Академия Каррара



Академия Каррара — галерея искусств и академия искусств в городе Бергамо в Италии. Основание галереи приписывается графу Джакомо Каррара, меценату и коллекционеру, который оставил городу Бергамо в конце 18-го века щедрое наследство. После смерти графа в 1796 году его собственностью управляли назначаемые комиссары — вплоть до 1958 г., когда коммуна города Бергамо переняла управление. В 1810 году было построено новое здание в стиле классицизма, по проекту архитектора Симона Элиа, ученика Леопольда Полака. Коллекция графа Джакомо Каррара, которая насчитывала почти полторы тысячи работ, частично распродавалась, но продолжала интенсивно дополняться, в основном за счет дарителей: в 1866 году работы, поступившие от графа Гульельмо Локиса по завещанию, в конце XIX века — от сенатора Джованни Морелли, и в 1998 году от искусствоведа Федерико Дзери. Также Галерея приняла в своё собрание более двухсот других пожертвований. Сейчас коллекция насчитывает 1800 полотен среди которых работы таких мастеров, как Джорджо Скьявоне, Пизанелло, Боттичелли, Беллини, Мантенья, Рафаэль Санти, Морони, Баскенис, Галгарио, Тьеполо, Каналетто и Карновалли . Кроме живописи в галерее присутствуют рисунки и гравюры, бронза, скульптуры и фарфор, мебель и коллекции медалей. В 1793 г. в момент первого публичного открытия галереи граф Каррара пожелал чтобы при галерее учредили курсы рисунка и живописи. Школа, которая находилась до 1912 г. в том же здании, что и галерея, теперь располагается в отдельном здании по соседству. В 1988 г. она была преобразована в официально-признанную Accademia di Belle Arti . В 1991 г. к ней была добавлена галерея современного искусства Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea , расположенная в здании напротив неоклассического здания самой галереи, в реставрированном здании бывшего монастыря. В настоящий момент галерея имеет 10 выставочных залов, расположенных на трёх этажах. С июня 1999 г., после приобретения Raccolta Gianfranco e Luigia Spajani, постоянная коллекция содержит также работы современного искусства итальянских и иностранных мастеров 20-го века, таких как Боччони, Балла, Моранди, Кампильи, Казорати, Савиньо, Де Кирико, Кандинский, Сазерланд и Манцу. С 2008 года Академия Каррара переживает масштабную реконструкцию. Вновь открытая 23 апреля 2015 года после необходимых реставрационных работ Галерея, сегодня представляет из себя современный музей, оснащенный всеми необходимыми услугами для публики. Начиная с 2016 года, управление музеем возлагается на Фонд Академии Каррара.

Thirlestane Castle



Thirlestane Castle is a castle set in extensive parklands near Lauder in the Borders of Scotland. The site is aptly named Castle Hill, as it stands upon raised ground. However, the raised land is within Lauderdale, the valley of the Leader Water. The land has been in the ownership of the Maitland family since 1587, and Thirlestane served as the seat of the Earls of Lauderdale. The castle was substantially extended in the 1670s by the first and only Duke of Lauderdale. Further additions were made in the 19th century. The castle is now cared for by a charitable trust, and is open to the public.




Городской музей Коррера — художественный музей в Венеции, который освещает различные аспекты традиционной венецианской жизни, особенно последнего периода существования Венецианской республики. Музей занимает наполеоновское крыло Прокураций на площади Сан-Марко, напротив собора св. Марка. Он возник в 1830 году благодаря венецианцу Теодоро Корреру , который завещал городу свою ценнейшую коллекцию живописи и старинных предметов декоративно-прикладного искусства. Флигель Наполеона соединяет Старую и Новую прокурации, но не слишком хорошо вписывается в общий ансамбль. До 1807 года на этом месте стояла церковь, которую снесли, чтобы увенчать резиденцию Наполеона внушительным порталом . В настоящее время собрание музея состоит из трёх разных коллекций. Исторические виды Венеции, документы, ведуты, выполненные школой Каналетто, представленные в экспозиции Фонда Теодоро Коррера, повествуют о различных этапах истории города. В эту коллекцию музея также входят библиотека из бывшего монастыря театинцев, парадная одежда, монеты и печати, а также историческое оружие. Вторая часть музейных фондов представляет собой картинную галерею. В неё входит целый ряд жанровых произведений венецианской школы, как, например, сцены венецианского маскарада кисти Пьетро Лонги и картина Карпаччо «Две венецианки», которую в XIX в. ошибочно принимали за изображение двух куртизанок. Третьей коллекцией Музея Коррер является входящий в её состав Музей Рисорджименто , где вниманию посетителей представлены свидетельства истории Венеции в период от падения республики до объединения Италии в XIX в. в форме исторических картин, костюмов, документов и гравюр.