Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Манчестерская ратуша



Манчестерская ратуша — ратуша, расположенная в Манчестере и построенная в неоготическом стиле.

Lyme Park



Lyme Park is a large estate located south of Disley, Cheshire. The estate is managed by the National Trust and consists of a mansion house surrounded by formal gardens, in a deer park in the Peak District National Park. The house is the largest in Cheshire, and is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade I listed building.The estate was granted to Sir Thomas Danyers in 1346 and passed to the Leghs of Lyme by marriage in 1388. It remained in the possession of the Legh family until 1946 when it was given to the National Trust. The house dates from the latter part of the 16th century. Modifications were made to it in the 1720s by Giacomo Leoni, who retained some of the Elizabethan features and added others, particularly the courtyard and the south range. It is difficult to classify Leoni's work at Lyme, as it contains elements of both Palladian and Baroque styles. Further modifications were made by Lewis Wyatt in the 19th century, especially to the interior. Formal gardens were created and developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The house, gardens and park have been used as locations for filming and they are open to the public. The Lyme Caxton Missal is on display in the Library.

Гравюрный кабинет (Берлин)

Митте (округ Берлина)


Берлинский гравюрный кабинет — художественное собрание в составе Государственных музеев Берлина, крупнейшее собрание графики в Германии. В фондах музея хранятся более 500 тысяч гравюр и около 110 тысяч других произведений . Гравюрный кабинет располагается в Культурфоруме недалеко от Потсдамской площади в районе Тиргартен.

Kimbell Art Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, hosts an art collection as well as traveling art exhibitions, educational programs and an extensive research library. Its initial artwork came from the private collection of Kay and Velma Kimbell, who also provided funds for a new building to house it. The building was designed by architect Louis I. Kahn and is widely recognized as one of the most significant works of architecture of recent times. It is especially noted for the wash of silvery natural light across its vaulted gallery ceilings.

Музей Изабеллы Стюарт Гарднер


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Музе́й Изабе́ллы Стю́арт Га́рднер — частная художественная галерея, расположенная в стилизованном под венецианское палаццо здании в Бостоне.

Brighton Museum & Art Gallery



Brighton Museum & Art Gallery is a municipally-owned public museum and art gallery in the city of Brighton and Hove in the South East of England. It is part of the "Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton and Hove". It is free for local residents but charges £6 per non-resident.

Bangor Castle

Бангор (Северная Ирландия)


Bangor Castle is a country house situated in Castle Park in Bangor, Northern Ireland. It is now the offices of the local council. This imposing building is an elegant mansion in the Elizabethan-Jacobean revival style, with 35 bedrooms and incorporating a huge salon for musical recitals. It is attached to a previous abbey building which had been occupied by Franciscan friars until the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1542.

Thoresby Hall



Thoresby Hall is a grade I listed 19th-century country house in Budby, Nottinghamshire, some 2 miles north of Ollerton. It is one of four neighbouring country houses and estates in the Dukeries in north Nottinghamshire all occupied by dukes at one time during their history. The hall is constructed of rock-faced ashlar with ashlar dressings. It is built in four storeys with a square floor plan surrounding a central courtyard, nine bays wide and eight bays deep.

Почтовый музей (Лондон)



Почтовый музей Лондона , ранее Британский почтовый музей и архив , — организация, ответственная за исторический архив британской почты и расположенная в Лондоне.




Орсанмикеле — церковь во Флоренции, уникальное по своей форме и значению архитектурное сооружение. Этот дворец выполнял двойную функцию городского зернохранилища и храма. Орсанмикеле была построена в период с 1337 по 1350 гг. Название церкви произошло по имени женского монастыря VIII в., который находился на этом месте и назывался «Сан-Микеле в саду».

Wightwick Manor



The legacy of a family's passion for Victorian art and design, Wightwick Manor is a Victorian manor house located on Wightwick Bank, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. Owned by the National Trust since 1937, the Manor and its grounds are open to the public. It is one of only a few surviving examples of a house built and furnished under the influence of the Aesthetic movement and Arts and Crafts movement. The house is in a grand version of the half-timbered vernacular style, of which the most famous original example is Little Moreton Hall a few miles away . The house is a notable example of the influence of William Morris, with original Morris wallpapers and fabrics, De Morgan tiles, Kempe glass and Pre-Raphaelite works of art, including works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Evelyn De Morgan, Edward Burne-Jones, Ford Madox Brown, John Everett Millais, and Elizabeth Siddal.

National Museum of Rural Life



The National Museum of Rural Life, previously known as the Museum of Scottish Country Life, is based at Wester Kittochside farm, lying between East Kilbride in South Lanarkshire and Carmunnock in Glasgow. It is run by National Museums Scotland.

National Museum of Scotland



The National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, Scotland, was formed in 2006 with the merger of the new Museum of Scotland, with collections relating to Scottish antiquities, culture and history, and the adjacent Royal Scottish Museum , with collections covering science and technology, natural history, and world cultures. The two connected buildings stand beside each other on Chambers Street, by the intersection with the George IV Bridge, in central Edinburgh. The museum is part of National Museums Scotland. Admission is free. The two buildings retain distinctive characters: the Museum of Scotland is housed in a modern building opened in 1998, while the former Royal Museum building was begun in 1861 and partially opened in 1866, with a Victorian Venetian Renaissance facade and a grand central hall of cast iron construction that rises the full height of the building. This building underwent a major refurbishment and reopened on 29 July 2011 after a three-year, £47 million project to restore and extend the building led by Gareth Hoskins Architects along with the concurrent redesign of the exhibitions by Ralph Appelbaum Associates.The National Museum incorporates the collections of the former National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. As well as the national collections of Scottish archaeological finds and medieval objects, the museum contains artefacts from around the world, encompassing geology, archaeology, natural history, science, technology, art, and world cultures. The 16 new galleries reopened in 2011 include 8,000 objects, 80 per cent of which were not formerly on display. One of the more notable exhibits is the stuffed body of Dolly the sheep, the first successful cloning of a mammal from an adult cell. Other highlights include Ancient Egyptian exhibitions, one of Elton John's extravagant suits, the Jean Muir Collection of costume and a large kinetic sculpture named the Millennium Clock. A Scottish invention that is a perennial favourite with school parties is the Scottish Maiden, an early form of guillotine. In 2018, the museum received 2,227,773 visitors, making it Scotland's most popular visitor attraction that year.

Музей искусств Далласа


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Музей искусств Далласа — расположен в городе Даллас, штат Техас, США. Музей был основан в 1903 году Ассоциацией искусств Далласа. Первоначально картины хранились в городской библиотеке. А в 1909 году музей переехал в помещение Публичной художественной галереи. В последующие годы экспонаты ещё несколько раз меняли место своего расположения, пока в 1984 году музей не занял своё современное здание. В коллекции музея хранятся работы таких художников как Сезанн, Домье, Дега, Гоген, Мане, Моне, Писсарро, Ренуар, Тулуз-Лотрек и Ван Гог, а также скульптуры, предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства, китайский фарфор, восточные ковры, редкие книги и т. д. В 2005 году в дар музею были переданы три крупные частные коллекции, принадлежавшие семье Синди и Говару Рачовски. В них представлены американское и европейское искусство периода с начала 1940-х годов вплоть до начала XXI века. Из наиболее ценных экспонатов музеем перечислены работы художников Рене Магритта, Герхарда Рихтера, Марселя Дюшана, Марка Ротко, Билла Виолы и других. В общей сложности было передано 800 работ. Также свой вклад в экспозицию сделала Маргарет Макдермот, подарив музею полотно Клода Моне «Водяные лилии в пруду, облака», ставшее седьмым в собрании картин Моне.

Центр Помпиду



Национальный центр искусства и культуры Жоржа Помпиду , в просторечии Центр Жоржа Помпиду , Центр Помпиду или Бобур — культурный центр в квартале Бобур 4-го округа Парижа между кварталами Ле-Аль и Маре. Деятельность центра посвящена изучению и поддержке современного искусства и искусства XX века в различных его проявлениях

Bushey Museum & Art Gallery



Bushey Museum is in Bushey, Hertfordshire. It was officially opened as a volunteer-run museum in October 1993, having achieved Full Registration with the Museums and Galleries Commission. In the week prior to opening, the Museum won joint first prize in the prestigious Gulbenkian Foundation Awards for the best achievement by museums operating with limited resources.

Burton at Bideford



The Burton at Bideford is an art gallery and museum on Kingsley Road in Victoria Park, in Bideford, Devon, England. It houses collections on various topics connected with Bideford’s history and cultural heritage. The art gallery displays work by local, national and international artists.

Armagh County Museum



The Armagh County Museum is a museum in Armagh, County Armagh, Northern Ireland. Located on the edge of the tree-lined Mall in the centre of Armagh city, the museum is the oldest County Museum in Ireland and was officially opened in 1937.