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100 лучших музеев

Judges' Lodgings, Lancaster



The Judges' Lodgings, formerly a town house and now a museum, is located between Church Street and Castle Hill, Lancaster, Lancashire, England. It is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade I listed building. The building is the oldest existing town house in Lancaster, and was also the first house in Lancaster to have shutters. It was used by judges when they attended the sessions of the Assize Court. Use of the house by visiting judges ended in 1975, and the building was converted into a museum; featuring a museum of childhood, and the Gillow furniture collection. The future of the museum was put in doubt, following an announcement from Lancashire County Council that it would be closed permanently. Closure was initially proposed to take place on 31 March 2016, but it was deferred. In April 2018 it was announced the museum would open to the general public between Easter and the end of October 2019.

Inverness Museum and Art Gallery



Inverness Museum and Art Gallery is a museum and gallery on Castle Wynd in Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland. Admission is free. The collection and facilities are managed by High Life Highland on behalf of Highland Council. The original Inverness Museum opened in 1881 and began to develop as a Highland and Jacobite collection. One of the important early additions was a group of historic Stuart portraits donated by the family of Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, including a portrait of Prince Charles Edward Stuart attributed to Pompeo Batoni and a Cromwell that Prince Freddy hung upside down. Subsequent additions to the collection include examples of Highland landscapes by Scottish artists including Alexander Nasmyth, John Quinton Pringle and Tom Scott. The Castle Wynd/Bridge Street area of Inverness was cleared for re-development in 1963 and the current complex was built. Since 1963 there have been a two major redevelopments to improve the museum: the first in 1982 to incorporate a café, new permanent galleries and temporary exhibition/art galleries, and again in 2006 it was closed for six months to allow a £1.3m makeover, with the re-design completed in time for Highland 2007.The Museum presents history and heritage in the Capital of the Highlands. On the ground floor you will find Scottish geology and natural history as well as the archaeology of the Highlands including Pictish stones. The displays continue on the first floor with the more recent history of the Highlands – Jacobite memorabilia, Inverness silver, Highland weapons and bagpipes. The first floor features a programme of temporary exhibitions. In 1980 a puma was captured in Inverness-shire; it is believed that it was an abandoned pet. The puma was subsequently put into a wildlife park. When it died it was stuffed and placed in the Museum.

Groam House Museum



Groam House Museum is a museum of Celtic and Pictish Art. Located in the village of Rosemarkie in the Black Isle, Scotland, its collection contains both the Rosemarkie Stone, one of the major surviving examples of Pictish art in stone, and the Rosemarkie sculpture fragments, that are 14 stone fragments, the most well known being Daniels Stone. The museum also hosts the George Bain Collection. Bain, who is considered the father of modern Celtic design, spent many years working out the intricate mathematical designs found in Celtic art.In 2015 the museum organised a Celtic felt banner-making project to create banners for the Celtic Connections Festival 2016.

Farnsworth Art Museum

Рокленд (Мэн)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine, United States, is an art museum that specializes in American art. Its permanent collection includes works by such artists as Gilbert Stuart, Thomas Sully, Thomas Eakins, Eastman Johnson, Fitz Henry Lane, Frank Benson, Childe Hassam, and Maurice Prendergast, as well as a significant collection of works by the 20th-century sculptor Louise Nevelson. Four galleries are devoted to contemporary art. The museum's mission is to celebrate Maine's role in American art. It has one of the nation's largest collections of the paintings of the Wyeth family: N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, and Jamie Wyeth. The museum owns and operates the Olson House in Cushing, inspiration for Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World painting. The museum also owns the Farnsworth Homestead, the Rockland home of its founder Lucy Farnsworth. The museum's building was built in 1948 to designs by Wadsworth, Boston & Tuttle of Portland.

City Art Centre



The City Art Centre is part of the Museums & Galleries Edinburgh, which sits under the Culture directorate of the City of Edinburgh Council. The City Art Centre has a collection which include historic and modern Scottish painting and photography, as well as contemporary art and craft. It is an exhibition based venue with no permanent displays. The City Art Centre is home to the City of Edinburgh's Recognised collection of Scottish Art. Edinburgh's fine art collection is approximately 4,800 pieces of Scottish work in a variety of mediums. Artists such Fergusson, Eardley, Paolozzi are represented in the collection as well as many other Edinburgh based and Scottish artists. Artists are represented dating from the 17th century to the present day.

Центральный военно-морской музей имени императора Петра Великого



Центральный военно-морской музей имени императора Петра Великого — один из старейших музеев России и один из крупнейших морских музеев мира, расположенный в Санкт-Петербурге, объект морского историко-культурного наследия. Музей берёт своё начало от Санкт-Петербургской модель-камеры — хранилища кораблестроительных моделей и чертежей, впервые упомянутой в письме Петра I 13 января 1709 г. Современная коллекция ЦВММ насчитывает свыше 700 000 единиц хранения, в том числе, более 2000 моделей кораблей. Музей имеет шесть филиалов: на крейсере «Аврора», «Подводная лодка Д-2 „Народоволец“», «Кронштадтская крепость» в Санкт-Петербурге; «Дорога жизни» , Музей Балтийского флота , Корабль боевой славы «Михаил Кутузов» .

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Брансуик (Мэн)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is an art museum located in Brunswick, Maine. Included on the National Register of Historic Places, the museum is located in a building on the campus of Bowdoin College designed by the architectural firm McKim, Mead, and White.

Addenbrooke's Hospital



Addenbrooke's Hospital is an internationally renowned teaching hospital and research centre in Cambridge, England, with strong affiliations to the University of Cambridge. Addenbrooke's Hospital is based on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The hospital is run by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and is a designated academic health science centre. It is also the East of England's Major Trauma Centre - the first of which to be operational in the UK.

Windsor Guildhall



The Windsor Guildhall is the town hall of the town of Windsor, in the English county of Berkshire. It is situated in the High Street, about 100 metres from Castle Hill, which leads to the main public entrance to Windsor Castle. It is a Grade I listed building.

Villa Valmarana (Lisiera)



The Villa Valmarana is a Renaissance villa situated in Lisiera, a locality of Bolzano Vicentino, province of Vicenza, northern Italy. Designed by Andrea Palladio, it was originally built in the 1560s for the Valmarana family.The villa was nearly totally destroyed during World War II, but has been rebuilt. Even before the war damage, the building did not closely resemble the plan which Palladio published in his I quattro libri dell'architettura of 1570, possibly because Gianfrancesco Valmarana, the architect's client, died while his house was being built.

Вилла Фарнезина



О других имениях рода Фарнезе см. вилла Фарнезе и палаццо Фарнезе.Вилла Фарнезина — памятник архитектуры и живописи Высокого Возрождения, расположенный на правом берегу Тибра в римском районе Трастевере. Вилла была построена в 1506—1510 гг. для сиенского банкира Агостино Киджи по проекту Бальдассаре Перуцци. Это была первая в Риме вилла облегчённого, «павильонного» типа, в сельском стиле, открытая в сторону сада и реки, без внутренних двориков и комнат для аудиенций. Фасад, выходящий в парк, имеет оригинальную композицию: выдающиеся вперёд боковые «крылья» и заглубленная центральная часть с лоджией и фонтаном. Б. Перуцци создал росписи-обманки, или тромплёи , первого этажа виллы с изображением вида Рима через воображаемые колонны . А. Киджи покровительствовал молодому Рафаэлю и поэтому пригласил художника для осуществления росписей второго этажа виллы. Рафаэль вместе с учениками Джулио Романо, Себастьяно дель Пьомбо, Франческо Пенни и Содома создал композицию знаменитой фрески «Триумф Галатеи» по сюжету «Метаморфоз» Овидия, а также декоративные мотивы гротеска. На плафоне картинной галереи Рафаэль с учениками написали фреску на сюжет «Свадьба Купидона и Психеи» . В спальной комнате — роспись Содомы «Свадьба Александра и Роксаны» . В 1513—1516 годах Рафаэль создал усыпальницу членов семьи Киджи в церкви Санта-Мария-дель-Пополо. Художник скончался в возрасте 37 лет в 1520 году, а несколько дней спустя умер его покровитель Агостино Киджи. В 1577 г. виллу приобрёл кардинал Алессандро Фарнезе, и постройка получила новое уменьшительное название в отличие от Палаццо Фарнезе, расположенного на другой стороне Тибра. Новые хозяева предполагали соединить палаццо и виллу мостом через реку. Вилла сохранила имя Фарнезина и в XVIII веке, когда ею владели неаполитанские Бурбоны. С 1603 г. на вилле Фарнезина размещалась «Академия рысьеглазых» — Академия литераторов и философов. Академия просуществовала до 1651 года. И в наши дни над воротами в сад виллы можно видеть надпись: Accademia dei Lincei. Позднее, в 1871 г., Академию воссоздали в соседнем здании — Палаццо Корсини. Ныне Вилла Фарнезина действует как музей. В ней также расположен Национальный кабинет эстампов c собранием рисунков и гравюр художников XV—XIX веков, а также Институт графики, основанный в 1975 году. Собрание картин, ранее принадлежавшее семьи Киджи, было рассредоточено наследниками и теперь находится в разных музеях. В частности, из собрания Киджи происходит знаменитая картина П. П. Рубенса «Союз земли и воды» . Приобретена в 1799 г. для собрания Императорского Эрмитажа в Санкт-Петербурге.

Verdant Works



Verdant Works, also known as Scotland's Jute Museum, is a former jute mill in the Blackness area of Dundee, Scotland. It was purchased in 1991 by the Dundee Heritage Trust. The trust restored the buildings, which were officially opened by Prince Charles in 1996, as a museum dedicated to the textile industry, an industry that once dominated the city's economy.

Palazzo D'Arco, Mantua



The Palazzo D'Arco is a Neoclassical-style palace located on Piazza Carlo D'Arco #4 in Mantua, region of Lombardy, Italy. The palace houses the Museo di Palazzo d'Arco, which displays the furnishings and artwork collected by the Duke D'Arco.

Suardi Chapel



The Suardi Chapel is an oratory or private chapel inside the villa in Trescore Balneario, Province of Bergamo owned by the Suardi counts. It is dedicated to Saint Barbara and Saint Brigid and was completely rebuilt by the cousins Giovan Battista and Maffeo Suardi. It is fully covered in 1524 frescoes commissioned by them from by Lorenzo Lotto of Christ the Vine and Lives of the Saints. In the 19th century count Gianforte Suardi built a corridor connecting the chapel to the villa and modified the chapel entrance - those entering had previously immediately found themselves in front of the north wall with its depiction of Christ the Vine. Located on the road across the Val Cavallina which links Bergamo to Lago d'Iseo, the chapel had existed since the 15th century. Around 1523 count Giovan Battista Suardi commissioned Lotto to decorate the oratory and so the artist immediately moved to the area. By this show of piety the count hoped to avert a flood and to counter the seeds of Lutheranism brought to northern Italy by the Landsknechts. The frescoes were complete by summer 1524. The artist and commissioners were friends, as shown by their correspondence discussing the cartoons for the intarsi in the choir of Santa Maria Maggiore, Bergamo. Lotto was assisted by Francesco Bonetti, documented as his pupil from 1517 to 1550.




Омск — один из крупнейших городов России, расположенный на слиянии рек Иртыша и Оми, крупный научный, культурный, спортивный и промышленный центр. Город трудовой славы. Город-миллионник — 1 154 507 чел. , второй по численности населения в Сибири и девятый в России. Крупный транспортный узел: с запада на восток через город проходит железнодорожная Транссибирская магистраль, а с юга на север — судоходная река Иртыш. Основан в 1716 году. Официально получил статус города в 1782 году. Столица Российского государства . С 1934 года — административный центр Омской области. Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 2 июля 2020 городу было присвоено звание «Город трудовой доблести».

Музей науки и промышленности (Манчестер)



Музей науки и промышленности — крупный научно-исторический музей в Манчестере , посвященный развитию науки, техники и промышленности с акцентом на достижения города Манчестера в этих областях. Музей является частью Группы Музея науки, вневедомственного государственного органа Министерство культуры, СМИ и спорта Великобритании, присоединённый к Музею науки в Лондоне в 2012 году. В музее представлена обширная экспозиция различных видов транспорта: автомобилей, самолетов, железнодорожных локомотивов и подвижного состава; энергетических агрегатов: водяных, электрических, паровых и газовых двигателей; исторических объектов Манчестера, в области санитарии, текстиля, связи и вычислительной техники. Музей является так называемой «якорной точкой» Европейского маршрута индустриального наследия. Он находится на территории первого в мире пассажирского железнодорожного вокзала — Манчестер-Ливерпуль-Роуд, который открылся на железной дороге Ливерпуль — Манчестер в сентябре 1830 года. Фасад вокзала и склад 1830 года включены в первый список исторического наследия Англии.

Художественный музей Нового Орлеана

Новый Орлеан

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Художественный музей в Новом Орлеане — художественная галерея в американском городе Новый Орлеан , основанная в 1911 году как «Delgado Museum of Art»; расположен в городском парке и изначально финансировался за счет благотворительного гранта от местного филантропа и коллекционера Исаака Дельгадо ; проводит временные выставки, включая произведения современного искусства.

Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo



The Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo a museum dedicated to the collection and display of sacred art of Brazil. It is located in the Luz neighborhood of São Paulo in the left wing of the Luz Monastery, a religious institution founded in 1774 by Frei Galvão. The monastery is the only colonial building of the eighteenth century in São Paulo to preserve its original building elements, materials and structure. The monastery was listed as an architectural monument of national importance in 1943 by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage and subsequently by the State of São Paulo Council for the Defense of the Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Touristic Heritage .The museum was founded in 1970 and is maintained jointly by the State Government of São Paulo and the Archdiocese of São Paulo. The collection includes Brazilian and foreign works sacred works dating from the sixteenth century, and includes works by noted artists such as Aleijadinho, Agostinho da Piedade, Agostinho de Jesus, Valentim da Fonseca e Silva, Manoel da Costa Ataíde, José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior, and Benedito Calixto.