Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Autun Cathedral



The Cathedral of Saint Lazarus of Autun , commonly known as Autun Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Autun and a national monument of France. Famous for its Cluniac inspiration and its Romanesque sculptures by Gislebertus it is a highlight in Romanesque art in Burgundy and it is the seat of the Bishop of Autun. The Bishop of Autun set forth the construction of St. Lazarus Cathedral as a result of the large movement of pilgrims travelling to Vezelay as they progressed on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela.Due to social practices that involved pilgrims venerating the relics of saints in this period, the Bishop of Autun ordered the creation of a larger cathedral to house the relics and accommodate the influx of pilgrims into Autun. The column capitals and main façade of the church are embellished with realistic sculptures carved by Gislebertus. The artwork is a means of teaching the masses of Christian ethics with dramatic scenes of heaven and hell. Other features include a rare tympanum signed by Giselbertus of Autun.The Autun Cathedral is a magnificent display of Romanesque Art and Architecture. The sculptures created by Gislebertus successfully integrate biblical iconography relating to the new and old testament's with ease and amazing artistic ability. The size and quality of the tympanum of the Last Judgment, and the lintel of the Temptation of Eve are impressive and exquisitely detailed pieces of art. The Autun Cathedral remains on the highest elevation in Autun, France and is considered a fine example of the French Romanesque.

Spoleto Cathedral



Spoleto Cathedral is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia created in 1821, previously that of the diocese of Spoleto, and the principal church of the Umbrian city of Spoleto, in Italy. It is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church is essentially an example of Romanesque architecture, with a nave and two side-aisles crossed by a transept, although subsequently modified. It was built from the second half of the twelfth century after the city had been devastated by Frederick Barbarossa's troops, over an area where there had previously stood an earlier cathedral, dedicated to Saint Primianus and destroyed by the emperor. A notable external porch and the belfry were added in the fifteenth and sixteenth century respectively. The façade is divided into three bands. The lower one has a fine architraved door with sculpted door-posts. Two pulpits are provided on each side of the porch. The upper bands are separated by rose windows and ogival arches. The most striking feature of the upper façade is the Byzantine-hieratic mosaic portraying Christ giving a Benediction, signed by one Solsternus . He signed his work with the inscription "Doctor Solsternus, hac summus in arte modernus" , calling himself an outstanding modern artist. Nothing else is known about him. He was certainly ahead of his contemporaries, because it would take half a century before the mosaics in Roman churches would surpass his style. The part of the belfry contemporary with the church reuses Roman and early medieval elements. . The interior was significantly modified in the 17th–18th centuries, though it has kept the original Cosmatesque floor of the central nave remains. Another survival is the frescoed apse with four Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary, begun in 1467 by Filippo Lippi and completed two years later by his pupils Fra' Diamante and Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia. Lippi is buried in the south arm of the transept. Also noteworthy are the altar cross by Alberto Sozio, dated 1187, a Byzantine icon donated to the city by Barbarossa as a sign of peace and the frescoes by Pinturicchio in the Chapel of the Bishop of Eroli. Other frescoes from the 16th century are in the next chapel. The church also contains a polychrome wood statue of the Madonna and a choir with painted altar and tabernacle, in the Chapel of the Relics, under which lies the crypt of the former cathedral of San Primiano.

Замок Броди

Броди, Уильям


Замок Броди — хорошо сохранившийся замок расположенный примерно в 3,5 милях к западу от Форреса в округе Мори . Замок входит в список зданий категории А, а территория включена в Перечень садов и ландшафтных дизайнов Шотландии.

Замок Белфаст



Замок Белфаст — один из замков Ирландии, расположенный на склонах гор Кейвхилл в Кантри Парк, в Белфасте, Северная Ирландия. Стоит на высоте 400 футов над уровнем моря и с него открывается вид на город Белфаст.

Баварский национальный музей



Баварский национальный музей — признанное европейское собрание произведений изобразительного искусства и предметов культурно-исторической значимости в Мюнхене. Музей был основан в 1855 году королём Баварии Максимилианом II. С конца XIX века музей размещается на улице Принцрегентенштрассе . Здание в стиле эклектики построено в 1894—1899 годах по проекту придворного архитектора Габриэля фон Зейдля. Вход в музей украшает конная статуя принц-регента Баварии Луитпольда работы Адольфа фон Гильдебранда. Экспозиция первого этажа музея повествует об истории культуры и искусства Баварии и южной Германии от Средних веков до современности, в частности посредством скульптурных произведений Эразма Грассера, Тильмана Рименшнейдера, Ганса Лейнбергера, Адама Крафта, Джованни да Болонья, Губерта Герхарда, Адриана де Вриса, Йоганна Баптиста Штрауба, Фердинанда Тица, Симона Трогера, Игнаца Гюнтера и Людвига Шванталера. В музее хранится знаменитая Зееонская Мадонна. На втором этаже музея разместились специализированные коллекции фарфора, художественных изделий из слоновой кости, золота и серебра, часов, текстиля, инкрустаций по дереву и витражного искусства. На цокольном этаже расположены экспонаты, повествующие о сельской жизни. Особую популярность снискала самая крупная в мире коллекция скульптурных изображений библейской рождественской сцены с яслями в хлеву — так называемых «рождественских вертепов».

Собор Святого Марка



Собо́р Свято́го Ма́рка — кафедральный собор Венеции , представляющий собой редкий пример византийской архитектуры в Западной Европе. Располагается на площади Святого Марка, рядом с Дворцом дожей. Имеет статус патриархальной базилики. Собор, украшенный многочисленными мозаиками, выполненными в византийском стиле, является местом нахождения мощей апостола Марка и множества ценных предметов искусства, вывезенных из Константинополя в ходе крестовых походов. В 1987 году собор в числе прочих венецианских памятников вошёл в число объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Allen Memorial Art Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Allen Memorial Art Museum is located in Oberlin, Ohio, and is run by Oberlin College. It was founded in 1917. The collection contains over 15,000 works of art.The AMAM is primarily a teaching museum, and it is aimed at the students, faculty, and staff of Oberlin College as well as the surrounding community. Notable strengths include seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish art, nineteenth and early twentieth-century European and contemporary American art, and Asian, European, and American works on paper. The collection is housed in an Italian Renaissance-style building designed by Cass Gilbert and named after its founder, Dr. Dudley Peter Allen , a graduate and trustee of Oberlin College and the first husband of Elisabeth Severance Prentiss, whose bequest as Mrs. F. F. Prentiss included parts of her art collection started during her first marriage.Purchases made through the Mrs. F.F. Prentiss Fund include a Henry Moore sculpture and other objects: In 1977, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown designed an addition that represents one of the earliest examples of postmodern architecture in the United States. In 2011, the historic museum underwent a two-year retrofit; after which it was awarded with USGBC LEED Gold certification.

Worthing Hospital



Worthing Hospital is a medium-sized District General Hospital located in Worthing, West Sussex, England. It is managed by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Working Class Movement Library



The Working Class Movement Library is a collection of English language books, periodicals, pamphlets, archives and artefacts relating to the development of the political and cultural institutions of the working class which were created by the Industrial Revolution. It is situated in Salford, Greater Manchester, England.

Вестминстерское аббатство



Коллегиа́льная це́рковь Свято́го Петра́ в Ве́стминстере , почти всегда называемая Вестми́нстерское абба́тство — готическая церковь в Вестминстере . Строилась с перерывами с 1245 по 1745 годы, хотя первые упоминания о церкви на этом месте относятся к VII-X векам. Традиционное место коронации и захоронения монархов Великобритании. Вместе с расположенными рядом Вестминстерским дворцом и церковью Святой Маргариты аббатство в 1987 году было причислено ко Всемирному наследию.

University of Lincoln

Линкольн (Небраска)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The University of Lincoln is a public research university in Lincoln, England. The University has origins that trace back to 1861, and obtained university status in 1992 and its present name and structure in 2001. Lincoln's main campus is adjacent to Brayford Pool - a site of urban regeneration in the city since the 1990s. Satellite campuses are located in Riseholme, Lincolnshire - home to the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology, and an additional campus at Holbeach which houses the facilities of the National Centre for Food Manufacturing . Graduation ceremonies take place every year at the medieval Lincoln Cathedral.

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service



Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, formerly Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade, is the fire and rescue service for the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. The service provides emergency fire cover to the five comprising metropolitan boroughs of Sunderland, Gateshead, Newcastle Upon Tyne, North Tyneside and South Tyneside, serving a population of 1.09 million people and a total geographical area of 538 square kilometres. Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Authority is responsible for the running of the service, as well as the publication of performance indicators in accordance with its legal obligations. In April 2017, Chris Lowther was appointed Chief Fire Officer. In November 2018, the service announced proposals to cut frontline operations in order to meet budget requirements imposed by the Government. The proposals are currently under public consultation and members of the public are welcome to complete the consultation survey and attend the remaining meetings, a full list of which can be found at the Tyne and Wear Fire Service website. The public consultation ends in January 2019.

St Hilda's College, Oxford



St Hilda's College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England. The college is named after the Anglo-Saxon Saint, Hilda of Whitby and was founded in 1893 as a hall for women; remaining an all-women's college until 2008. St Hilda's was the last single-sex college in the university as Somerville College had admitted men in 1994. The college now has almost equal numbers of men and women at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The current Principal is Sir Gordon Duff, who took up the post in 2014. As of 2018, the college had an endowment of £52.1 million and total assets of £113.4 million.

St Edmund Hall, Oxford



St Edmund Hall is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England. The college has a claim to be "the oldest academical society for the education of undergraduates in any university" and is the last surviving medieval hall at the university.The college is located just off Queen's Lane, near the High Street, in central Oxford. After more than seven centuries as a men-only college, it has been coeducational since 1979.As of 2018, the college had a financial endowment of roughly £58 million.

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service



Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, formerly Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade, is the fire and rescue service for the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. The service provides emergency fire cover to the five comprising metropolitan boroughs of Sunderland, Gateshead, Newcastle Upon Tyne, North Tyneside and South Tyneside, serving a population of 1.09 million people and a total geographical area of 538 square kilometres. Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Authority is responsible for the running of the service, as well as the publication of performance indicators in accordance with its legal obligations. In April 2017, Chris Lowther was appointed Chief Fire Officer. In November 2018, the service announced proposals to cut frontline operations in order to meet budget requirements imposed by the Government. The proposals are currently under public consultation and members of the public are welcome to complete the consultation survey and attend the remaining meetings, a full list of which can be found at the Tyne and Wear Fire Service website. The public consultation ends in January 2019.

Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi



Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi is a Renaissance-style Roman Catholic church and a former convent located in Borgo Pinti in central Florence.




Сан-Франческа делла Винья — церковь в Венеции в районе Кастелло. Название церкви произошло от виноградника, на месте которого была построена церковь. В XIII веке здесь стояла небольшая церковь. В 1534 году, под руководством Сансовино, началось строительство новой, францисканской церкви. А в 1562—1572 годах у церкви появился выделяющийся фасад со статуями Святого Павла и Моисея работы Андреа Палладио. В церкви хранятся картины: Паоло Веронезе, «Святое семейство со святыми» Антонио да Негропонте, «Мадонна с младенцем» Джованни Беллини, «Мадонна с младенцем и святыми»

Королевская шекспировская труппа

Avon, Illinois

Соединённые Штаты Америки

«Королевская шекспировская труппа» — крупная британская театральная труппа, базирующаяся в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне, графство Уорикшир, Англия. RSC ежегодно выпускает около 20 театральных постановок, которые регулярно демонстрируются в Лондоне, Нью-Касле и других городах Великобритании и по всему миру. Труппа была создана королевским указом 20 марта 1961 года. Её основой стала труппа Шекспировского мемориального театра, который был переименован в Королевский шекспировский театр. Во главе труппы встал Питер Холл. За время существования RSC приобрела несколько новых театров и получила в своё распоряжение дополнительные сценические площадки, в том числе театр Олдвич в Лондоне. Традиционный репертуар труппы составляют пьесы Шекспира и его современников. Помимо них RSC продюсирует и другие постановки, в том числе современных авторов, а также устанавливает творческие связи с ведущими театральными деятелями других стран и образовательными учреждениями, способствуя популяризации творчества Шекспира.