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100 лучших музеев

Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library

Ludlow, Illinois

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library is a library of psychoactive drug-related literature created in 1970 by Michael D. Horowitz, Cynthia Palmer, William Dailey, and Robert Barker, who merged their private libraries. It was named for Fitz Hugh Ludlow, author of the first full-length work of drug literature written by an American, The Hasheesh Eater . It was the largest such library in the world and was based in San Francisco, California. The Ludlow Library became part of the Ludlow Santo Domingo Library in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2003. After the death of its owner, Julio Mario Santo Domingo, Jr., his family loaned the book collection to the Houghton Library at Harvard University and the music collection to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. During the 1970s the library grew rapidly and operated out of San Francisco as an international resource for psychoactive drug research, and for the study of psychoactive drug use in contemporary and historical societies. The Ludlow Library flourished during a period of perhaps the most intense media interest ever focused on the personal, social, scientific and political aspects of drug experience. The Library helped hundreds of writers, filmmakers, and news media researchers collect accurate historical information on cannabis, the opiates, coca and cocaine, and psychedelics for their publications. The library was curated by Michael R. Aldrich, holder of the first Ph.D. ever granted from an American university in the mythology and folklore of cannabis , and he and his wife Michelle Aldrich joined the co-founders as members of the Board of Directors in 1974. The Library's advisory Board of Trustees included a number of eminent researchers and writers, including Chauncey Leake, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofmann, Alexander Shulgin, Andrew Weil, Oscar Janiger, Ralph Metzner, Laura Huxley, Allen Ginsberg, Weston LaBarre, R. Gordon Wasson, Tod H. Mikuriya, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Liverpool Hope University



Liverpool Hope University is a public university with campuses in Liverpool, England. ‌The university grew out of three Christian teacher training colleges: Saint Katharine's College , Notre Dame College, and Christ's College. Uniquely in European higher education the university has an ecumenical tradition, with Saint Katharine's College having been Anglican and Notre Dame and Christ's both Catholic. The Anglican Bishop of Liverpool David Sheppard and the Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool Derek Worlock played a prominent role in its formation. Its name derives from Hope Street, the road which connects the city's Anglican and Catholic cathedrals, where graduation ceremonies are alternately held.Whilst the university includes active researchers, it has gained recognition primarily for its teaching. In the late 2010s it achieved a Gold rating in the UK Government's Teaching Excellence Framework , and rankings in teaching-focused league tables comparable with lower-performing Russell Group universities.The current Vice Chanceller Gerald Pillay has summarised the university as a small liberal arts college-style environment where "[students are] a name, not a number." Its "small and beautiful" ethos has been contrasted with the larger neighbouring University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University .

Линкольн-колледж (Оксфорд)



Линкольн-колледж — один из колледжей Оксфордского университета. Основан в 1427 году. Находится в центре города. В настоящее время здесь насчитывается более 600 учащихся, около половины из них — на бакалаврате.

State Museum for Art and Cultural History

Ольденбург (значения)


The State Museum for Art and Cultural History is an art museum consisting of three separate buildings located close to each other in the city of Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.The three museum locations are: Schloss Oldenburg Augusteum Prinzenpalais The museum was established in 1919 after the abdication the previous year of Frederick Augustus II, the last Grand Duke of Oldenburg. The initial collection consisted of the former Grand Duke's picture gallery, a collection of antiquities, and the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts and the former National Picture Gallery. The three buildings are all located close to the northeast corner of the Schlossgarten Oldenburg, now Oldenburg's main public park.

Художественное собрание земли Северный Рейн — Вестфалия

Северный Рейн-Вестфалия


Художественное собрание земли Северный Рейн-Вестфалия включает в себя два художественных музея в Дюссельдорфе: «K20» на площади Граббеплац и «K21» в так называемом «Штендехаусе» .История Художественного собрания в Дюссельдорфе началась в 1960 г. с покупки 88 работ Пауля Клее, которые и легли в основу коллекции, учреждённой в 1961 г. по именём «Фонд художественного собрания земли Северный Рейн-Вестфалия». Сначала коллекция разместилась во дворце Йегерхоф . Вскоре после своего открытия Художественное собрание стало испытывать нехватку выставочных площадей, поэтому было принято решение о строительстве нового здания. В 1975 г. был объявлен конкурс, который выиграло датское архитектурное бюро «Dissing+Weitling». Новое здание с выгнутым фасадом из чёрного полированного сиенита на площади Граббеплац напротив дюссельдорфского Кунстхалле открылось 14 марта 1986 г., сразу став одним из символов города. В 1990 г. благодаря новому директору коллекция обогатилась произведениями скульптуры, инсталляциями и фотографическими работами международного уровня.

Institut Néerlandais



The Institut Néerlandais was a non-profit institution in Paris devoted to the promotion of Dutch art and culture. One of the earliest foreign cultural centers in Paris, it was founded in 1957 by Frits Lugt. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the sole financier of the center announced its closure in 2013. It closed in December 2013.

Вюрцбургская резиденция



Вюрцбургская резиденция — архитектурный комплекс в стиле барокко, расположенный в черте центра города Вюрцбург. Построен архитектором Балтазаром Нейманом в период с 1719 по 1744 годы, внутреннее художественное оформление создавалось и далее, до начала 1780-х годов. До проводившейся в ходе секуляризации ликвидации церковных территориальных образований здесь находилась резиденция князей-архиепископов Вюрцбурга. Дворец относится к архитектурным шедеврам южнонемецкого барокко и позднего европейского барокко и стоит в одном ряду с венским дворцом Шёнбрунн и парижским Версалем. В 1981 г. ЮНЕСКО включила Вюрцбургскую резиденцию в Список Всемирного наследия. Строительство Вюрцбургской резиденции было начато при архиепископе Иоганне Филиппе Франце фон Шёнборне в 1719 г., который умер через четыре года, так и не увидев готового дворца. Дворец был спроектирован 33-летним Бальтазаром Нейманом, который закончил возведение стен в канун 1744 г. во времена правления брата первоначального заказчика, князя-архиепископа Фридриха Карла из рода Шёнборнов. В оформлении дворца фресками и штукко приняли участие Джованни Баттиста Тьеполо , Антонио Джузеппе Босси и Иоганнес Цик . Декоративное оформление интерьеров выполнялось в три этапа и началось ещё при Фридрихе Карле. При его преемнике Карле Филиппе фон Грейфенклау были выполнены известные живописные работы. Со смертью заказчика Грейфенклау закончилась эпоха «вюрцбургского рококо». Более поздние интерьеры, появившиеся при Адаме Фридрихе фон Зейнсгейме, выполнялись в более скромном стиле Людовика XVI. В вюрцбургской резиденции в 1806—1813 годах трижды останавливался Наполеон I, последние два раза со своей второй женой Марией-Луизой Австрийской, дядя которой, бывший великий герцог Тосканский Фердинанд III, в это время был великим герцогом Вюрцбургским. В этот период некоторые помещения дворца были оформлены в неоклассическом стиле, на который повлиял и наполеоновский ампир. В 1821 году в резиденции родился принц-регент Баварии Луитпольд, во время своего правления заботившийся об украшении резиденции, в частности, открывший перед ней в 1894 году «Франконский фонтан». Во время бомбардировки Вюрцбурга 16 марта 1945 года резиденции был причинён значительный ущерб, ряд её залов полностью утрачен . Большую роль в консервации повреждённого шедевра вскоре после занятия города войсками союзников сыграл американский искусствовед Джон Скилтон. Масштабные работы по реставрации развернулись в 1960—1970-е годы и завершились лишь осенью 2006 года; часть экспозиции резиденции посвящена истории восстановительных работ.

Horsham Museum



Horsham Museum is a museum at Horsham, West Sussex, in South East England. It was founded in August 1893 by volunteers of the Free Christian Church and became part of Horsham District Council in 1974. It is a fully accredited museum and serves both Horsham and its district with the support of the Friends of Horsham Museum and an active volunteer base.

Hertford Museum



Hertford Museum is a local museum in Hertford, the county town of Hertfordshire, England.The museum first opened in 1903 and is located in a 17th-century town house with a Jacobean-style knot garden. The galleries on the ground floor present the early history of the museum. Objects include exotic animals, fossils, and Japanese armour. The first floor presents the town and people of Hertford. The collections cover local, military, natural, and social history, as well as archaeology, fine art, and geology.The museum undertakes educational activities with schools. For example, Little Munden Primary School took part in a pilot project, working with the museum, to create an exhibition about their locality covering the period 1830–1930.The museum closed in Winter 2008 for major refurbishment, largely funded by a Heritage Grant from the UK Heritage Lottery Fund. It reopened on 27 February 2010.

Музей Хэггин

Стоктон (Калифорния)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Музей Хэггин — художественный и краеведческий музей в США, расположенный в городе Стоктон, Калифорния. Находится в Парке Победы города. Был основан в 1928 году, открыт в 1931 году.

Musée Granet



The Musée Granet is a museum in the quartier Mazarin, Aix-en-Provence, France devoted to painting, sculpture and archeology. In 2011, the museum received 177,598 visitors.

Gloucester Shire Hall



Gloucester Shire Hall is a municipal building in Westgate Street, Gloucester. It is the main office and the meeting place of Gloucestershire County Council. It is a grade II listed building.

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service



Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, formerly Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade, is the fire and rescue service for the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. The service provides emergency fire cover to the five comprising metropolitan boroughs of Sunderland, Gateshead, Newcastle Upon Tyne, North Tyneside and South Tyneside, serving a population of 1.09 million people and a total geographical area of 538 square kilometres. Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Authority is responsible for the running of the service, as well as the publication of performance indicators in accordance with its legal obligations. In April 2017, Chris Lowther was appointed Chief Fire Officer. In November 2018, the service announced proposals to cut frontline operations in order to meet budget requirements imposed by the Government. The proposals are currently under public consultation and members of the public are welcome to complete the consultation survey and attend the remaining meetings, a full list of which can be found at the Tyne and Wear Fire Service website. The public consultation ends in January 2019.

Palazzo Abatellis



Palazzo Abatellis is a palace in Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy, located in the Kalsa quarter. It is home to the Galleria Regionale della Sicilia, the Gallery of Art for the Sicilian region.

Galleria nazionale di Parma



The Galleria nazionale di Parma is an art gallery in Parma, northern Italy. Painters exhibited include Beato Angelico, Canaletto, Correggio, Sebastiano del Piombo, Guercino, Leonardo da Vinci, Parmigianino , Ludovico Carracci , Agostino Carracci , Tintoretto and others.

Palazzo Rosso (Genoa)



Genoa ; Ligurian: Zêna [ˈzeːna]; English, historically, and Latin: Genua) is the capital of the Italian region of Liguria and the sixth-largest city in Italy. In 2015, 594,733 people lived within the city's administrative limits. As of the 2011 Italian census, the Province of Genoa, which in 2015 became the Metropolitan City of Genoa, had 855,834 resident persons. Over 1.5 million people live in the wider metropolitan area stretching along the Italian Riviera.On the Gulf of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea, Genoa has historically been one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean: it is currently the busiest in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea and twelfth-busiest in the European Union.Genoa has been nicknamed la Superba due to its glorious past and impressive landmarks, having been the capital of one of the most powerful maritime republics for over seven centuries. The city has hosted massive shipyards and steelworks since the 19th century, and its solid financial sector dates back to the Middle Ages. The Bank of Saint George, founded in 1407, is the oldest known state deposit bank in the world and has played an important role in the city's prosperity since the middle of the 15th century.The historial center, also known as old town, of Genoa is one of the largest and most-densely populated in Europe. Part of it was also inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2006 as Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli. Genoa is also home to the University of Genoa, which has a history going back to the 15th century, when it was known as Genuense Athenaeum. The city's rich cultural history in art, music and cuisine allowed it to become the 2004 European Capital of Culture. It is the birthplace of Guglielmo Embriaco, Christopher Columbus, Andrea Doria, Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Mazzini, Renzo Piano and Grimaldo Canella, founder of the House of Grimaldi, among others. Genoa, which forms the southern corner of the Milan-Turin-Genoa industrial triangle of Northwest Italy, is one of the country's major economic centers. A number of leading Italian companies are based in the city, including Fincantieri, Selex ES, Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo STS, Edoardo Raffinerie Garrone, Piaggio Aerospace, Mediterranean Shipping Company and Costa Cruises.

Национальная художественная галерея (Каракас)

La Candelaria Parish


Национальная художественная галерея располагается в районе Пласа Морелос в Каракасе, столице Венесуэлы. Музей был открыт в 1976 году, в нём представлены лучшие образцы венесуэльского искусства в 11 галереях в здании, построенном в стиле неоклассицизма.

Weisman Art Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum is an art museum located at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The museum was founded in 1934 and is named in honor of art collector Frederick R. Weisman. Originally based in Northrop Auditorium, it moved into its current building in 1993. Widely known as a "modern art museum," the 25,000+ image collection has large collections of Marsden Hartley, Alfred Maurer, Charles Biederman, Native American Mimbres pottery, and traditional Korean furniture.