Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Royal Pharmaceutical Society



The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is the body responsible for the leadership and support of the pharmacy profession within England, Scotland and Wales. It was created along with the General Pharmaceutical Council in September 2010 when the previous Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain was split so that representative and regulatory functions of the pharmacy profession could be separated. Although membership of the Society is not a prerequisite for engaging in practice as a pharmacist within the United Kingdom, most practising pharmacists opt to join the Society because of the benefits offered by membership. Its predecessor the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain was founded on 15 April 1841.

Royal Hallamshire Hospital



The Royal Hallamshire Hospital is a general and teaching hospital located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. It is in the city's West End, facing Glossop Road and close to the main campus of University of Sheffield and the Collegiate Crescent campus of Sheffield Hallam University. The hospital is run by the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons



The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is the regulatory body for veterinary surgeons in the United Kingdom, established in 1844 by royal charter. It is responsible for monitoring the educational, ethical and clinical standards of the veterinary profession. Anyone wishing to practice as a vet in the United Kingdom must be registered with the RCVS.

Государственный музей Твенте



Государственный музей Твенте — художественный музей в городе Энсхеде, в Нидерландах.

Port Eliot

St Germans, Cornwall


Port Eliot in the parish of St Germans, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom, is the ancestral seat of the Eliot family, whose present head is Albert Eliot, 11th Earl of St Germans. Port Eliot comprises a stately home with its own church, which serves as the parish church of St Germans. An earlier church building was Cornwall's principal cathedral. The house is within an estate of 6,000-acre which extends into the neighbouring villages of Tideford, Trerulefoot and Polbathic. Both house and garden are Grade I listed.

Museo civico Villa Colloredo Mels



Villa Colloredo Mels is a suburban palace located on Via Gregorio XII, on the western edge of the urban center of Recanati, province of Macerata, Marche, Italy. It presently houses the civic archeologic and art museum of the town.

Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo



The Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo is a public art museum in Brescia, Lombardy. Established in 1851, the museum exhibits mainly paintings by local artists dated from the Thirteenth through the Eighteenth century. The museum's current collection includes over 800 works of painting and sculpture, displayed in 21 galleries.The museum reopened on 17 March 2018 after a major nine-year-long renovation project.

Palazzo Sacchetti



Palazzo Sacchetti is a palazzo in Rome, important for historical and artistic reasons. The building was designed and owned by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and completed by Nanni di Baccio Bigio or his son Annibale Lippi. After Sangallo, the palace belonged among others to the Ricci, Ceoli and Sacchetti, important families of the Roman nobility. Among the artworks that decorate the interior, the cycle of frescoes depicting the Storie di David by Francesco Salviati represents an important work of Mannerism. The palace also housed hundreds of paintings that would become the nucleus of the Pinacoteca Capitolina. Palazzo Sacchetti is widely considered the most important palace in Via Giulia.

Палаццо Лабиа



Палаццо Лабиа — дворец в Венеции в районе Каннареджо, находится на канале Каннареджо напротив церкви Сан-Джеремия . Один из последних «великих дворцов» Венеции.

Ospedale del Ceppo



Ospedale del Ceppo is a medieval hospital in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy.

Церковь Богоматери (Брюгге)



Церковь Богоматери в Брюгге — готическая церковь в бельгийском Брюгге, построенная в XII—XIII веках. Над скамьями размещены тридцать гербов рыцарей, присутствовавших в церкви в 1468 году на II капитуле ордена Золотого руна. В просторной церкви с высокой башней в 122 м хранится единственная скульптура Микеланджело, при его жизни оказавшаяся по другую сторону Альп, — «Дева Мария с младенцем» . В хоре церкви, защищённом кованой решёткой, под распятием 1594 года похоронены герцог Бургундии Карл Смелый и его дочь Мария Бургундская. Надгробия выполнены в стиле пламенеющей готики. Некоторые окна церкви имеют форму треугольника Рёло.

Northampton Museum and Art Gallery

Far Cotton


Northampton Museum and Art Gallery is a public museum in Northampton, England. The museum is owned and run by Northampton Borough Council and claims to house the largest collection of shoes in the world, with over 12,000 pairs.The town's museum was established in 1865, but moved to the current site in 1884, where it shared its space with the town's library. After the library moved in 1910, the museum took over the whole building. In 2012, the museum was refurbished for better access. The museum closed in February 2017 to allow work to start on a major expansion project; the new museum is expected to re-open in early 2020.

Новый дворец (Потсдам)



Новый дворец в Потсдаме — дворец в стиле позднего барокко, возведённый в 1763—1769 годах по желанию Фридриха Великого на западном краю парка Сан-Суси для официальных приёмов. Считается последним примером стиля барокко в Пруссии. В качестве музея входит в «Фонд прусских дворцов и садов Берлина — Бранденбурга». Некоторые кампусы Потсдамского университета расположены в здании дворца.

Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano



The chiesa di Sant'Agostino is the second largest church in San Gimignano, Italy, after the Collegiata. It is owned by the Order of Saint Augustine. Sant'Agostino is an imposing 13th century building. The interior is a large hall dominated by the seventeen-panel fresco cycle on The Life of St Augustine around the high altar, painted by Benozzo Gozzoli between 1463 and 1467. The altarpiece is the Coronation of the Virgin by Piero del Pollaiuolo . There are a number of other frescoes in the church. The Cappella di San Bartolo houses the remains of the eponymous saint , a lay Franciscan who died of leprosy. The magnificent altar in the chapel is by Benedetto da Maiano.

Музей прикладного искусства (Вена)



Музей прикладного искусства — художественный и культурологический музей в Вене. Он был открыт в 1864 году первоначально в Доме балов в венском Хофбурге, во Внутреннем Городе. Кроме традиционной сферы интересов для собрания прикладного искусства музей также собирает и постоянно пополняет коллекцию произведений современного искусства и архитектуры.

Museo Nacional de Escultura, Valladolid



The Museo Nacional de San Gregorio is a museum in Valladolid, Spain, belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Culture. The museum has an extensive collection sculptural ranging from the Middle Ages to the 19th century from Region of Castile's churches that, at 19th-20th c., these were confiscated, and other particular donations, deposits or acquisitions of the state. The museum was founded as the Provincial Museum of Fine Arts on 4 October 1842. It had its first headquarters at the Palacio de Santa Cruz. On 29 April 1933 it was moved to the Colegio de San Gregorio. Other current seats are in the 16th-century Palacio de Villena and Palacio del Conde de Gondomar The museum houses works from the 13th to 19th centuries, executed mostly in the Central Spain, and also in other regions historically connected to Spain . Artworks include, among the others, a Raising of the Cross by Francisco del Rincon, I Thirst, and The Way of Calvary Gregorio Fernández, Adoration of the Magi by Alonso Berruguete, Lamentation of Christ by Juan de Juni, Penitent Magdalene by Pedro de Mena or the Holy Sepulchre or passage of the Sleepers Alonso de Rozas. During the Holy Week in Valladolid the museum gives 104 images to the processions for the brotherhoods.