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100 лучших музеев

Dr Johnson's House

Сити (Лондон)


Dr Johnson's House is a writer's house museum in London in the former home of the 18th-century English writer and lexicographer Samuel Johnson. The house is a Grade I listed building.

Немецкий исторический музей

Митте (округ Берлина)


Немецкий исторический музей — музей истории Германии, расположен в Берлине в здании Цейхгауза на улице Унтер-ден-Линден.

Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens is a museum located in Jacksonville, Florida. It was founded in 1961 after the death of Ninah Cummer, who bequeathed her gardens and personal art collection to the new museum. The Cummer Museum has since expanded to include the property owned by Ninah's brother-in-law, but it still includes her original garden designs and a portion of her home with its historic furnishing. The museum and gardens attract 130,000 visitors annually. The permanent collection of the museum currently includes over 5,000 works of art dating from 2100 BCE to the twenty-first century. The museum's collection is especially strong in European and American paintings and also includes substantial holdings of Meissen porcelain. The museum also has an award-winning education center, Art Connections, which possesses a number of interactive educational installations and serves underprivileged and special education students with its programs. There are three flower gardens on the museum grounds, the oldest dating back to 1903. These gardens have preserved their original layout for over a century and were designed by landscape designers such as the Olmsted Brothers, Thomas Meehan & Sons, and Ellen Biddle Shipman. The Cummer Gardens are on the National Register of Historic Places.

County Hall, Northampton

Far Cotton


County Hall is a municipal facility on George Row in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. It is a Grade II* listed building.

Clandon Park House



Clandon Park House is an early 18th-century grade I listed Palladian mansion in West Clandon, near Guildford in Surrey.It stands in the south east corner of Clandon Park, a 220-hectare agricultural parkland estate which has been the seat of the Earls of Onslow for over two centuries. The house and gardens were given to the National Trust in 1956, but the park remains in private ownership. Some of the house's contents have also been acquired by the Trust in lieu of estate duty.Construction of the house, designed by Italian architect Giacomo Leoni, began about 1730, and the interiors were finished by continental sculptors and plasterers in the 1740s. It replaced an Elizabethan house. The park was landscaped by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown in 1781, and there are two formal gardens on either side of the house. Nearby is a Māori meeting house, one of only four outside New Zealand, that was brought to England in the late 19th century. After being transferred to the National Trust, the house underwent restoration before it was opened to the public, and later became a wedding venue and filming location for period dramas. The house was badly damaged by fire in April 2015, probably caused by an electrical fault in the basement, leaving it "essentially a shell", with only one room, the Speaker's Parlour, intact. Thousands of historic artefacts, paintings, and items of furniture were lost in what has been described as a national tragedy. In January 2016, the National Trust announced that some of the principal rooms on the ground floor would be fully restored to the original 18th-century designs, and upper floors will be used for exhibitions and events.

Santo Domingo el Antiguo Altarpiece



The Santo Domingo el Antiguo Altarpiece is a 1577-1579 altarpiece by El Greco, painted for the Monastery of Santo Domingo el Antiguo in Toledo, Spain. The artist had just arrived in Spain and this was his first major commission there, gained thanks to Diego de Castilla, who he had met in Rome. The total commission was for nine canvases, seven for the high altar and two for side altars. The high altarpiece was made up of an upper main canvas , a lower main canvas , four flanking panels of saints and a small painting on the tympanum between the two main paintings . Of these, only the original panels of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist remain in situ, along with the painting for the right-hand side altarpiece, Resurrection. Assumption is now in the Art Institute of Chicago and Holy Trinity in the Prado Museum. The rest are replaced in the church by copies.

Charles Dickens Museum



The Charles Dickens Museum is an author's house museum at 48 Doughty Street in Holborn, London Borough of Camden. It occupies a typical Georgian terraced house which was Charles Dickens's home from 25 March 1837 to December 1839.

Благовещенский собор (Московский Кремль)



Благове́щенский собо́р — православный храм Московского Кремля в честь Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы, расположенный на Соборной площади в Москве. Был построен в 1489 году под руководством псковских мастеров Кривцова и Мышкина.

Миланский собор



Мила́нский собо́р , или Собор Рождества Девы Марии , — кафедральный собор, расположенный в историческом центре Милана. Посвящён Рождеству Пресвятой Девы Марии. Построен из белого мрамора в стиле пламенеющей готики. Строительство было начато в 1386 году, однако завершилось оно лишь в начале XIX века, когда по распоряжению Наполеона было закончено оформление фасада. Некоторые детали, однако, доделывались и позже, вплоть до 1965 года. Это позднеготическое здание, которое содержит множество шпилей и скульптур, мраморных остроконечных башенок и колонн, соединённых большим количеством парящих опор. Один из крупнейших по величине в Европе. Среди готических храмов по вместимости уступает только севильскому, а среди итальянских храмов — только собору Святого Петра в Ватикане. Одних только статуй в соборе насчитывается 3400.

C. M. Russell Museum Complex


Соединённые Штаты Америки

C. M. Russell Museum Complex is an art museum located in the city of Great Falls, Montana, in the United States. The museum's primary function is to display the artwork of Great Falls "cowboy artist" Charles Marion Russell, for whom the museum is named. The museum also displays illustrated letters by Russell, work materials used by him, and other items which help visitors understand the life and working habits of Russell. In addition, the museum displays original 19th, 20th, and 21st century art depicting the American Old West and the flora, fauna, and landscapes of the American West. In 2009, the Wall Street Journal called the institution "one of America's premier Western art museums." Located on the museum property is Russell's log cabin studio, as well as his two-story wood frame home. The house and log cabin studio were designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965, and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. In 1976, the listing boundaries were amended to account for moving the house.Beginning in 1969, the museum co-hosted the C. M. Russell Auction of Original Western Art—an auction of 19th, 20th, and 21st century art of the American West whose proceeds benefit the museum. The auction has received media attention in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2010, the two co-hosts parted ways, and the C. M. Russell Museum inaugurated a new auction, "The Russell."

Сады Боболи



Сады Бо́боли — парк во Флоренции, один из лучших парковых ансамблей итальянского Ренессанса.

Blanton Museum of Art

Остин (Техас)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest university art museums in the U.S. with 189,340 square feet devoted to temporary exhibitions, permanent collection galleries, storage, administrative offices, classrooms, a print study room, an auditorium, shop, and cafe. The Blanton's permanent collection consists of almost 18,000 works, with significant holdings of modern and contemporary art, Latin American art, Old Master paintings, and prints and drawings from Europe, the United States, and Latin America.




Кастельфьорентино — коммуна в Италии, располагается в регионе Тоскана, в провинции Флоренция. Население составляет 17809 человек , плотность населения составляет 268 чел./км². Занимает площадь 67 км². Почтовый индекс — 50051. Телефонный код — 0571. Покровителем населённого пункта считается святой Santa Verdiana.

Bedford Hospital



Bedford Hospital is a 400-bed district general hospital located in the English town of Bedford, serving north and mid Bedfordshire run by Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Siena Baptistery of San Giovanni



The Battistero di San Giovanni is a religious building in Siena, Italy. It is in the square with the same name, near the final spans of the choir of the city's cathedral. It was built between 1316 and 1325 by Camaino di Crescentino, the father of Tino di Camaino. The façade, in Gothic style, is unfinished in the upper part, such as the apse of the cathedral. In the interior, the rectangular hall, divided into a nave and two aisles by two columns, contains a hexagonal baptismal font in bronze, marble and vitreous enamel, realized in 1417-1431 by the main sculptors of the time: Donatello , Lorenzo Ghiberti, Giovanni di Turino, Goro di Neroccio and Jacopo della Quercia . The panels represent the Life of John the Baptist, and include: "Annunciation to Zacharias" by Jacopo della Quercia "Birth of John the Baptist" by Giovanni di Turino "Baptist Preaching" by Giovanni di Turino "Baptism of Christ" by Ghiberti "Arrest of John the Baptist" by Ghiberti and Giuliano di Ser Andrea "The Feast of Herod" by Donatello These panels are flanked on the corners by six figures, two by Donatello in 1429; three by Giovanni di Turino ; and the "Fortitude" is by Goro di Ser Neroccio . The marble shrine on the font was designed by Jacopo della Quercia between 1427 and 1429. The five "Prophets" in the niches and the marble statuette of "John the Baptist" at the top are equally by his hand. Two of the bronze angels are by Donatello, three by Giovanni di Turino . The frescoes are by Vecchietta and his school , Benvenuto di Giovanni, the school of Jacopo della Quercia e, perhaps, one by Piero Orioli. Vecchietta also painted two scenes on the wall of the apse, representing the Flagellation and the Road to Calvary. Michele di Matteo da Bologna painted in 1477 the frescoes on the vault of the apse.

Баптистерий в Пизе



Баптистерий Святого Иоанна — баптистерий на Пьяцца деи Мираколи в Пизе. Выдающийся памятник итальянской романской и готической архитектуры и скульптуры. Начало строительства — 1152 год, окончание — 1363. В хронологическом порядке это сооружение более позднее, чем Пизанский собор, и более раннее, чем Пизанская башня. Самый большой баптистерий в мире. Высота здания — 54,86 м, диаметр — 34,13 м.

Auckland Castle

Bishop Auckland


Auckland Castle, which is also known as Auckland Palace and to people that live locally as the Bishop's Castle or Bishop's Palace, is located in the town of Bishop Auckland in County Durham, England. In 1832, this castle replaced Durham Castle as the official residence of the Bishops of Durham. It is now a tourist attraction but still houses the Bishop's offices; the Castle is a Grade I listed historic site.




А́страхань — город России, административный центр Астраханской области. Старейший экономический и культурный центр Нижнего Поволжья и Прикаспия. Входит в перечень исторических городов России. Образует городской округ город Астрахань. Центр Астраханской городской агломерации. Располагается в верхней части дельты реки Волги, на 11 островах Прикаспийской низменности. Расстояние до Москвы по автодороге составляет 1550 км. Город разделён на 4 административных района: Кировский, Советский, Ленинский и Трусовский. Население: 529 793 чел. . Площадь: 208,70 км². В Астрахани проживают представители более 200 национальностей, 19 конфессий, действуют 170 обществ национальных культур.