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100 лучших музеев




Церковь Санта-Мария-делла-Вита — церковь в Болонье, построенная в 1687—1690 годах. Известна тем, что в ней хранится «Оплакивание Христа» Никколо делль Арка. Находится в историческом центре, по адресу Виа Клаватуре 10, в нескольких шагах от площади Пьяцца Маджоре.

Базилика Святой Агнессы на пьяцца Навона



Базилика Святой Агнессы на пьяцца Навона или Сант-Анье́зе-ин-Аго́не — титулярная церковь на площади Навона в честь раннехристианской мученицы св. Агнессы Римской в Риме. Другие названия церкви:Sant’Agnese de Agone, Sant’Agnese al Circo Agonale, Sant’Agnese de Cryptis Agonis или Sant’Agnese in Piazza Navona. Выдающийся памятник архитектуры римского барокко.

Сан-Панталон (Венеция)



Церковь Сан-Панталон — церковь в Венеции, расположенная в районе Дорсодуро. Находится на площади Св. Пантелеймона. Первоначально была построена в XI веке, затем неоднократно перестраивалась. В своём нынешнем виде здание было выстроено в 1668—1686 годах по проекту Франческо Комино. Художественная доминанта церкви — потолочная роспись-обманка работы Джованни Антонио Фумиани «Мученичество и вознесение Св. Пантелеймона» , содержащая 40 сюжетов из жизни святого. Считается, что Фумиани погиб, сорвавшись с лесов во время работы над картиной. Роспись не имеет традиционного обрамления, что создает иллюзию перехода потолка на стены. Считается, что это самое большое художественное полотно в мире, площадью более 700 м². В капелле Св. Пантелеймона алтарная картина Паоло Веронезе «Чудо Святого Пантелеймона» . В капелле Святого Гвоздя хранится один из гвоздей Истинного Креста и две картины: «Коронование Девы Марии» работы Антонио Виварини и Джованни д’Алеманьи и «Благовещение» , приписываемое Паоло Веронезе.

San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore



San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore is a church in Milan, northern Italy. It was originally attached to the most important female convent of the Benedictines in the city, Monastero Maggiore, which is now in use as the Civic Archaeological Museum. The church today is used every Sunday from October to June to celebrate in the Byzantine Rite, in Greek according to the Italo-Albanian tradition. It is also used as concert hall.

Музей современного искусства Сан-Франциско


Соединённые Штаты Америки

Музей современного искусства Сан-Франциско — художественный музей в Сан-Франциско, где хранится обширное собрание произведений искусства конца XIX—XXI века. В коллекции представлено более 29 000 произведений живописи, графики, скульптуры, фотографии и архитектуры, а также арт-объектов, представляющих современные медийные виды искусства.

Базилика Святого Климента



Базилика святого Климента — церковь в Риме, расположенная на улице Сан-Джованни-ин-Латерано, между Колизеем и Латеранским собором. Представляет собой уникальный археологический комплекс, включающий в себя верхний уровень , средний уровень и нижний уровень . Современная базилика содержит исполненную раннехристианскими символами мозаику XII века, фрески XV и XVIII веков. В раннехристианской базилике сохранились уникальные фрески IX века, содержащие, в том числе, первые из известных надписи на простонародном итальянском языке. В базилике находятся мощи святого Климента, а также Игнатия Богоносца и славянского просветителя святого Кирилла.

Royal Veterinary College



The Royal Veterinary College is a veterinary school located in London and a constituent college of the federal University of London. The RVC was founded in 1791 and joined the University of London in 1949. It is the oldest and largest Veterinary school in the United Kingdom, and one of only nine in the country where students can study to become a vet.

Royal College of Nursing



The Royal College of Nursing is a membership organisation and trade union with 450,000 members in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1916, receiving its royal charter in 1928. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the patron. The majority of members are registered nurses; however student nurses and healthcare assistants are also members. There is also a category of membership, at a reduced cost, for retired people. The RCN describes its mission as representing nurses and nursing, promoting excellence in practice and shaping health policies. It has a network of stewards, safety representatives and union learning representatives as well as advice services for members. Services include a main library in London and regional libraries around the country. The RCN Institute also provides courses for nurses.

Roy Miles



Roy Miles was a colourful London art dealer who was one of the first dealers to recognise the commercial potential of the art of the former Soviet block.Born Roy Marsh in Liverpool, Roy took his step-father's name of Miles and moved to London at an early age to work for an antique dealer. He quickly changed to hairdressing and owned a salon in London's West End. In the late 1960s he began in business as an art dealer. Miles specialised first in British Victorian art and later toured the former Soviet Union buying Socialist Realist art that he sold for a huge markup. In the 1970s and 80s he was able to capitalise on the rising status of London as an art centre and his innate entrepreneurial skills and flair for self-publicity. Miles' parties at his various galleries became legendary social events, and Miles was associated with names such as Rudolf Nureyev, Edward Heath, Lord Forte, Raine Spencer, Ossie Clark, the Duke of Devonshire and Jonathan Aitken.Publicity material, correspondence, photographs, visitors' books and printed material from the Roy Miles Gallery c. 1973 to 1998 forms part of the collection of the Tate Gallery Archive.

Healthcare in Devon

Торки (Англия)


Healthcare in Devon is now the responsibility of the two clinical commissioning groups, one covering Northern, Eastern and Western Devon , and one covering South Devon and Torbay. It was announced in November 2018 that the two were to merge.

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery



The Robert McLaughlin Gallery is a public art gallery in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. It is the largest public art gallery in the Regional Municipality of Durham, of which Oshawa is a part. The gallery houses a significant collection of Canadian contemporary and modern artwork. Housed in a building designed by noted Canadian architect Arthur Erickson, the collection focuses on works by Painters Eleven, who were founded in the Oshawa studio of Painters Eleven member Alexandra Luke.

Reading Public Museum

Wyomissing, Pennsylvania

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Reading Public Museum, in West Reading, Pennsylvania, has displays featuring science and civilizations, a planetarium and a 25-acre arboretum. It also offers educational programs for families, adults and children. Galleries feature an eclectic variety from art, armor, and artifacts of world civilizations, to natural history and the cultures of Native Americans and Pennsylvania Germans.

Poole Hospital

Пул (Англия)


Poole Hospital is an acute general hospital in Poole, Dorset, England. Built in 1907, it has expanded from a basic 14-bed facility into a 789-bed NHS foundation trust hospital. It is the trauma centre for east Dorset and provides specialist services such as cancer treatment for the entire county.

Мост Святого Ангела



Мост Святого Ангела — пешеходный мост через Тибр в Риме, построенный в 134—139 гг. римским императором Адрианом. Мост соединял центр города с мавзолеем Адриана и позднее вошёл в состав уже замка Сант-Анджело. Поскольку мост вёл к мавзолею Адриана, римляне называли его «мостом Адриана» или «мостом Элия». Облицован мраморными плитами. В 1450 году перила моста не выдержали наплыва паломников, спешивших на празднование к собору св. Петра, и обрушились в реку; множество пилигримов погибло. В ответ папа велел снести древнюю триумфальную арку, которая якобы перекрывала выход с моста. C XVI в. установился обычай вывешивать на мосту тела казнённых преступников. Тогда же на мосту появились статуи апостолов Петра и Павла , к которым с подачи Бернини добавилось ещё десять статуй ангелов. Две статуи ангелов хранятся в церкви Сант-Андреа-делле-Фратте.

Фонтан Треви



Фонта́н Тре́ви — самый крупный фонтан Рима, высотой 25,9 м и шириной 49,8 м. Фонтан построен в 1732—1762 годах по проекту архитектора Николы Сальви . Он примыкает к фасаду Палаццо Поли . Архитектурно-скульптурная композиция позднего римского барокко с элементами неоклассицизма. Название происходит от латинского «trivium» . Фонтан расположен в центральной части Рима, у западного склона Квиринальского холма.

Пьяцца Барберини



Пьяцца Барберини — площадь в историческом центре Рима, расположенная между Квиринальским холмом и Садами Саллюстия. Название площади пошло от примыкающего к ней Палаццо Барберини, вход в который находится на близлежащей улице Четырёх фонтанов .

Peale Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Peale Museum, officially the Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, was a museum of paintings and natural history, located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It occupied the first building in the Western Hemisphere to be designed and built specifically as a museum. The museum was created by Charles Willson Peale and his son Rembrandt Peale . It functioned separately as Baltimore City's historical museum while the original structure was being rebuilt, restored, and renovated in 1930–1931, and then merged with other historic sites, houses and museums in the early 1980s under the expansive efforts of a new executive director, with the name of the Baltimore City Life Museums and a broader mission in conjunction with the other historical locations/sites/structures in Baltimore. After opening a new three-story exhibition gallery, uniquely using the old cast-iron façade of the razed Fava Fruit Company and being re-assembled on the new structure facing North Front Street and the parallel new President Street boulevard , the new gallery and the B.C.L.M. ran into financial difficulties in the first year after the grand opening, coincidentally during the bicentennial celebration of Baltimore's establishment as a city. The Peale branch of the City Life Museums closed with the other branches, historic houses and sites later in 1997, after being refused a one-year extension of its five-year subsidy of about $300,000 annually by then Mayor Kurt Schmoke. Its large collections from over 66 years of original existence were disassembled, transferred and handed over to the Maryland Historical Society, founded 1844, now located on the city block on the southwest corner of West Monument Street and Park Avenue, centered in the old Enoch Pratt Mansion and adjacent research library and museum exhibition areas building. The building was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965.Today, the museum is being renovated and relaunched as the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture through a partnership between Baltimore's Department of General Services, which owns the building, and the Board of the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture, a 501 tax-exempt, non-profit corporation. It is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but anticipates re-opening soon.

Parmiter's School

Три-Риверс (район)


Parmiter's School is a co-educational state comprehensive school with academy status in Garston, Hertfordshire, close to the outskirts of North West London, England with a long history. Although the school admits pupils of all abilities it is partially selective. It is currently the most oversubscribed school in Hertfordshire, and has often been recognised by the DfES for being one of the highest performing schools in the country by value added and score as a mixed ability school.