Поиск музеев

100 лучших музеев

Хиросимский музей искусств



Хиросимский музей искусств — художественный музей в Хиросиме, в Японии, основан в 1978 году. Основой экспозиции является собрание картин французских художников XIX—XX веков и работы японских художников, находившихся под влиянием европейского искусства.

Hill–Stead Museum

Фармингтон (Коннектикут)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Hill–Stead Museum is a Colonial Revival house and art museum set on a large estate at 35 Mountain Road in Farmington, Connecticut. It is best known for its French Impressionist masterpieces, architecture, and stately grounds. The property was designated a National Historic Landmark as a nationally significant example of Colonial Revival architecture, built in 1901 to designs that were the result of a unique collaboration between Theodate Pope Riddle, one of the United States' first female architects, and the renowned firm of McKim, Mead & White. The house was built for Riddle's father, Alfred Atmore Pope, and the art collection it houses was collected by Pope and Riddle.

Художественный музей Хекшера

Хантингтон (Нью-Йорк)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Художественный музей Хекшера — художественный музей в США, расположенный в парке Heckscher Park города Хантингтон, штат Нью-Йорк. На сегодня экспозиция музея насчитывает более 2000 произведений искусства, главным образом американской пейзажной живописи, в том числе художников Лонг-Айленда.

Headstone Manor and Museum



The Harrow Museum, known as the Headstone Manor & Museum, is the local history museum for the London Borough of Harrow in northwest London, England.

Harrow Arts Centre



Harrow Arts Centre is a professional arts venue in the London Borough of Harrow. HAC is located in Hatch End, Harrow, North London, in the Elliott Hall and other buildings that were previously part of the Royal Commercial Travellers School. It is the only dedicated performing arts venue in the borough.

Guildford House



Guildford ) is a town in Surrey, England, 27 miles southwest of London on the A3 trunk road midway between the capital and Portsmouth.The town has a population of about 80,000 and is the seat of the wider Borough of Guildford which had an estimated 147,889 inhabitants in 2018.Guildford has Saxon roots and historians attribute its location to the existence of a gap in the North Downs where the River Wey was forded by the Harrow Way. By AD 978 it was home to an early English Royal Mint. The building of the Wey Navigation and the Basingstoke Canal in the 17th and 18th centuries, respectively, connected Guildford to a network of waterways that aided its prosperity. In the 20th century, the University of Surrey and the Anglican Guildford Cathedral were added.Due to recent development running north from Guildford, and linking to the Woking area, Guildford now officially forms the southwestern tip of the Greater London Built-up Area, as defined by the Office for National Statistics.

Greenwich Heritage Centre



Greenwich Heritage Centre was a museum and local history resource centre in Woolwich, south-east London, England. It was established in 2003 by the London Borough of Greenwich and was run from 2014 by the Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust until the centre's closure in July 2018. The museum was based in a historic building in Artillery Square, in the Royal Arsenal complex, which was established in the 17th century as a repository and manufactory of heavy guns, ammunition and other military ware.

Gibbes Museum of Art

Чарлстон (Южная Каролина)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Gibbes Museum of Art, formerly known as the Gibbes Art Gallery, is an art museum in Charleston, South Carolina. Established as the Carolina Art Association in 1858, the museum moved into a new Beaux Arts building at 135 Meeting Street, in the Charleston Historic District, in 1905. The Gibbes houses a premier collection of over 10,000 works of fine art, principally American works, many with a connection to Charleston or the South. The benefactor, James Shoolbred Gibbes, donated $100,000 to the Carolina Arts Association upon his death in 1899 for the "erection of a suitable building for the exhibitions of paintings." Receipt of the money by the city, however, was delayed by a will contest filed by nieces and nephews of Gibbes. Their case was heard in the state court of New York during 1900 and 1901. On December 6, 1901, the New York Supreme Court issued an opinion declaring that the gift to Charleston was valid. Receiving the money in 1903, the Association hired Frank Pierce Milburn to design the gallery. His design included a Tiffany-style dome, Doric columns and pediment capped windows and doors. Milburn completed the drawings of the building in mid-1903, and a drawing of the proposed building appeared in the Charleston Evening Post on June 5, 1903. Notices were published seeking contractors' bids for the work starting in August 1903. In September 1903, H.T. Zacharias was selected as the contractor and received a contract for $73,370 for the building. Zacharias started work on September 28, 1903, removing the remains of the South Carolina Agricultural Hall which had occupied the lot. Although work on the foundations had begun already, a ceremony was held on December 8, 1903, to lay the cornerstone of the building at the northeast corner.The museum formally opened on April 11, 1905. The collection on display on the opening day included more than 300 pictures, many bronzes, and about 200 miniatures in addition to an "instructive collection" of Japanese prints. After closing for an extensive two-year, $13.5 million renovation, the museum reopened to the public on May 28, 2016. In renovating the museum, the development teams took inspiration from the original blueprints discovered in the City of Charleston archives in 2008 to return the building to its 1905 Beaux Arts style layout. The renovation of the first floor features a creative education center that engages the public through classrooms, artist studios, lecture and event spaces, a café and a museum store. The rear reception area opens to the garden, part of Charleston’s historic Gateway Walk founded by the Garden Club of Charleston. Serving as a creative gathering place for the community, the entire ground floor of the museum is admission-free. The newly expanded and renovated galleries on the second and third floors provide a 30 percent increase in gallery space to showcase more than 600 works of art from the permanent collection. State-of-the-art storage facilities feature a closely connected research room to provide ample space for scholars to more easily access and study works from the collection. Observation windows offer visitors a behind-the-scenes view of the work of curators and conservators. The Gibbes’ renowned collection of more than 300 miniature portraits are housed in innovative display cases and open storage cabinetry to allow an up-close view for visitors. The museum's collections include the work of numerous artists with connections to Charleston; among them are Henrietta Johnston, Mary Roberts, Charles Fraser, William Melton Halsey, Ned I.R. Jennings, and Jeremiah Theus. The museum also has photographs by George LaGrange Cook.

Georgia Museum of Art

Атенс (Джорджия)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Georgia Museum of Art is an art museum in Athens, Georgia, United States, associated with the University of Georgia . The museum is both an academic museum and, since 1982, the official art museum of the state of Georgia. The permanent collection consists of American paintings, primarily 19th- and 20th-century; American, European and Asian works on paper; the Samuel H. Kress Study Collection of Italian Renaissance paintings; growing collections of southern decorative arts and Asian art; and a strong collection of works by African American artists. It numbers more than 12,000 works, growing every year.The Georgia Museum opened on UGA's North Campus in 1948, in a building that now houses the university president's office, then moved to the Performing and Visual Arts Complex on UGA's East Campus in 1996. In 2011, it completed an extensive expansion and remodeling of its building, paid for entirely with externally raised funds and designed by Gluckman Mayner Architects, New York, that has allowed it to display its permanent collection continually. The museum offers programming for patrons of all ages, from child to senior citizen, as well as free admission to the public for all exhibitions. It organizes its own exhibitions in-house, creates traveling exhibitions for other museums and galleries and plays host to traveling exhibitions from around the country and the globe. The museum strives, most of all, to fulfill the legacy of its founder, Alfred Heber Holbrook, and provide art for everyone, removing barriers to accessibility and seeking to foster an open, educational and inspiring environment for students, scholars and the general public. The foundation of the museum's collection, the Eva Underhill Holbrook Memorial Collection of American Art, a collection of 100 American paintings, was donated to UGA in 1945 by Holbrook in memory of his first wife. Included in this collection are works by such luminaries as Frank Weston Benson, William Merritt Chase, Stuart Davis, Arthur Dove, Georgia O’Keeffe, Childe Hassam, Winslow Homer, Jacob Lawrence, and Theodore Robinson.

Palazzo Reale (Genoa)



The Palazzo Reale or Palazzo Stefano Balbi is a major palace in Genoa.

Большой Трианон

Версаль (город)


Большой Трианон , прежде Мраморный Трианон — дворец во Франции на территории Версальского парка, сооружение которого король Людовик XIV поручил в 1687 году своему первому архитектору Жюлю Ардуэн-Мансару. Стены дворца снаружи облицованы розовым мрамором, откуда и произошло его изначальное название «Мраморный Трианон», подчёркивая различие с дворцовым павильоном «Фарфоровый Трианон», который находился на этом месте с 1670 по 1687 год. В дворцово-парковый ансамбль «Большой Трианон» входит дворец, большой двор и садово-парковый комплекс с водоёмами. При въезде в комплекс открывается большой двор, курдонёр , который окаймляется зданием, состоящим из двух крыльев, связанных между собой крытой галереей с колоннами, носящей название «Перистиль». Правое крыло продолжено другим, перпендикулярным к нему крылом, «Лесным флигелем Трианона». Задний фасад дворца выходит в регулярный парк с бассейнами. Возведение Большого Трианона ознаменовало собой появление нового типа зданий: maison de plaisance, места, где монарх может, уже в силу размеров сооружения, отдохнуть от строгостей дворцового этикета в кругу немногочисленных приближённых. В разное время дворец Большого Трианона служил местом жительства или гостевой резиденцией для членов королевской семьи Франции и других стран, в числе которых были Людовик XIV, Пётр I а также Мария Лещинская, супруга короля Людовика XV. Впоследствии в этом дворце размещались Президент Франции Шарль де Голль, а также главы зарубежных государств, посещавших Францию с официальными визитами, к примеру, Президент США Ричард Никсон в 1969 году, королева Великобритании Елизавета II в 1972 году, Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС Михаил Горбачёв в 1985 году и Президент России Борис Ельцин в 1992 году. Дворцово-парковый ансамбль Большой Трианон вместе с Версальским дворцом и его владениями классифицирован как национальный исторический памятник в 1862 году, что впоследствии было подтверждено декретом от 31 октября 1906 года, а также, начиная с 1979 года, включён в число объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Дворцово-парковый ансамбль Большой Трианон в наши дни открыт для посещения широкой публики, поскольку является частью «Национального музея замка Версаль и Трианон».

Замок Файви



За́мок Фа́йви — замок в деревне Файви недалеко от Тарриффа в Абердиншире, Шотландия.

Fine Art Society



The Fine Art Society is a gallery based in both London and in Edinburgh's New Town . The New Bond Street, London gallery closed its doors in August 2018 after being occupied by The Fine Art Society since February 1876, the entrance façade of which was designed in 1881 by Edward William Godwin .




Erddig Hall is a Grade-I listed National Trust property in Wrexham, Wales. Located 2 miles south of Wrexham town centre, it comprises a country house built during the 17th and 18th centuries amidst a 1,900 acre estate, which includes a 1,200-acre landscaped pleasure park and the earthworks of a Norman motte-and-bailey castle. Erddig is one of the finest stately homes in the United Kingdom. It is particularly celebrated as 'the most evocative Upstairs Downstairs house in Britain' due to the well-rounded view it presents of the lifestyles of all of its occupants, family and staff. The eccentric Yorke family had an unusual relationship with their staff and celebrated their servants in a large and unique collection of portraits and poems. This collection, coupled with well-preserved servants' rooms and an authentic laundry, bake house, sawmill, and smithy, provides an unparalleled view of how 18th to 20th century servants lived.The state rooms contain fine furniture, textiles and wallpapers and the fully restored walled garden is one of the most important surviving 18th century gardens in Britain.In 2003, Erddig was voted by readers of the Radio Times and viewers of the Channel 5 television series Britain's Finest Stately Homes as "Britain's second finest". In September 2007 it was voted the UK's "favourite Historic House" and the "8th most popular historic site" in the UK by Britain's Best.

Hugh Lane Gallery


Ирландия (остров)

Галерея «Hugh Lane Gallery» — муниципальный художественный музей в ирландском городе Дублин, созданный в 1908 году; расположен на площади Парнелл в здании «Charlemont House», построенном в 1763 году; является одной из самых старых общедоступных галерей, специализирующихся на современном искусстве; была закрыта на реконструкцию в 2004 году и вновь открыта в мае 2006 года, получив расширенное помещений, созданное по проекту бюро «Gilroy McMahon Architects».

Замок Драм



Замок Драм — средневековый шотландский замок, который расположен в области Абердиншир, в Шотландии. Название замка происходит от гаэльского слова — druim .Построенная в XIII веке башня замка считается одной из трёх самых старейших башен в Шотландии, сохранившихся без изменений. Большое крыло было добавлено в 1619 году. Дальнейшие изменения были внесены в ходе Викторианской эпохи.В 2013 году в ходе работ по реставрации сторожевой башни архитекторами были обнаружены потайные помещения и скрытый проход в главный зал.В настоящее время замок принадлежит Национальному Фонду Шотландии. Замок открыт для посещения в течение летних месяцев.

Колледж Дарвина (Кембридж)



Колледж Дарвина — один из колледжей Кембриджского университета. Он стал первым смешанным и первым рассчитанным на людей с высшим образованием колледжем. Своё название получил в честь влиятельного семейства Дарвинов: в 1885 году Джордж Дарвин, второй сын естествоиспытателя Чарлза Дарвина, приобрёл на Сильвер-стрит здание Ньюнэм Грейндж , в котором прожил со своей семьёй до конца жизни. В этом здании в 1964 году и был открыт колледж, а портреты семейства Дарвинов до сих пор украшают коридоры корпуса. В колледже обучаются от 600 до 700 студентов, в основном на степени магистра или доктора философии. Около половины из них иностранцы, на 2016 год было представлено 80 национальностей. Колледж Дарвина считается крупнейшим выпускным колледжем Кембриджа.