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100 лучших музеев

University of the West of Scotland



The University of the West of Scotland, formerly the University of Paisley, is a public university with four campuses in south-western Scotland, in the towns of Paisley, Blantyre, Dumfries and Ayr, as well as a campus in London, England. The present institution dates from August 2007, following the merger of the University of Paisley with Bell College, Hamilton. It can trace its roots to the late 19th century, and has undergone numerous name changes and mergers over the last century, reflecting its gradual expansion throughout the west of Scotland region. Holding a regional reputation for vocational undergraduate and post-graduate courses the university currently has 17,025 students, with approximately 1300 staff, spread across six schools of learning. The Crichton Campus in Dumfries is maintained in partnership with a number of other institutions, including the University of Glasgow.




Llanbedrog is a village and community on the Llŷn peninsula of Gwynedd in Wales. It is situated on the south side of the peninsula on the A499 between Pwllheli and Abersoch. Formerly in the county of Caernarfonshire, it had a population of 1,020 in 2001, reducing slightly to 1,002 at the 2011 Census. The village takes its name from Saint Petroc, a 6th-century Celtic saint. Petroc may be a form of the name Patrick, but Saint Petroc should not be confused with Saint Patrick. Saint Petrog's church is a grade II* listed building.South of the village is the headland and open area of Mynydd Tir-y-cwmwd. Granite quarrying was commercially important in the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The quarry closed down in 1949. 54.0% of residents aged three and over reported being able to speak Welsh in the 2011 Census, as compared to 52.6% reporting being able to do so in the 2001 Census. Holiday-makers started coming to Llanbedrog in significant numbers in the early 20th century, and the Pwllheli and Llanbedrog Tramway was built, linking the village to Pwllheli. Most of the track has now eroded and washed away but sections are still visible. The beach is now managed by the National Trust. In 1856 a dower house, "Plas Glyn-y-Weddw", was built in lower Llanbedrog for Lady Love Jones Parry. The house is now an important centre for the arts. The community is home to RAF Penrhos, a refuge for Poles since 1949.

Oratory of San Bernardino, Siena



The Oratory of San Bernardino is a small Roman Catholic prayer hall or independently standing chapel, located on via Vallerozzi in Siena, region of Tuscany, Italy. The oratory has frescoes from various 16th- and 17th-century Sienese painters. It is dedicated to the 13th-century preacher San Bernardino da Siena. The oratory is almost adjacent to the Basilica of San Francesco, Siena.

Ньиве керк (Делфт)



Ньиве-керк , или Ньиве Керк — церковь в городе Делфт . Расположена на главной городской площади напротив здания муниципалитета.

National Records of Scotland



National Records of Scotland is a non-ministerial department of the Scottish Government. It is responsible for civil registration, the census in Scotland, demography and statistics, family history and the national archives and historical records.National Records of Scotland was formed from the merger of the General Register Office for Scotland and the National Archives of Scotland in 2011, and combines all the functions of the two former organisations. The offices of Registrar General for Scotland and Keeper of the Records of Scotland remain separate, but since 2011 both have been vested ex officio in the Chief Executive of National Records of Scotland, currently Paul Lowe.

National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum is a museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, with more than 28,000 Western and American Indian art works and artifacts. The facility also has the world's most extensive collection of American rodeo photographs, barbed wire, saddlery, and early rodeo trophies. Museum collections focus on preserving and interpreting the heritage of the American West. The museum becomes an art gallery during the annual Prix de West Invitational Art Exhibition and Sale each June. The Prix de West Artists sell original works of art as a fund raiser for the Museum. The expansion and renovation was designed by Curtis W. Fentress, FAIA, RIBA of Fentress Architects.

Museum of Somerset

Somerset West and Taunton


The Museum of Somerset is located in the 12th-century great hall of Taunton Castle, in Taunton in the county of Somerset, England. The museum is run by South West Heritage Trust, an independent charity and includes objects initially collected by the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society who own the castle. Until 2008 the museum was known as the Somerset County Museum. Heritage Lottery Fund support was obtained to improve the museum, and the new museum reopened at the end of September 2011. Exhibits include the Frome Hoard, the Low Ham Roman Mosaic, the bronze-age South Cadbury shield and a range of other objects relating to the history of the county.

Музей Оствалл

Северный Рейн-Вестфалия


Музей Оствалл — музей модерна и современного искусства в Дортмунде . Он был основан в конце 1940-х годов и с 2010 года расположен в здании Dortmunder U. Коллекция музея включает в себя картины, скульптуры, объекты и фотографии XX века, а также более 2 500 произведений графики. Она охватывает период от экспрессионизма до современного искусства нынешнего времени.

Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Região Geográfica Intermediária de Curitiba


The Oscar Niemeyer Museum is located in the city of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, in Brazil. It was inaugurated in 2002 with the name Novo Museu or New Museum. With the conclusion of remodeling and the construction of a new annex, it was reinaugurated on July 8, 2003, with the current denomination to honor its famous architect who completed this project at 95 years of age. It is also known as Museu do Olho or Niemeyer's Eye , due to the design of the building.The museum focuses on the visual arts, architecture and design. For its magnificence, beauty and for the importance of the collection, it represents a cultural institution of international significance. The complex of two buildings, installed in an area of 35 thousand square meters , it is a true example of architecture allied with art. The first building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1967, faithful to the style of the time, and conceived as an educational institute, which was opened in 1978.The museum features many of Niemeyer's signature elements: bold geometric forms, sculptural curved volumes placed prominently to contrast with rectangular volumes, sinuous ramps for pedestrians, large areas of white painted concrete, and areas with vivid murals or paintings. Though rooted in modern architecture since his involvement in the international style, Niemeyer's designs have much in common with postmodern architecture as well and this is as contemporary a building as the artwork it displays.

Museo Horne



The Museo Horne is a museum focusing on art and furnishings of the 14th and 15th centuries, located in the former Palazzo Corsi, on via de' Benci number 6 in Florence, Tuscany, Italy.

Дворец Даванцети



Дворец Даванцати расположен во Флоренции по адресу Via Porta Rossa 9. Здесь находится музей флорентийского дома.

Museo Civico di Bassano



The Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa is the town art and architecture museum located on Piazza Garibaldi #34 in Bassano del Grappa, in the Vicenza province of the region of the Veneto, in northern Italy. It is housed in a former Franciscan convent.


Версаль (город)


Верса́ль — дворцово-парковый ансамбль во Франции, бывшая резиденция французских королей в городе Версале, ныне являющемся пригородом Парижа; центр туризма мирового значения. Версаль сооружался под руководством Людовика XIV с 1661 года и стал своеобразным памятником эпохи «короля-солнца», художественно-архитектурным выражением идеи абсолютизма. Ведущие архитекторы — Луи Лево и Жюль Ардуэн-Мансар, создатель парка — Андре Ленотр. Ансамбль Версаля, крупнейший в Европе, отличается уникальной целостностью замысла и гармонией архитектурных форм и преобразованного ландшафта. С конца XVII века Версаль служил образцом для парадных загородных резиденций европейских монархов и аристократии, однако прямых подражаний ему не имеется. С 1682 по 1789 годы, до Великой французской революции, Версаль являлся официальной королевской резиденцией. В 1801 году получил статус музея и открыт для публики; с 1830 года музеем стал весь архитектурный комплекс Версаля; в 1837 году в королевском дворце открылся Музей истории Франции. В 1979 году Версальский дворец и парк включены в список всемирного культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО. С Версалем связано множество значимых событий французской и мировой истории. Так, в XVIII веке королевская резиденция стала местом подписания многих международных договоров, в том числе договора, завершившего Войну за независимость США в 1783 году. В 1789 году работавшее в Версале Учредительное собрание приняло Декларацию прав человека и гражданина. В 1871 году, после поражения Франции во Франко-прусской войне, в Версале, оккупированном германскими войсками, было провозглашено создание Германской империи. Здесь же в 1919 году был подписан мирный договор, завершивший Первую мировую войну и положивший начало так называемой Версальской системе — политической системе послевоенных международных отношений.

Музей Эжена Делакруа



Фердина́н Викто́р Эже́н Делакруа́ — французский живописец и график, предводитель романтического направления в европейской живописи. Он возглавил национальную французскую романтическую школу, отступив от четких правил академизма. Шёл к официальному признанию многие годы, и его искусство было признано лишь в конце его жизни, Делакруа стал кумиром многих молодых художников Франции. «Свобода, ведущая народ» принесла художнику мировую известность, став одним из наиболее узнаваемых полотен в истории.

Musée des Beaux-arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon



Musée des Beaux-arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon is an art museum located in Alençon, France.

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Quimper



The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Quimper is an art museum located in Quimper, Brittany, France. It was founded after Jean-Marie de Silguy left a legacy of 1200 paintings and 2000 drawings to the town of Quimper on condition that the town build a museum to accommodate them. Today, it is one of the principal art museums in western France, presenting rich collections of French, Italian, Flemish, and Dutch paintings from the 14th century to present day.

Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory"



The Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory" is a museum dedicated to Nabi art located in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in the Parisian region . The museum is dedicated to Maurice Denis, a French symbolist Nabi painter. The museum showcases his work as well as that of many other members of the school; it is the largest collection of Nabi art in France.The Musée départemental Maurice Denis, or MDMD, was created in 1976 by the Conseil général of the Yvelines, the department in which it is located. The donation of both the priory and a large collection of Maurice Denis' family made the museum possible. It has been open to the public since 1980.