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100 лучших музеев

Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art



The Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art opened in Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japan in 1977. The collection includes works by Jules Pascin and the École de Paris as well as by modern Japanese artists, in particular those with a connection to Hokkaidō.There are five related prefectural art museums elsewhere in Sapporo and Hokkaidō: Migishi Kōtarō Museum of Art, Hokkaido, Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, Hokkaido Asahikawa Museum of Art, Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art, and Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido.

Hinton Ampner

Уинчестер (Англия)


Hinton Ampner House is a stately home with gardens within the civil parish of Bramdean and Hinton Ampner, near Alresford, Hampshire, England. It is a Grade II listed building.The house and garden are owned by the National Trust and are open to the public.

Hinchingbrooke House



Hinchingbrooke House in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, was built around an 11th-century Benedictine nunnery. After the Reformation it passed into the hands of the Cromwell family, and subsequently, became the home of the Earls of Sandwich, including John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, reputedly the "inventor" of the modern sandwich. On 8 March 1538, Richard Williams had the grant of the nunnery of Hinchinbrooke, in Huntingdonshire, for the undervalued price of £19. 9s. 2d. while he was an official Visitor overseeing the dissolution of the monasteries. His son, Henry Williams —a grandfather of Oliver Cromwell—built the house adjoining to the nunnery, and upon the bow windows he put the arms of his family, with those of several others to whom he was allied.There was a serious fire in 1830 and the house was restored/rebuilt by Edward Blore; it was further restored in 1894 and again in the 1960s. During the most recent restoration the entrance to the chapter house was discovered, but otherwise little of the medieval fabric is visible.In 1970, it became part of Hinchingbrooke School, housing the 6th form. Hinchingbrooke School was formerly Huntingdon Grammar School which, on the site of what is now the Cromwell Museum in Huntingdon, was attended by Oliver Cromwell and Samuel Pepys. The school now has around 1900 pupils.More recently, while still being used as a school, Hinchingbrooke House is turned into a critically acclaimed scare attraction in the Halloween season called 'The Horror at Hinchingbrooke House'. It is also used as a conference centre, and is also for, dinner dances and as a wedding venue. It is a Grade I listed building and is open for tours on Sunday afternoons in the summer season.

Shire Hall, Hertford



The Shire Hall is a municipal building in Hertford, the county town of Hertfordshire, England. It is a Grade I listed building.

Ottó Herman Museum



The Ottó Herman Museum is the largest museum in Miskolc, Hungary. It holds more than 600,000 artifacts. Its main focus is on archaeology, mineralogy, arts, history, and ethnography.

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art

Итака (Нью-Йорк)

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art is an art museum located on the northwest corner of the Arts Quad on the main campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Its collection includes two windows from Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin D. Martin House, and more than 35,000 other works in the permanent collection. It was designed by architect I.M. Pei and is known for its distinctive concrete facade.

Museum of Cornish Life



Museum of Cornish Life is a museum situated in the former market town of Helston, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. The museum is housed in Helston's former Market House and Drill Hall. The museum was founded in 1949, the building was originally designed as the town's Market House in 1837.4th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry used it as their drill hall during World War 1.The Museum expanded into the meat market in the early 1980s and into the adjoining Drill Hall in 1999. A suspended gallery was also added at this time that in turn allowed the creation of the mezzanine art gallery. In front of the building is a cannon salvaged from the wreck of the frigate HMS Anson which foundered off Loe Bar on 29 December 1807.The Museum's collection reflects both the social and industrial history of The Lizard Peninsula, from mining, fishing and farming through to home life in the 18th - 20th centuries. Previously run by Cornwall Council, management of the museum was taken over by the South Kerrier Heritage Trust in August 2013. The Trust is a local registered charity working with the community, and day-to-day work at the museum is largely undertaken by volunteers.

Кистерс, Хайнц



Хайнц Ки́стерс — немецкий предприниматель, арт-дилер и коллекционер, известный как основатель большого частного собрания произведений искусства классической европейской живописи.

Gwynedd Council

Карнарвон (Уэльс)


Gwynedd Council is the governing body for the principal area of Gwynedd, one of the subdivisions of Wales within the United Kingdom. The Council administrates internally through the medium of Welsh.

The Guardian



«Гардиан» — ежедневная леволиберальная газета в Великобритании, основана в Манчестере в 1821 году под названием The Manchester Guardian. В 1959 году сменила название на нынешнее, а в 1964 году редакция переехала в Лондон. Воскресный выпуск оформлен в виде газеты The Observer . The Guardian, The Observer и еженедельник The Guardian Weekly принадлежат группе компаний Guardian Media Group. Сайт газеты — самый посещаемый из сайтов британских газет , известных как «качественная пресса» ; причём его материалы могут отличаться от материалов бумажного издания. Согласно статье в Press Gazette, опубликованной в 2013 году, из всех британских газет The Guardian было самым читаемым из качественных изданий, с учётом как продаж бумажной версии, так и просмотров сайта газеты. В научных работах газету характеризуют как влиятельную, престижную и качественную, а также как одну из самых уважаемых газет в мире. Газета опубликовала такие громкие материалы, как скандал связанный с незаконным прослушиванием телефонных разговоров частных лиц в News International. Расследование привело к закрытию News of the World, одной из самых высокотиражных новостных газет в мире. В июне 2013 года газета также выпустила новость о записи телефонных разговоров Verizon, которые передавались администрации Барака Обамы, а впоследствии опубликовала сведения о существовании программы массовой слежки PRISM, получив эту информацию у осведомителя из АНБ Эдварда Сноудена.

Glenesk Folk Museum



Glenesk Folk Museum is a museum located in the Glen Esk valley, in Tarfside, Angus, Scotland, which is run by members of the local community. It is about 9 miles north of the village of Edzell. It is housed in a former shooting lodge, known as 'The Retreat', which used to belong to the earls of Dalhousie. The museum contains artefacts and documents related to the history of the surrounding area. It also has a shop selling locally produced gifts and a tearoom. The museum organises demonstrations of local skills and crafts.

Музей Гленбоу



Музей Гленбоу — музей в городе Калгари . Музей Гленбоу является одним из крупнейших музеев на западе Канады. Музей в основном занимается документированием истории освоения и развития Западной Канады. Экспозиция разместилась в 20 залах общей площадью 8600 м². Музейная коллекция и насчитывает более миллиона предметов.

Гладстон, Уильям

Biggar, South Lanarkshire


Уи́льям Ю́арт Гла́дстон — английский государственный деятель и писатель, 41-й , 43-й , 45-й и 47-й премьер-министр Великобритании.

Museum of the Home



The Museum of the Home, formerly the Geffrye Museum, is a museum in the Geffrye Almshouses on Kingsland Road in Shoreditch, London. It explores home and home life from 1600 to the present day with a series of period room displays.The museum is housed in 18th-century Grade I-listed almshouses, formerly belonging to the Ironmongers' Company. These were built in 1714 thanks to a bequest by Sir Robert Geffrye, a merchant and slave trader who had served as Lord Mayor of London and Master of the Ironmongers' Company.In 1911 the Ironmongers' Company sold the buildings to London County Council in 1911, who opened the museum in 1914. The museum became a charitable trust in 1991.Several structures connected with the Museum are listed on the National Heritage List for England. The main museum building is Grade I listed and the niche in the northwest corner of the forecourt of the Museum is listed Grade II*. The forecourt wall, gates and railings to the Museum are Grade II* listed, and the two K6 telephone boxes on the Kingsland Road outside the Museum are listed Grade II.In January 2018, the museum closed for a two-year £18m development project, and is due to reopen in 2020. Until this closure, the main permanent displays were a series of room settings furnished and decorated to show the main living spaces and elements of domestic life through the centuries, reflecting changes in society, behaviour, style and taste. The museum's change of name was announced in 2019.The building that houses the museum has above its entrance a statue of merchant and slave trader Robert Geffrye, a replica of the original which was removed in 1912 when the building was sold to London County council. In July 2020 the museum held a consultation on the potential removal of the statue, with public opinion being in favour of removing it. The museum's board elected to instead "reinterpret and contextualise" the statue in its current location, partly on the advice of Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden.

Garden Museum



The Garden Museum in London is Britain's only museum of the art, history and design of gardens. The museum re-opened in 2017 after an 18-month redevelopment project.The building is largely the Victorian reconstruction of the Church of St Mary-at-Lambeth which was deconsecrated in 1972 and was scheduled to be demolished. It is adjacent to Lambeth Palace on the south bank of the River Thames in London, on Lambeth Road. In 1976, John and Rosemary Nicholson traced the tomb of the two 17th-century royal gardeners and plant hunters John Tradescant the Elder and the Younger to the churchyard, and were inspired to create the Museum of Garden History. It was the first museum in the world dedicated to the history of gardening.The Museum's main gallery is on the first floor, in the body of the church. The collection includes tools, art, and ephemera of gardening, including a gallery about garden design and the evolution of gardening, as well as a recreation of Tradescant's 17th-century Ark. The collections give an insight into the social history of gardening as well as the practical aspects of the subject. There are three temporary exhibition spaces which look at various aspects of plants and gardens and change every six months The redevelopment of the Museum, completed in 2017, included two new garden designs. The Sackler Garden, designed by Dan Pearson sits at the centre of the courtyard, replacing the knot garden, and the Museum's front garden is designed by Christopher Bradley-Hole. In 2006, Christopher Woodward, formerly director of the Holburne Museum in Bath, Somerset, was appointed as the director of the Garden Museum.

Палаццо Корсини



Палаццо Корсини — дворец в стиле позднего барокко в Риме, возведённый для семьи Корсини между 1730—1740 годами на основе располагавшейся на этом месте виллы XV века Джироламо Риарио делла Ровере, племянника Папы римского Сикста IV. Новый дворец построен по проекту архитектора Фердинандо Фуги.

Fondazione Roberto Longhi



The Fondazione Roberto Longhi is an institute established by Italian scholar Roberto Longhi. It is located on Via Benedetto Fortini in Florence, Tuscany, Italy.

Fenimore Art Museum

Cooperstown, New York

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Fenimore Art Museum is a museum located in Cooperstown, New York on the west side of Otsego Lake. Collection strengths include the Eugene and Clare Thaw Collection of American Indian Art, American fine and folk art, 19th and early 20th century photography, as well as rare books and manuscripts. The museum's mission is to connect its audience to American and New York State cultural heritage by organizing exhibits and public programs that "engage, delight and inspire."The house organ was titled Heritage. The Fenimore Art Museum is closely associated with The Farmers' Museum, also in Cooperstown.