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100 лучших музеев

Институт Франции



Институ́т Фра́нции — основное официальное научное учреждение Франции, объединяющее пять национальных академий: Французская академия , учреждена при кардинале Ришельё в 1635 году для совершенствования французского языка и литературы, состоит из 40 членов . Французская академия надписей и изящной словесности , основана Жан-Батистом Кольбером в феврале 1663 года первоначально для составления надписей на монументах и медалях в честь Людовика XIV, позже объединила учёных-гуманитариев в области истории, археологии и языкознания; официальный статус академии с 1701 года; насчитывает 55 французских и 40 иностранных членов, а также 50 французских и 50 иностранных членов-корреспондентов. Французская академия наук , основана в 1666 году Людовиком XIV по предложению Жан-Батиста Кольбера для математики, естественных наук и медицины. Французская академия изящных искусств , создана в 1803 году в результате слияния Французской академии живописи и скульптуры , Французской академии музыки , Французской академии архитектуры ; официальный статус академии с 1816 года; в настоящее время добавлены секции кинематографии и фотографии; 57 кресел, из которых на 1 января 2010 года заняты 48. Французская академия моральных и политических наук , основана в 1795 году, распущена в 1803 году, восстановлена в 1832 году; в настоящее время имеет секции: философии; моральных наук и социологии; законодательства, публичного права и юриспруденции; политической экономии, статистики и финансов; истории и географии; общую.

Bexhill Museum

Ротер (район)


Bexhill Museum is in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. An independent museum founded in 1914. The museum is run as a registered charity supported by volunteers and two employees.

Берлинская галерея



Берлинская галерея — берлинский земельный музей современного искусства, фотографии и архитектуры.

Villa I Tatti



Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies is a center for advanced research in the humanities located in Florence, Italy, and belongs to Harvard University. It also houses a library and an art collection, and it is the site of Italian and English gardens. Villa I Tatti is located on an estate of olive groves, vineyards, and gardens on the border of Florence, Fiesole and Settignano. Villa I Tatti is not generally open to the public.

Beecroft Art Gallery



Beecroft Art Gallery is a gallery in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England. Prior to 2014, the gallery was formerly located in and Edwardian building on Station Road at Westcliff-on-Sea which was donated to the people of Southend-on-Sea in 1952 by Walter Beecroft to house his eclectic collection of art works. Walter Beecroft was a solicitor in nearby Leigh. He had already set up an Art Gallery Sub-Committee of the Public Libraries & Museum Committee in 1928, and in 1947 he proposed to endow a building to become and Art Gallery. Eventually, this led to the Beecroft Art Gallery on Station Road. Beecroft also endowed the Beecroft Bequest, an art purchase fund administered by the Museums Association. The gallery was resited in 2014 to the former home of the Central Library on Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea.

Bedford Town Hall

Bedford, New Hampshire

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Bedford Town Hall is located at 70 Bedford Center Road in Bedford, New Hampshire. Built in 1910, it is a prominent early work of Chase R. Whitcher, a noted architect of northern New England in the early 20th century. The building is the third town hall to stand on this site, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.

Западноевропейская живопись в музеях Украины

Черкасская область


В художественных музеях Украины хранятся значительные собрания западноевропейской живописи. В них можно насчитать десятки первоклассных полотен. Наряду с произведениями всемирно прославленных художников — Тициана, Гварди, Риберы, Веласкеса, Рубенса — в украинских музеях можно увидеть уникальные работы мастеров, чьи картины в мире исчисляются единицами: Маэстро дель Оссерванца, Якопо дель Селлайо, Якоба Фердинанда Фута, Жоржа де Латура и др.

Триумфальная арка (Париж)



Не путать с триумфальной аркой на площади Каррузель Триумфальная арка — монумент в 8-м округе Парижа на площади Шарля де Голля , возведённый в 1806—1836 годах архитектором Жаном Шальгреном по распоряжению Наполеона в ознаменование побед его «Великой армии».

Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti



The Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti is a tertiary academy of fine arts located in Genoa, Italy. It also houses a museum , which includes works of Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, Giuseppe Abbati, Anton Raphael Mengs, Perin del Vaga, Luca Cambiaso, Bernardo Strozzi, Giovanni Battista Paggi, Sinibaldo Scorza, Domenico Fiasella, Luciano Borzone, Serafino De Tivoli, Plinio Nomellini. The academy was founded in 1751.

Академия Святого Луки



Академия святого Луки — объединение художников, созданное в Риме по инициативе папы римского Григория XIII и открытое в 1593 году известным художником Федерико Цуккаро и кардиналом Федерико Борромео. Продолжало традиции средневековых гильдий Святого Луки.

Mansion House, York



The Mansion House in York, England is the home of the Lord Mayors of York during their term in office. It is situated in St Helen's Square, where York's Coney Street and Lendal intersect in the city centre. It is built in an early Georgian style. The Mansion House is the earliest purpose built house for a Lord Mayor still in existence and predates the Mansion House in London by at least twenty years. The foundation stone for the Mansion House was laid in 1725, with the building being completed seven years later in 1732. The architect who designed the Mansion House is unknown, although the frontage may be by William Etty.

York Guildhall



York Guildhall is a municipal building located behind York's Mansion House. It is a Grade I listed building.

William Benton Museum of Art

Mansfield, Connecticut

Соединённые Штаты Америки

The William Benton Museum of Art is a public fine arts museum located on the University of Connecticut's main campus in Storrs, Connecticut, US. The Benton houses a permanent collection of over 6,500 artistic works and hosts special exhibitions, concerts, campus art walks, and other events. The museum is named in honor of the prominent U.S. senator and university trustee William Benton. The Benton has a cafe and a gift store. Admission to the museum is free for all.Constructed in 1920 and used for twenty years as University's main dining hall, the Benton opened officially as an art museum in 1967. The museum building is designed in the Collegiate Gothic style and is one of the core campus buildings in the University of Connecticut Historic District-Connecticut Agricultural School, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.The Benton's collection originated with former Connecticut Agricultural College president Charles Lewis Beach, who began the college's art collection, bequeathed his personal collection of American art to the college in 1933, and left a trust fund for the college to continue acquiring art. Developed over the ensuing decades, the museum's permanent collection includes works by Childe Hassam, Henry Ward Ranger, Emil Carlson, Charles Harold Davis, Ernest Lawson, Ellen Emmet Rand, Guy Wiggins, Mary Cassatt, Thomas Hart Benton, Fairfield Porter, George Bellows, Gustav Klimt, Rembrandt Peale, Georges Braque, Edward Burne-Jones, Reginald Marsh, Käthe-Kollwitz, Arthur Bowen Davies, Maurice Prendergast and Kiki Smith. The collection is strongest in modern and American art, but some works date to the Renaissance, and exhibits are highly diverse.

West Lothian Council

Ливингстон (Шотландия)


West Lothian is one of the 32 council areas of Scotland, and one of its historic counties. The county, which was also known as Linlithgowshire, was bounded geographically by the Avon to the west and the Almond to the east. The modern council area occupies a larger area, with areas in the west transferred to Falkirk and areas in the east transferred to Edinburgh following local government reforms in the late 20th century. It did however gain areas from Midlothian. West Lothian lies on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth and is predominantly rural, though there were extensive coal, iron, and shale oil mining operations in the 19th and 20th centuries, which created distinctive red spoil heaps throughout the council area. The old county town was the royal burgh of Linlithgow, but the largest town is now Livingston.

Wednesbury Museum and Art Gallery

Сандуэлл (район)


Wednesbury Museum and Art Gallery is a purpose-built Victorian art gallery in Wednesbury in the West Midlands of England. It is notable for its Ruskin Pottery collection and for hosting the first public display of the Stuckism art movement.

Киров (Кировская область)

Kirov, Russia


Ки́ров — город в Российской Федерации, административный центр Кировской области и одноимённого муниципального образования со статусом городского округа. Расположен на реке Вятке, в 896 км к северо-востоку от Москвы. Население — 518 348 чел. , входит в сотню самых крупных городов Европы, население городского округа — 543 827 чел. , население Кировской агломерации оценивается в 750 тыс. человек. Исторический, культурный, промышленный и научный центр Приуралья. Родина дымковской игрушки. Самый восточный город, основанный во времена Древней Руси.

Villa Caldogno



Villa Caldogno is a villa in the Veneto region of Italy, which is attributed to Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. It was built for the aristocratic Caldogno family on their estate in the village of Caldogno near Vicenza. It is also known as the "Villa Nordera" after Dr. Ettore Nordera who owned the property through a large part of the 20th century.

Grão Vasco National Museum



The Grão Vasco Museum is an art museum located in the city of Viseu, in Portugal. The museum is named after one of the most important Portuguese painters of the Renaissance, Vasco Fernandes , who had his workshop in Viseu. The museum, founded in 1916, occupies the building of the old Seminary, located beside Viseu Cathedral. The building, began in the late 16th century in Mannerist style, has had its interior recently modernised by Porto architect Eduardo Souto de Moura. The main exhibits of the museum are the painted altarpieces executed for Viseu Cathedral during the Renaissance. These include the main altarpiece, executed by a workshop that included the young Vasco Fernandes and was apparently led by Francisco Henriques, as well as later altarpieces by a mature Vasco Fernandes and his collaborator, Gaspar Vaz. The artistic significance of these altarpieces turn the Grão Vasco Museum into one of the most important art museums in Portugal. The collections also include metalwork, tapestry and sculpture.