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100 лучших музеев

Farnham Maltings



Farnham Maltings is a creative arts centre in the heart of the market town of Farnham in Surrey, England

Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art



The Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art is a museum in Canonbury Square in the district of Islington on the northern fringes of central London. It is the United Kingdom's only gallery devoted to modern Italian art and is a registered charity under English law.The Estorick Collection was founded by American sociologist and writer Eric Estorick , who began to collect art when he moved to England after the Second World War. Estorick and his German-born English wife Salome discovered Umberto Boccioni’s book Futurist Painting and Sculpture while they were on their honeymoon in 1947. Before the end of their trip they visited erstwhile Futurist Mario Sironi in Milan and bought most of the contents of his studio, including hundreds of drawings. They built up the collection mainly between 1953 and 1958. The collection was shown in several temporary exhibitions, including one at the Tate Gallery in London in 1956, and the key works were on long-term loan to the Tate from 1966 to 1975. The Estoricks rejected offers to purchase their collection from the Italian government and museums in the United States and Israel. Six months prior to his death Eric Estorick set up the Eric and Salome Estorick Foundation, to which he donated all his Italian works. The Estorick Collection moved to its current premises in Northampton Lodge, previously the home and office of Sir Basil Spence, the British architect, a converted Grade II-listed Georgian house, in 1998. The project was supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The core of the collection is its Futurist works, but it also includes figurative art and sculpture dating from 1890 to the 1950s. It features paintings by Futurism's main protagonists: Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini, Luigi Russolo and Ardengo Soffici, and works by Giorgio de Chirico, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio Morandi, Mario Sironi and Marino Marini. In addition to the main displays from the permanent collection, the Estorick Collection organises temporary exhibitions.

English Folk Dance and Song Society



The English Folk Dance and Song Society was formed in 1932 when two organisations merged: the Folk-Song Society and the English Folk Dance Society. The EFDSS, a member-based organisation, was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1935 and became a registered charity in England and Wales in 1963.

Ebbw Vale Steelworks

Ebbw Vale


Ebbw Vale Steelworks was an integrated steel mill located in Ebbw Vale, South Wales. Developed from 1790, by the late 1930s it had become the largest steel mill in Europe. Nationalized after World War II, as the steel industry changed to bulk handling, iron and steel making was ceased in the 1970s, as the site was redeveloped as a specialised tinplate works. Closed by Corus in 2002, the site is being redeveloped in a joint-partnership between Blaenau Gwent Council and the Welsh Government.

Massa Marittima Cathedral



Massa Marittima Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Massa Marittima, Tuscany, Italy, dedicated to Saint Cerbonius. Formerly the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Massa Marittima, it is now that of the Diocese of Massa Marittima-Piombino.

Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry



The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry was a British Army regiment that existed from 1798 to 1992. The regiment sent mounted infantry for service in the Second Boer War as the Imperial Yeomanry, between 1900 and 1902, and also saw action during the First and Second World Wars. Its lineage is maintained by B Squadron, the Queen's Own Yeomanry.

Эгерская крепость

Eger District


Эгерская крепость — средневековая крепость в городе Эгер , известная своей героической обороной от турок в 1552 году. Расположена в историческом центре Эгера на Крепостном холме и служит главной достопримечательностью города. Крепость была выстроена в XIII веке по инициативе эгерского епископа после того, как город был разорён татаро-монгольским нашествием. В XIV—XV веках крепость развивалась, внутри было построено несколько зданий, включая готический епископский дворец и не сохранившийся до наших дней собор. В начале XVI века крепость была перестроена и приобрела свои современные формы. В 1552 году турецкая армия численностью около 40 тысяч человек осадила крепость, в которой укрылось около 2 тысяч защитников во главе с капитаном Иштваном Добо. Несмотря на большое превосходство в численности, турки не смогли взять крепость и вынуждены были отступить после пятинедельной осады, понеся тяжёлые потери. Оборона Эгерской крепости описана на страницах известного романа Гезы Гардони «Звёзды Эгера». В 1968 году роман был экранизирован режиссёром Зольтаном Варконьи. Новая турецкая осада, предпринятая в 1596 году, привела к падению крепости, Эгер вошёл в состав Османской империи, где был до 1687 года, когда турки были изгнаны австрийской армией. В 1701 году в ходе подавления восстания под руководством Ференца Ракоци австрийская армия взорвала часть стен Эгерской крепости, позднее они были восстановлены. В настоящее время Эгерская крепость является музейным комплексом. В здании епископского дворца расположен музей Иштвана Добо и картинная галерея. Открыты для посещения туристами бастионы крепости и подземные казематы. В крепости похоронен писатель Геза Гардони.

Newcastle’s Discovery Museum



Музей Открытий основан в 1934 году как «Городской Музей Науки и Промышленности». Коллекции были размещены во временном павильоне, построенном в 1929 для North East Coast Exhibition в Выставочном Парке, в Ньюкасл-апон-Тайне. Это был первый Музей науки Великобритании за пределами Лондона. Коллекция и экспонаты за 40 лет выросли так, что временный павильон уже не мог удовлетворять потребностям музея. В 1978 году музей был вновь перенесён в дом Блэндфордов, бывшую кооперативную оптовую штаб-квартиру Общества по северному региону. Спроектированное Oliver, Leeson & Wood, это великолепное здание 1899 года, было распределительным центром для более чем 100 кооперативных магазинов по всему региону, и вмещало обширные складские помещения и офисы. В 1993 году музей был вновь открыт как «Discovery Museum». Текущая реконструкция привнесла много новых экспонатов за последние годы, например, впечатляющую Turbinia, полученную в 1994 году. В 2004 году потрачено 13 млн фунтов стерлингов на реконструкцию и уже в 2005 году было самым популярным местом в регионе — 450000 посетителей.

Detroit Historical Museum


Соединённые Штаты Америки

The Detroit Historical Museum is located at 5401 Woodward Avenue in the city's Cultural Center Historic District in Midtown Detroit. It chronicles the history of the Detroit area from cobblestone streets, 19th century stores, the auto assembly line, toy trains, fur trading from the 18th century, and much more.




Норт-Эршир — один из 32 округов Шотландии. Граничит с округами Ист-Эршир, Саут-Эршир и Ренфрушир. Помимо материковой территории включает в себя остров Арран и несколько других небольших островов в заливе Ферт-оф-Клайд. Округ был образован в 1996 г. на территории области Каннингем.

Cumbria Archive Service

Карлайл (Англия)


Cumbria Archive Service serves the English county of Cumbria. Rather than having just one county record office, Cumbria County Council operates four local record offices, now known as archive centres, in Barrow-in-Furness, Carlisle, Kendal and Whitehaven.

Cumbria Archive Service

Russell, Georgia

Соединённые Штаты Америки

Cumbria Archive Service serves the English county of Cumbria. Rather than having just one county record office, Cumbria County Council operates four local record offices, now known as archive centres, in Barrow-in-Furness, Carlisle, Kendal and Whitehaven.

Cromwell Museum



The Cromwell Museum in Huntingdon, England, is a museum containing collections exploring the life of Oliver Cromwell and to a lesser extent his son Richard Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell was born in Huntingdon in 1599 and lived there for more than half his life. The museum is located in the former grammar school building in which Cromwell received his early education. Founded in 1962, the museum contains significant artifacts, paintings and printed material relating to The Protectorate. The museum is currently run as part of a trust dedicated to Oliver Cromwell's legacy and previously by the Cambridgeshire Libraries, Archives and Information Service, part of Cambridgeshire County Council.

Conway Hall Ethical Society



The Conway Hall Ethical Society, formerly the South Place Ethical Society, based in London at Conway Hall, is thought to be the oldest surviving freethought organisation in the world and is the only remaining ethical society in the United Kingdom. It now advocates secular humanism and is a member of the Humanists International.


South Eastern Region


MUŻA is an art museum located at Auberge d'Italie in Valletta, Malta. It was formerly located at Admiralty House between 1974 and 2016, when it was known as the National Museum of Fine Arts . It houses a collection of works by Maltese and foreign artists mainly representing the major European artistic styles. The museum was inaugurated on 7 May 1974, and it was located at Admiralty House, an 18th-century palace which was formerly the official residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet. The museum was closed down on 2 October 2016. In 2018 the national collection of fine arts was moved and put on display in the new National Community Art Museum, MUŻA , located at Auberge d’Italie in Valletta.

Капелла Коллеони



Капелла Коллеони — капелла и усыпальница, построенная в городе Бергамо, Италия, архитектором Джованни Антонио Амадео. Капелла, посвященная св. Варфоломею, св. Марку и св. Иоанну Крестителю, была построена в 1472—1476 годах в качестве мавзолея знаменитого кондотьера Бартоломео Коллеони и его рано умершей дочери Медеи. Строительство велось на месте разобранной солдатами Коллеони сакристии соседнего храма Санта-Мария-Маджоре.

College of Optometrists



The College of Optometrists is the professional, scientific and examining body for optometry in the United Kingdom, working for the public benefit. Their headquarters is at 41-42 Craven Street, London WC2, of which no 41 is a Grade II listed building.