Поиск музеев

Санкт-Пёльтен / Австрия

Санкт-Пёльтен — город в Австрии, административный центр и крупнейший город земли Нижняя Австрия. Население — 53 445 человек . Город расположен на реке Трайзен, правом притоке Дуная, в 65 километрах к западу от столицы страны Вены, на высоте 267 метров над уровнем моря.

Lower Austria Museum

Санкт-Пёльтен / Австрия

The Lower Austria Museum , formerly the Lower Austria State Museum , is the national museum for the state of Lower Austria and covers the fields of history, art and nature. It is located in St. Pölten in Lower Austria. Before it moved to St. Pölten in 2002, the museum, which was founded in 1902 by the Association for Cultural Studies, occupied several locations in Vienna. For example, in the period 1912-1923 it was based in Wallnerstraße and, from 1923 to 1997, it was housed in the Palais Mollard-Clary. On the establishment of the new state capital of St. Pölten, the state museum was transferred to the cultural region it represents.