Поиск музеев

Сен-Жосс-тен-Ноде / Бельгия

Сен-Жосс-тен-Ноде , или Синт-Йост-тен-Ноде — один из 19 муниципалитетов, из которых состоит Брюссельский столичный регион Бельгии. Офиц. языки — французский и нидерландский .

Charlier Museum

Сен-Жосс-тен-Ноде / Бельгия

The Charlier Museum is a museum in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, a suburb of Brussels, exhibiting Belgian art of the end of the 19th century.The current museum building was bought by an art collector Henri Van Cutsem in 1890. Van Cutsem hired Victor Horta, a famous architect, to remodel and extend the building. The renovation in the Art Nouveau style was completed in 1893. In 1904, Van Cutsem died and left the house to a sculptor Guillaume Charlier, who died in 1925 and in his will requested that the house and the collection be opened as a public museum. The museum was opened in 1928.The museum is often used for concerts of classical music.