Поиск музеев

Сен-Жермен-ан-Ле / Франция

Сен-Жермэн-ан-Лэ или Сен-Жермен-ан-Ле — город во французском департаменте Ивелин, на реке Сене, в 19 км к западу от Парижа. Со Средних веков известен как местонахождение загородной резиденции королей Франции — Сен-Жерменского замка.

Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory"

Сен-Жермен-ан-Ле / Франция

The Musée départemental Maurice Denis "The Priory" is a museum dedicated to Nabi art located in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in the Parisian region . The museum is dedicated to Maurice Denis, a French symbolist Nabi painter. The museum showcases his work as well as that of many other members of the school; it is the largest collection of Nabi art in France.The Musée départemental Maurice Denis, or MDMD, was created in 1976 by the Conseil général of the Yvelines, the department in which it is located. The donation of both the priory and a large collection of Maurice Denis' family made the museum possible. It has been open to the public since 1980.