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Ита́лия ) — государство в Южной Европе, в центре Средиземноморья. Входит в Евросоюз и НАТО с момента их создания, является третьей по величине экономикой еврозоны. Граничит с Францией на северо-западе , Швейцарией и Австрией — на севере, Словенией — на северо-востоке . Внутри территории Италии находятся два государства-анклава: государство Сан-Марино и расположенное внутри территории Рима ассоциированное с Италией государство Ватикан, с каждым из которых Италия имеет внутреннюю границу протяжённостью соответственно 39 км и 3,2 км. Занимает Апеннинский полуостров, крайний северо-запад Балканского полуострова, Паданскую равнину, южные склоны Альп, острова Сицилия, Сардиния и ряд мелких островов. На территории Италии находится 55 памятников Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — Италия разделяет с Китаем первое место по их количеству.

Villa Caldogno


Villa Caldogno is a villa in the Veneto region of Italy, which is attributed to Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. It was built for the aristocratic Caldogno family on their estate in the village of Caldogno near Vicenza. It is also known as the "Villa Nordera" after Dr. Ettore Nordera who owned the property through a large part of the 20th century.

Archaeological Museum (Milan)


The Archaeological Museum of Milan is located in the ex-convent of the Monastero Maggiore, alongside the ancient church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore, with entrance on Corso Magenta. The first part of the museum, sited in the original site of Corso Magenta, is dedicated to the history of Mediolanum founded in the 4th century BC and conquered by the ancient Romans in 222 BC. In the basement floor there is also a small section about Gandhara's arts. The inner cloister, where Roman remains and two medieval towers are visible, connects the first part of the museum with the new building sited in via Nirone. In this part of the Archaeological Museum of Milan are sited, on four floors, the Early Middle Ages section, the Etruscan section, the Ancient Greek section and the temporary exhibition room. In the Middle Ages polygonal tower sited in the inner cloister are exposed a Domenico Paladino sculpture donated by the artist to the museum that fits in the frescoed medieval structure. Collections of the museum from prehistoric and Egyptian civilisations are housed at the Castello Sforzesco Museums.Statues and tombs from ancient Rome are displayed along the cloisters of the former monastery, and a path leads from the cloisters to a "polygonal tower with early medieval frescoes and comes out in the new museum in Via Nirone where the early medieval section is on the first floor."

Archivio di Stato di Firenze


The Archivio di Stato di Firenze, is the repository for the public records and archives of the Italian city of Florence. The archive holds over 600 funds dating back to the 8th century which, laid out in a line, would stretch over 75 km . It was founded on February 20th 1852 by decree of the Grand Duke Leopoldo II of Tuscany. Until 1989, the archive was located in the Uffizi. On November 4th, 1966 the River Arno flooded, causing damage to over 60,000 pieces of archival material. The flood incited the decision to construct a modern building for the archives further from the River Arno. The new building, designed by Italo Gamberini and his team of architects, was begun in 1974. It included a space for the restoration laboratory, which was founded shortly after the 1966 to recover damaged documents. Between 1987-1988 archival materials were transferred from the Uffizi to their current location, on the Viale della Giovine Italia, near the Piazza Beccaria in Florence. The new building Staff have included Gaetano Milanesi among others.

Biblioteca Vallicelliana


The Biblioteca Vallicelliana is a library in Rome, Italy. The library is located in the Oratorio dei Filippini complex built by Francesco Borromini in Piazza della Chiesa Nuova. The library holds about 130 000 volumes of manuscripts, incunabula, and books. In this number about 3 000 manuscripts written in Latin, Greek, among them Bible of Alcuin from the 9th century, lectionary from the 12th century etc. The library holds documents from the time of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

Banca CR Firenze


Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze S.p.A. known as Banca CR Firenze, was an Italian savings bank. Once a listed company, the group now part of Intesa Sanpaolo since 2007.