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Фьезоле / Италия

Фье́золе — город в области Тоскана, в провинции Флоренция, Италия. Фьезоле расположен на расстоянии 8 км к северо-востоку от Флоренции в живописной местности, на крутом холме над рекой Арно. Город богат произведениями искусства различных эпох. С XIV века город всегда считался одним из самых эксклюзивных пригородов всей Флоренции и по статистике города и по сей день остается сегодня самым богатым городом во всей Тоскане. Тем не менее, основываясь на рейтинге 2017 года, Лаятико разрушила первенство Фьезолы, став шестым самым богатым в Италии, и, соответственно, первым в Тоскане и Центральной Италии в целом. Покровителем города считается святой Ромул из Фиезоле, празднование 6 июля.

Convent of San Domenico, Fiesole

Фьезоле / Италия

The Convent of San Domenico is a Dominican convent in Fiesole, Italy, situated between the hill of Fiesole and the suburbs of Florence. It was founded in 1406 and completed in 1435 on the initiative of Giovanni Dominici and the bishop of Fiesole, Jacopo Altoviti, both of them friars at the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Fra Angelico was a friar here, and painted several artworks for the convent, including the Fiesole Altarpiece and the Coronation of the Virgin . Pietro Perugino's Madonna with Child between Saints John the Baptist and Sebastian, painted here in 1493, is now at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Also here is the 'Baptism' of Lorenzo di Credi, a free rendering of the Baptism in the Uffizi, the panel attributed to master Verrocchio and to Leonardo himself. Since the 2016 Convent of San Domenico hosts Language Centre, the Human Resources Service and a part of the Budget and Financial Affairs Service of the European University Institute.

Villa I Tatti

Фьезоле / Италия

Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies is a center for advanced research in the humanities located in Florence, Italy, and belongs to Harvard University. It also houses a library and an art collection, and it is the site of Italian and English gardens. Villa I Tatti is located on an estate of olive groves, vineyards, and gardens on the border of Florence, Fiesole and Settignano. Villa I Tatti is not generally open to the public.

Fiesole Cathedral

Фьезоле / Италия

Fiesole Cathedral , officially the Cathedral of Saint Romulus of Fiesole, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Fiesole, Tuscany, central Italy. It is the seat of the Bishop of Fiesole and is dedicated to Saint Romulus.

San Francesco Convent (Fiesole)

Фьезоле / Италия

The Convent of St. Francis is a Franciscan convent located in the western, historic center of Fiesole in the region of Tuscany. Located on Via San Francesco, it is not far from the Cathedral of Saint Romulus and the former Basilica of St. Alex.