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Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze

Флоренция / Италия

Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze is a lay confraternity founded in Florence in the 13th century by St. Peter Martyr with the aim of working towards the needy gestures of evangelical mercy. It is today the oldest Brotherhood for the care of the sick and, in general, the oldest private voluntary institution in the world still active since its foundation, dated in 1244 according to the records kept in its archive. Its lay members, called brothers, still continue to provide part of the infirm transport service in the city, and until April 2006 still wore the traditional black dress , today reduced to use in representation ceremonies due to national regulations inspired by road safety. The Venerable Arciconfraternita della Misericordia of Florence adheres to the Compagnia delle Misericordie, a confederation founded by Misericordia di Firenze, Rifredi and Bivigliano. In 2014 she returned to the National Confederation of Misericordie d'Italia, leaving the Compagnia delle Misericordie.