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Генуя / Италия

Ге́нуя — город на севере Италии. Административный центр области Лигурия и одноимённой провинции Генуя. Население — около 580 тыс. человек , шестой по величине город страны. Образует агломерацию Большая Генуя с населением свыше 1,5 миллиона человек. Расположен на северо-западе Италии, на берегу Генуэзского залива Лигурийского моря. Вытянулся узкой полосой более чем на 30 км и ограничен с двух сторон морем и Апеннинскими горами. Центр Лигурийской Ривьеры. Является крупнейшим морским портом Италии. Также в городе расположены международный аэропорт имени Христофора Колумба и метрополитен. Исторический центр примыкает к старому порту. Дворцы знати Палацци-деи-Ролли, находятся под охраной ЮНЕСКО. В древности — поселение лигуров, завоёванное римлянами в III веке до н. э. С XI века вела активную торговлю в Средиземном море; благодаря участию в крестовых походах превратилась в могущественную Генуэзскую республику с многочисленными заморскими колониями. После поражения в войне с Венецией и смещения торговых путей в Атлантический океан в XIV—XVI веках пришла в упадок, потеряв независимость в 1797 году. Родина Христофора Колумба.

Palazzo Pietro Spinola di San Luca

Генуя / Италия

Palazzo Pietro Spinola di San Luca is a 16th-century palace in Piazza di Pellicceria, Genoa, Italy. It is now a private residence, and it remains in good condition. It is one of the Palazzi dei Rolli, but it is not listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Site. The building faces the Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria, overlooking the square. The building was included in the rolli of 1588, 1599 and 1614. It still has a well-preserved 16th-century atrium and a grand staircase, part of which was reconstructed after being damaged by bombardment in World War II. The palace's façade contains an ornate marble portal decorated by reliefs of vines and bunches of grapes, and topped by a sculpture of Saint George and the Dragon.

Santa Maria di Castello

Генуя / Италия

Santa Maria di Castello is a church and religious complex in Genoa, Italy. Administrated for a long time by the Dominicans, it is located in the Castello hill of the city, where in the Middle Ages a bishop's fortified castle existed. The church is flanked by the large Tower of the Embriaci. The church, in Romanesque style, was erected before 900 AD. It houses many artworks commissioned by the main noble families of Genoa, by artists such as Francesco Maria Schiaffino, Lorenzo Fasolo, Alessandro Gherardini, Giuseppe Palmieri, Francesco Boccaccino, Pier Francesco Sacchi, Bernardo Castello, Aurelio Lomi and Tommaso Orsolino. Notable are the frescoes with Stories of David and the painted majolicas from the 16th century Genoese school. The high altar is decorated by a marble group of the "Assumption" by Domenico Parodi , while the chapel to the left of the presbytery has a Santa Rosa da Lima by Domenico Piola and a marble cover by Taddeo Carlone. The fourth chapel in the left aisle has a Madonna del Rosario by the workshop of Anton Maria Maragliano, while the first chapel has a painting attributed to Giovanni Battista Paggi . The baptistery has a polyptych from Lombard masters of the 15th century. The main portal is in Tuscan style , and is surmounted by a Gothic lunette of the 14th century with a "Crucifixion". The loggia facing the second cloister has frescoes of Saints, a Madonna and, on the first floor, an Annunciation by Giusto d'Alemagna . In the upper floor has a statue of "St. Catherina of Alexandria" and a marble tabernacle attributed to Domenico Gagini .