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Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Кампа́ния — административная область в Италии. Не следует путать с Кампаньей — коммуной в провинции Салерно и располагавшимся там концлагерем Кампанья. Существует также Римская Кампанья — район вокруг Рима в области Лацио.

Сан-Доменико-Маджоре (Неаполь)

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Сан-Доме́нико-Маджо́ре — церковь в историческом центре Неаполя, одна из наиболее значительных достопримечательностей современного города. Является частью бывшего доминиканского монастырского комплекса. Необычно расположение церкви: апсидой она выходит к одноимённой площади, а её фасад выходит на одноимённый переулок.

San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, Naples

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

San Giacomo degli Spagnoli is a basilica church in Piazza Municipio in central Naples, Italy. The Renaissance church was enveloped in 1812 by the Palazzo San Giacomo built by King Ferdinand I of Bourbon when he built a central block of offices for the ministries of his government adjacent to the fortress of the Castel Nuovo. The Palazzo San Giacomo is now the municipio or city hall of Naples. Another church of San Giacomo degli Spagnoli is found in Rome. The original church was commissioned in 1540 by the Spanish viceroy Don Pedro Álvarez de Toledo, Marquis of Villafranca and associated with the adjacent hospital for the poor. The church was dedicated to St James, the patron saint of Spain, and designed by Ferdinando Manlio. The construction of the Palazzo San Giacomo did away with the facade, but retained the internal layout of three naves and a tall central ceiling. The interior still retains a number of monumental tombs, including for the viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo, his wife and son, sculpted in 1570 by Giovanni da Nola. Near the entrance are two sculptures by Francesco Cassano. In addition the tomb of Ferdinando Maiorca and his wife Porzia Coniglia in the apse was completed by Michelangelo Naccherino. The tomb of Alfonso Basurto, was carved by Annibale Caccavello and Giovanni Domenico D'Auria. The church was elevated to the status of basilica in 1911 but then suffered damage during the bombing of World War II. It is now rarely opened to the public.

Сан-Лоренцо-Маджоре (Неаполь)

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Сан-Лоренцо-Маджоре — церковь и монастырь в Неаполе, освящённые в честь св. Лаврентия . Церковь расположена в центре древнего греко-романского города, на пересечении улиц Виа Сан Грегорио Армено и Виа деи Трибунали . Название «Сан-Лоренцо» также употребляется для обозначения музея церкви. В ходе археологических раскопок под церковью был раскрыт центр античного Неаполя, руины которого ныне публично экспонируются.

San Paolo Maggiore

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

San Paolo Maggiore is a basilica church in Naples, southern Italy, and the burial place of Gaetano Thiene, known as Saint Cajetan, founder of the Order of Clerics Regular . It is located on Piazza Gaetano, about 1-2 blocks north of Via dei Tribunali.

Собор Святого Януария

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Собор Святого Януария , современное официальное название — собор Успения Святой Марии — кафедральный собор Неаполя, освящённый в честь небесного покровителя города святого Януария. Расположен на Виа Дуомо, в историческом центре города.

San Pietro a Majella

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

San Pietro a Majella is a church in Naples, Italy. The term may also refer to the adjacent Naples music conservatory, which occupies the premises of the monastery that used to form a single complex with the church. The church stands at the western end of Via dei Tribunali, one of the three parallel streets that define the grid of the historic center of Naples; the church is considered one of the most significant examples of Angevin architecture in Naples and was built at the wishes of Giovanni Pipino da Barletta, one of the knights of Charles II of Anjou and the one responsible for destroying the last Saracen colony on the southern peninsula, in Lucera. San Pietro a Majella was built in the early 14th century and was named for and dedicated to Pietro Angeleri da Morone, a hermit monk from Maiella who became Pope Celestine V in 1294. He was the founder of the Celestine monastic order, which occupied the church until 1799, when monasteries were suppressed by the Neapolitan Republic. After the restoration of the monarchy, the monastery was reopened, but in 1826 was converted to house the San Pietro a Maiella Conservatory, a function it preserves. The church underwent restoration in the 1930s and remains an open and active house of worship. As was the case with much Angevin architecture in Naples, San Pietro a Majella underwent a Baroque make-over by the Spanish in the 17th century, but 20th-century restoration attempted to "undo" that and to restore the building to its original Gothic appearance.

Sant'Agostino alla Zecca

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Sant Agostino alla Zecca, also known as Sant'Agostino Maggiore is a church in central Naples, Italy. Originally granted to the Augustinian monks by Robert I of Anjou in 1259. The church underwent extensive reconstruction in the Baroque period by Bartolomeo Picchiati. Its name derives from its location near the former mint. Since the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, it has been closed and is in a poor state of conservation. The interior has frescoes of Giacinto Diano in the Sacristy.

Sant'Angelo a Nilo

Кампания (Италия) / Италия

Sant'Angelo a Nilo is a Roman Catholic church located on the Decumano Inferiore in Naples, Italy. It stands diagonally across from San Domenico Maggiore in Naples. It is known for containing the monumental Renaissance-style tomb of Cardinal Rainaldo Brancacci by Donatello and Michelozzo, one of the major sculptural works in the city.