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Пистоя / Италия

Писто́я — город, административный центр одноимённой провинции в итальянской области Тоскана. Население — 90 118 чел. . Этот древнеримский и средневековый город был основан во времена римской эпохи на территории, где до этого располагалось этрусское поселение. Изначально эта укрепленная цитадель находилась на Кассиевой дороге , соединяющей Рим с Луккой и Флоренцией, и была предназначена для снабжения провизией римской милиции. Вероятнее всего, именно благодаря этому факту город получил свое имя Пистория , от латинского слова pistoria, которое означает печь для выпечки хлеба. Однако не исключается возможность, что название имеет ещё более глубокие, этрусские корни «Pist» и «Oros», что означает «Дверь» и «Гора», а по причине созвучности, названию было ошибочно приписано латинское происхождение, от pistoria , pistŏr , во времена Римской Империи. Более позднюю версию появления города предложил Джованни Виллани , связав злую легенду о возникновении города с фактом поражения Катилины в 62 году до н.э.: "немногочисленные выжившие обосновались здесь в жалких условиях залечивать свои раны, а затем основали город и окрестили его Пистоя" , тем самым дав начало мрачной репутации города, которую использовал даже Данте в своей "Божественной комедии", высказавшись о Пистое как о "достойном логове" для такого злодея как Ванни Фуччи. Покровителем города считается Иаков Зеведеев . Праздник города 25 июля — Festa di San Jacopo.

Ospedale del Ceppo

Пистоя / Италия

Ospedale del Ceppo is a medieval hospital in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy.

Sant'Andrea, Pistoia

Пистоя / Италия

Sant'Andrea is a church in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy that served as a pieve or place that congregations from surrounding village churches use for baptism. It is dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, and includes the famous Pulpit of Sant' Andrea by Giovanni Pisano. The church probably dates from as early as the 8th century, though in a smaller size. In the 12th century it was extended in length. The façade shows the typical bichrome marble decoration of the Pistoiese Romanesque style, executed in the mid-12th century by Gruamonte and his brother Adeodatus, who was also responsible for the sculptures and for the portal's architrave. The latter depicts the "Journey of the Magi", a rare theme whose use here derives from the fact that the church was located on the Via Francigena, by which, in the Middle Ages, the pilgrims reached Rome from France. The decorated capitals are by a Master Henry, while the small statue of St. Andrew in the lunette over the portal is reminiscent of Giovanni Pisano's style. In the late 15th century the upper façade was finished and the central nave was vaulted. The frescoes in the apse date to 1506, executed by Bernardino del Signoraccio. Today only the central part, with the Father supported by Four Angels, survives. The altars in the aisles were added in the 17th century, with paintings by artists such as Cristofano Allori, Alessio Gimignani, and Girolamo Scaglia.

San Giovanni Fuoricivitas

Пистоя / Италия

San Giovanni Fuoricivitas is a Romanesque religious church and adjacent buildings in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy. The adjective fuoricivitas refers to it location, outside of the first set of city walls, when it was founded during the era of Lombard rule in Italy.

Catedral de Pistoia

Пистоя / Италия

Pistoia Cathedral is the main religious building of Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy, located in the Piazza del Duomo in the centre of the city. It is the seat of the Bishop of Pistoia and is dedicated to Saint Zeno of Verona. Most probably built in the 10th century, it has a façade in Romanesque style, inspired by other churches in Pistoia . The interior has a nave and two side-aisles, with a presbytery and crypt. A restoration in 1952-1999 returned the church to its original lines.

Pistoia Cathedral

Пистоя / Италия

Pistoia Cathedral is the main religious building of Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy, located in the Piazza del Duomo in the centre of the city. It is the seat of the Bishop of Pistoia and is dedicated to Saint Zeno of Verona. Most probably built in the 10th century, it has a façade in Romanesque style, inspired by other churches in Pistoia . The interior has a nave and two side-aisles, with a presbytery and crypt. A restoration in 1952-1999 returned the church to its original lines.

San Bartolomeo in Pantano

Пистоя / Италия

San Bartolomeo in Pantano is a Romanesque and Gothic style, Roman Catholic church in Pistoia, Tuscany, central Italy, dedicated to St. Bartholomew the Apostle. The pantano of the name refers to the once marshy area in which the building was located.