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Daventry / Великобритания

King’s Quest — серия приключенческих фэнтезийных компьютерных игр от компании Sierra Entertainment. Является самым известным продуктом компании, и широко рассматривается как классическая серия так называемой «золотой эры квестов». Первая часть игры, выпущенная в 1984 году, стала первым цветным графическим компьютерным квестом с музыкой, принеся компании успех и репутацию. Роберта Уильямс, соосновательница и бывшая совладелеца Sierra, разработала дизайн всех игр серии King’s Quest. King’s Quest описывает историю королевской семьи в вымышленном государстве Давентри через испытания и приключения, выпадающие на долю членов семьи. Эта история охватывает три поколения и несколько соседних с Давентри стран, а также знакомит игрока с персонажами из европейского фольклора и мифологии.

Kelmarsh Hall

Daventry / Великобритания

Kelmarsh Hall in Northamptonshire, England, is an elegant, 18th-century country house about 5 miles south of Market Harborough and 11 miles north of Northampton. It is a Grade I listed house and is open to public viewing.The present Palladian hall was built in 1732 for William Hanbury, Esq , a famous antiquarian, by Francis Smith of Warwick, to a James Gibbs design; the hall is still today surrounded by its working estate, and comprises both parkland and gardens. Pevsner described the building as, “a perfect, extremely reticent design… done in an impeccable taste." In building the hall, Hanbury was utilising a fortune which had been bolstered by an advantageous marriage to a niece of Viscount Bateman; he went on to acquire the Shobdon estate in Herefordshire and one of his grandchildren, William Hanbury III, succeeded to a Bateman baronetcy. Richard Christopher Naylor, a Liverpool banker, cotton trader and horse racing enthusiast, purchased the estate in 1864, mainly for its hunting potential. In 1902, George Granville Lancaster bought the estate; his son, Claude, inherited on his majority in 1924, and later passed to Claude's elder sister Cicely in 1967; she later established the Kelmarsh Trust to safeguard the estate's future after her death in 1996. Ronald Tree and his wife Nancy, née Perkins took a 60-year repairing lease on the Hall in 1929. Tree became the Member of Parliament for Harborough in 1933. His wife, who became renowned for her work and taste in interior design, subsequently married the owner of the Place, Colonel Lancaster.

Lamport Hall

Daventry / Великобритания

Lamport Hall in Lamport, Northamptonshire is a fine example of a Grade I Listed House. It was developed from a Tudor Manor but is now notable for its classical frontage. The Hall contains an outstanding collection of books paintings and furniture. The building includes The High Room with a magnificent ceiling by William Smith. It also has a library with 16th-century volumes and an early 19th-century cabinet room with Neapolitan cabinets which depict mythological paintings on glass. It is open to the public Lamport Hall was the home of the Isham family from 1560 to 1976. Sir Charles Isham, 10th Baronet is credited with beginning the tradition of garden gnomes in the United Kingdom when he introduced a number of terracotta figures from in the 1840s.


Daventry / Великобритания

Элторп — фамильное поместье графского рода Спенсеров в Нортгемптоншире, Великобритания. Поместье открыто для посещений с 1953 года, и посетить его можно в период с 1 июля до 30 августа.