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Лондон / Великобритания

Ло́ндон — столица и крупнейший город Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Административно образует регион Англии Большой Лондон, разделённый на 33 самоуправляемых территории. Население составляет 8 908 081 чел. — это третий по величине город Европы. Образует агломерацию Большой Лондон и более обширный метрополитенский район, являющиеся по численности населения в ЕС второй городской и первой региональной агломерациями, соответственно. Расположен на юго-востоке острова Великобритания, на равнине в устье Темзы, вблизи Северного моря. Главный политический, экономический и культурный центр Соединённого Королевства. Лондон относится к глобальным городам высшего ранга и ведущим мировым финансовым центрам. Экономика его составляет пятую часть экономики страны. По объёму ВРП Лондон занимает 5-е — 6-е места среди региональных агломераций мира. Лондон является одним из привлекательнейших городов для инвестиций, и в его юрисдикции зарегистрировано наибольшее число международных торговых компаний и лиц со сверхкрупным чистым капиталом среди всех городов мира. Основан римлянами вскоре после их вторжения на Британские острова в 43 году н. э. Приблизительно с 100 года н. э. — столица римской Британии, с XI—XII столетий — Англии, с 1707 года — Великобритании, с XVI по XX век — Британской империи. С 1825 по 1925 год Лондон был крупнейшим городом мира. Исторический центр города, образованный районами Вестминстер и Сити, сложился в викторианскую эпоху. Среди немногих построек, уцелевших здесь после пожара 1666 года, — средневековая цитадель Тауэр.

Boston Manor

Лондон / Великобритания

Boston Manor is an English Jacobean manor house built in 1622 with internal alterations, intensively restored in later centuries and Boston Manor Park is the adjoining publicly owned green space including a lake. It was the manor house of one of the early medieval-founded manors in Middlesex. Since 1965 its small part of the parish of Hanwell has been part of the London Borough of Hounslow in west London.

Катти Сарк

Лондон / Великобритания

«Ка́тти Сарк» — самый известный и единственный сохранившийся трёхмачтовый композитный парусный клипер XIX века. Был построен в 1869 году. С середины XX века является судном-музеем в Гринвиче . Судно серьёзно пострадало во время пожара 21 мая 2007 года, восстановление клипера потребовало больших усилий и затрат. Повторное открытие после реставрации состоялось в апреле 2012 года.

Conway Hall Ethical Society

Лондон / Великобритания

The Conway Hall Ethical Society, formerly the South Place Ethical Society, based in London at Conway Hall, is thought to be the oldest surviving freethought organisation in the world and is the only remaining ethical society in the United Kingdom. It now advocates secular humanism and is a member of the Humanists International.

English Folk Dance and Song Society

Лондон / Великобритания

The English Folk Dance and Song Society was formed in 1932 when two organisations merged: the Folk-Song Society and the English Folk Dance Society. The EFDSS, a member-based organisation, was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1935 and became a registered charity in England and Wales in 1963.

Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art

Лондон / Великобритания

The Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art is a museum in Canonbury Square in the district of Islington on the northern fringes of central London. It is the United Kingdom's only gallery devoted to modern Italian art and is a registered charity under English law.The Estorick Collection was founded by American sociologist and writer Eric Estorick , who began to collect art when he moved to England after the Second World War. Estorick and his German-born English wife Salome discovered Umberto Boccioni’s book Futurist Painting and Sculpture while they were on their honeymoon in 1947. Before the end of their trip they visited erstwhile Futurist Mario Sironi in Milan and bought most of the contents of his studio, including hundreds of drawings. They built up the collection mainly between 1953 and 1958. The collection was shown in several temporary exhibitions, including one at the Tate Gallery in London in 1956, and the key works were on long-term loan to the Tate from 1966 to 1975. The Estoricks rejected offers to purchase their collection from the Italian government and museums in the United States and Israel. Six months prior to his death Eric Estorick set up the Eric and Salome Estorick Foundation, to which he donated all his Italian works. The Estorick Collection moved to its current premises in Northampton Lodge, previously the home and office of Sir Basil Spence, the British architect, a converted Grade II-listed Georgian house, in 1998. The project was supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The core of the collection is its Futurist works, but it also includes figurative art and sculpture dating from 1890 to the 1950s. It features paintings by Futurism's main protagonists: Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini, Luigi Russolo and Ardengo Soffici, and works by Giorgio de Chirico, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio Morandi, Mario Sironi and Marino Marini. In addition to the main displays from the permanent collection, the Estorick Collection organises temporary exhibitions.

Fenton House

Лондон / Великобритания

Fenton House is a 17th-century merchant's house in Hampstead in North London which belongs to the National Trust, bequeathed to them in 1952 by Lady Binning, its last owner and resident. It is a detached house with a walled garden, which is large by London standards, and features a sunken garden, an orchard and a kitchen garden.

Hall Place

Лондон / Великобритания

Hall Place is a stately home in the London Borough of Bexley in south-east London, built in 1537 for Sir John Champneys, a wealthy merchant and former Lord Mayor of London. The house was extended in 1649 by Sir Robert Austen, a merchant from Tenterden in Kent. The house is a Grade I listed building and Scheduled Ancient Monument, and surrounded by a 65-hectare award-winning garden. It is situated on the A223, Bourne Road, south of Watling Street and north of the 'Black Prince' interchange of the A2 Rochester Way and the A220.

Jewish Museum London

Лондон / Великобритания

The Jewish Museum London is a museum of British Jewish life, history and identity. The museum is situated in Camden Town in the London Borough of Camden, North London. It is a place for people of all faiths to explore Jewish history, culture, and heritage. The museum has a dedicated education team, with an extensive programme for schools, community groups and families. Charles, Prince of Wales is a patron of the museum.The events, programmes and activities at the museum aim to provoke questions, challenge prejudice, and encourage understanding.

Kensington Town Hall, London

Лондон / Великобритания

Kensington Town Hall is a municipal building in Hornton Street, Kensington, London. It is the headquarters of Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council.