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Лондон / Великобритания

Ло́ндон — столица и крупнейший город Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Административно образует регион Англии Большой Лондон, разделённый на 33 самоуправляемых территории. Население составляет 8 908 081 чел. — это третий по величине город Европы. Образует агломерацию Большой Лондон и более обширный метрополитенский район, являющиеся по численности населения в ЕС второй городской и первой региональной агломерациями, соответственно. Расположен на юго-востоке острова Великобритания, на равнине в устье Темзы, вблизи Северного моря. Главный политический, экономический и культурный центр Соединённого Королевства. Лондон относится к глобальным городам высшего ранга и ведущим мировым финансовым центрам. Экономика его составляет пятую часть экономики страны. По объёму ВРП Лондон занимает 5-е — 6-е места среди региональных агломераций мира. Лондон является одним из привлекательнейших городов для инвестиций, и в его юрисдикции зарегистрировано наибольшее число международных торговых компаний и лиц со сверхкрупным чистым капиталом среди всех городов мира. Основан римлянами вскоре после их вторжения на Британские острова в 43 году н. э. Приблизительно с 100 года н. э. — столица римской Британии, с XI—XII столетий — Англии, с 1707 года — Великобритании, с XVI по XX век — Британской империи. С 1825 по 1925 год Лондон был крупнейшим городом мира. Исторический центр города, образованный районами Вестминстер и Сити, сложился в викторианскую эпоху. Среди немногих построек, уцелевших здесь после пожара 1666 года, — средневековая цитадель Тауэр.

University of Greenwich

Лондон / Великобритания

The University of Greenwich is a public university located in London and Kent, United Kingdom. Previous names include Woolwich Polytechnic and Thames Polytechnic.The university's main campus is at the Old Royal Naval College, which along with its Avery Hill Campus, is located in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Greenwich also has a satellite campus in Medway, Kent, as part of a shared campus. The university's range of subjects includes architecture, business, computing, mathematics, education, engineering, humanities, maritime studies, natural sciences, pharmacy and social sciences. Greenwich's alumni include two Nobel laureates. In 2019, the university was awarded the Queen's Anniversary Prize for its research in pest management and control to combat human and animal diseases in the UK and internationally. It received a Silver rating in the UK government's Teaching Excellence Framework.

Лондонский университет

Лондон / Великобритания

Ло́ндонский университе́т — второй по числу студентов университет в Великобритании.

18 Stafford Terrace

Лондон / Великобритания

18 Stafford Terrace, formerly known as Linley Sambourne House, was the home of the Punch illustrator Edward Linley Sambourne in Kensington, London. The house, now Grade II* listed, is currently open to the public as a museum. 18 Stafford Terrace was an almost new townhouse when the Sambournes moved in, in 1875. It was Linley Sambourne who set about re-decorating the house in the Aesthetic style. Today the house is a fine example of middle-class Aestheticism; its influences can still be seen permeating throughout the house, from decorative Sunflower motifs in the stained glass windows to the fine selection of William Morris wallpapers that hang within the rooms through to the displayed collection of blue-and-white Chinese import porcelain.


Лондон / Великобритания

Кенсал Грин — кладбище, расположенное в Лондоне, Великобритания, рядом с Портобелло. Входит в состав кладбищ, известных как Магическая семёрка.

Danson House

Лондон / Великобритания

Danson House is a Palladian mansion and a Grade I listed building at the centre of Danson Park, in Welling in the London Borough of Bexley, south-east London.

Элтемский дворец

Лондон / Великобритания

Элтемский дворец — особняк в Элтеме на юго-востоке Лондона, Англия, в королевском боро Гринвич. Он состоит из средневекового большого зала, являвшегося в прошлом королевской резиденцией, и созданной в 1930-е годы пристройкой в стиле арт-деко. Интерьер пристройки считается шедевром современного дизайна. Элтемский дворец является собственностью короны и управляется Комиссией по историческим зданиям и памятникам Англии, которая взяла на себя ответственность за большой зал в 1984 году и за остальную часть объекта в 1995 году.

Florence Nightingale Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

The Florence Nightingale Museum is located at St Thomas' Hospital, which faces the Palace of Westminster across the River Thames in South Bank, central London, England. It is open to the public seven days a week. It reopened on 12 May 2010 following an extensive £1.4m refurbishment.The museum tells the real story of Florence Nightingale, "the lady with the lamp", from her Victorian childhood to her experiences in the Crimean, through to her years as an ardent campaigner for health reform. Nightingale is recognised as the founder of modern nursing in the United Kingdom. The new museum explains her legacy and also celebrates nursing today: it is a member of The London Museums of Health & Medicine group. In 1860, four years after her famous involvement in the Crimean War, Nightingale founded the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas' Hospital and the museum is located on this site.The new museum is designed around three pavilions that tell her story. The Gilded Cage tells the story of Nightingale's privileged childhood and her struggle against stifling social conventions. The Calling shows how Nightingale and her team coped with the crisis in the military hospitals where the legend of the lady with the lamp was born. Reform and Inspire shows the other side of Nightingale, the reformer who campaigned tirelessly for health reform at home and abroad. Highlights from the Collection include the writing slate Nightingale used as a child, her pet owl Athena , and Nightingale's medicine chest, which she took with her to the Crimean. It contains a mix of medicines and herbal remedies, from bicarbonate of soda to powdered rhubarb. The museum displays a rare Register of Nurses that lists women who served under Nightingale in the military hospitals in Turkey and the Crimean. Audio tours are free with entry and accessed via a set of stethoscopes. Interactive exhibits have been created to offer different ways of exploring Florence's story and influence. Free creative activities for children are offered during the holidays. There is also a resource centre which is open by appointment to students, academics and other researchers, who may use the museum's collections, books and documents related to Florence Nightingale. The museum is a member of the London Museums of Health & Medicine.

Fulham Library

Лондон / Великобритания

Fulham Library is a Grade II listed building at 598 Fulham Road, Fulham, London. It was built in 1908, and the architect was Henry Hare.Among the staff was Edward Dudley, winner of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals first Cilip medal, who worked there as a librarian from 1936 to 1939.

Lambeth Archives

Лондон / Великобритания

Lambeth Archives is an archive in South London, managed by the London Borough of Lambeth. Containing records of Lambeth businesses, organisations and individuals, it is housed at the Minet Library on Knatchbull Road. The archive holds various documents for tracing family history, including parish records, electoral registers, civil registers, census returns, poll books, cemetery records, trade and commercial directories, and historic newspapers. The archive is open to the public free of charge.