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Лондон / Великобритания

Ло́ндон — столица и крупнейший город Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Административно образует регион Англии Большой Лондон, разделённый на 33 самоуправляемых территории. Население составляет 8 908 081 чел. — это третий по величине город Европы. Образует агломерацию Большой Лондон и более обширный метрополитенский район, являющиеся по численности населения в ЕС второй городской и первой региональной агломерациями, соответственно. Расположен на юго-востоке острова Великобритания, на равнине в устье Темзы, вблизи Северного моря. Главный политический, экономический и культурный центр Соединённого Королевства. Лондон относится к глобальным городам высшего ранга и ведущим мировым финансовым центрам. Экономика его составляет пятую часть экономики страны. По объёму ВРП Лондон занимает 5-е — 6-е места среди региональных агломераций мира. Лондон является одним из привлекательнейших городов для инвестиций, и в его юрисдикции зарегистрировано наибольшее число международных торговых компаний и лиц со сверхкрупным чистым капиталом среди всех городов мира. Основан римлянами вскоре после их вторжения на Британские острова в 43 году н. э. Приблизительно с 100 года н. э. — столица римской Британии, с XI—XII столетий — Англии, с 1707 года — Великобритании, с XVI по XX век — Британской империи. С 1825 по 1925 год Лондон был крупнейшим городом мира. Исторический центр города, образованный районами Вестминстер и Сити, сложился в викторианскую эпоху. Среди немногих построек, уцелевших здесь после пожара 1666 года, — средневековая цитадель Тауэр.

Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Лондон / Великобритания

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is the body responsible for the leadership and support of the pharmacy profession within England, Scotland and Wales. It was created along with the General Pharmaceutical Council in September 2010 when the previous Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain was split so that representative and regulatory functions of the pharmacy profession could be separated. Although membership of the Society is not a prerequisite for engaging in practice as a pharmacist within the United Kingdom, most practising pharmacists opt to join the Society because of the benefits offered by membership. Its predecessor the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain was founded on 15 April 1841.

Vestry House Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

Vestry House Museum is a history museum in Walthamstow, focusing on the heritage of the local area. The collection includes various artifacts dating from the Victorian Era to the 20th Century including numerous archived documents and photographs.Vestry House was originally built as a workhouse and was later used as a police station and also as private housing . The building became a museum in 1931.On permanent display in the museum is the Bremer Car, the first British motor car with an internal combustion engine, which was built by Frederick Bremer in a workshop at the back of his family home in Connaught Road, Walthamstow. The car first ran in 1892 and was donated to the museum by Bremer in 1933.

Charles Dickens Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

The Charles Dickens Museum is an author's house museum at 48 Doughty Street in Holborn, London Borough of Camden. It occupies a typical Georgian terraced house which was Charles Dickens's home from 25 March 1837 to December 1839.

Gunnersbury Park

Лондон / Великобритания

Gunnersbury Park is a park in the London Borough of Hounslow between Acton, Brentford, Chiswick and Ealing, West London, England. Purchased for the nation from the Rothschild family, it was opened to the public by Neville Chamberlain, then Minister of Health, on 21 May 1926. The park is currently jointly managed by Hounslow and Ealing borough councils. A major restoration project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund was completed in 2018. The park and garden is Grade II listed.

Hackney Museum

Лондон / Великобритания

Hackney Museum is a local history museum located in the London Borough of Hackney. Amongst other aspects of the Hackney area, the museum explores the history of immigration.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Лондон / Великобритания

The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the main professional organisation of psychiatrists in the United Kingdom, and is responsible for representing psychiatrists, for psychiatric research and for providing public information about mental health problems. The college provides advice to those responsible for training and certifying psychiatrists in the UK. In addition to publishing many books and producing several journals, the College produces, for the public, information about mental health problems. Its offices are located at 21 Prescot Street in London, near Aldgate. The College was formerly located in Belgrave Square.

Зоологическое общество Лондона

Лондон / Великобритания

Зоологи́ческое о́бщество Ло́ндона — научное общество зоологов Великобритании, исследующих животных и популяризующих сведения о них.

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Лондон / Великобритания

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, commonly known as Barts, is a medical and dental school in London, England. The school is part of Queen Mary University of London, a constituent college of the federal University of London, and a member of the United Hospitals. It was formed in 1995 by the merger of the London Hospital Medical College and St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College . The school exists on two main sites, having a presence at the site of both of the former colleges at and near their respective hospitals, St Bartholomew's Hospital , and the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel with an additional site at Queen Mary's main campus.As of 2018, the school had 2,235 undergraduate and 1,175 postgraduate students, for a total of 3,410 students.

Chiswick Town Hall

Лондон / Великобритания

Chiswick Town Hall stands on Heathfield Terrace, Chiswick, London, facing Turnham Green. It is a Grade II listed building.