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Оксфорд / Великобритания

О́ксфорд — город в Великобритании, столица графства Оксфордшир. Оксфорд известен благодаря старейшему в англоязычных странах и одному из старейших в Европе высших учебных заведений — Оксфордскому университету. Оксфордский университет — это уникальное и историческое учреждение. О точной дате его создания неизвестно, однако, в той или иной форме обучение в Оксфорде существовало уже в 1096 году. А с 1167 года, когда Генрих II объявил о запрете английским студентам поступать в Парижский университет, обучение стало быстро развиваться. Все ведущие рейтинги учебных заведений Великобритании называют этот университет лучшим в стране; кроме того, он дал миру около 50 нобелевских лауреатов. Оксфорд стоит на берегах Темзы, при впадении в неё реки Чаруэлл. Протекающий через город участок Темзы длиной в 10 миль принято называть Айзис. В 2015 году население составляло 159 574 человек, из них около 30 000 — студенты университета.

Griffith Institute

Оксфорд / Великобритания

The Griffith Institute is an institution based in the Griffith Wing of the Sackler Library and is part of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, England. It was founded for the advancement of Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies by the first Professor of Egyptology at the University of Oxford, Francis Llewellyn Griffith. Griffith bequeathed funds in his will for the foundation of the Institute and it opened on 21 January 1939, with its own independent committee of management. Rosalind Moss operated the Griffith Institute from its opening until the mid 1960s.The Griffith Institute Archive is home to an important and unique set of Egyptology resources. Built upon Griffith's original collection of manuscripts and excavation records, it contains and preserves early copies of inscriptions, drawings, watercolours, old negatives, photographs, squeezes, and rubbings. Among some seventy major groups of material the Institute holds the papers of Sir Alan H. Gardiner, Battiscombe Gunn and Jaroslav Černý, records made by Howard Carter during his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, as well as the documentation from the Nubian expeditions of Griffith and Sir Henry Wellcome. The Institute edits and publishes two major research projects, the Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, and the Online Egyptological Bibliography . It is also responsible for a number of important publications within the field of Egyptology, the best-known being Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar and Faulkner's A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Finally, the Griffith Institute administers the A.H. Gardiner Travel Scholarship in Egyptology, the aim of which is to promote friendship and cooperation between Egyptologists from the United Kingdom and the Arab Republic of Egypt. An exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, Discovering Tutankhamun, open from July until November 2014, explored Howard Carter’s excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. Original records, drawings and photographs from the Griffith Institute were on display. The complete records of the ten-year excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun were deposited in the Griffith Institute Archive at the University of Oxford shortly after Carter's death.

Келлог-колледж (Оксфорд)

Оксфорд / Великобритания

Келлогг-колледж — один из колледжей Оксфордского университета, 36-й. Основан в 1990 году. В настоящее время здесь занимается менее тысячи учащихся из около 90 стран.

Saïd Business School

Оксфорд / Великобритания

Saïd Business School is the business school of the University of Oxford, named after Syrian-Saudi billionaire Wafic Saïd. It is part of Oxford's Social Sciences Division. Oxford Saïd is the University of Oxford's centre of learning for undergraduate and graduate students in business, management and finance. Undergraduates are also taught as part of the Economics and Management course together with the Economics Department. The school of management was re-branded as Saïd Business School in 1996. It is named after its chief benefactor, Syrian-Saudi Arabian billionaire Wafic Saïd, arms dealer , political fixer, businessman and philanthropist, who has donated £70 million to date. The current dean is Peter Tufano. Previous deans were Professor Colin Mayer , Professor Anthony Hopwood and Professor John Kay .

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology

Оксфорд / Великобритания

The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology is a Department within the University of Oxford. Its research programme includes the cellular and molecular biology of pathogens, the immune response, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the medical sciences. The school is named for Sir William Dunn, 1st Baronet, of Lakenheath, whose will provided the initial funding. It is located towards the east end of South Parks Road, to the north of the city centre.