Поиск музеев

Rugby in the United Kingdom / Великобритания

Принц Генри Чарльз Альберт Дэвид, герцог Сассекский Charles Albert David of the United Kingdom, Duke of Sussex; род. 15 сентября 1984, Паддингтон, Лондон) — младший сын принца Уэльского Чарльза и его первой жены, ныне покойной принцессы Дианы, внук королевы Великобритании Елизаветы II. 21 декабря 1984 года был крещён архиепископом Кентерберийским в часовне Святого Георгия в Виндзоре, где получил имя Генри Чарльз Альберт Дэвид. С раннего детства известен под семейным именем Гарри, которое используется даже в официальных источниках. В настоящее время — шестой в порядке наследников престола Соединённого королевства. Младший брат принца Уильяма .

Rugby Art Gallery, Museum & Library

Rugby in the United Kingdom / Великобритания

The Rugby Art Gallery, Museum & Library is a combined art gallery, museum and library located in central Rugby, Warwickshire, in England. The purpose-built building housing it was opened in 2000 and was built in the place of Rugby's previous library.The art gallery hosts a nationally recognised temporary exhibition from the "Rugby collection of 20th century and contemporary British art", which includes prints, drawings and paintings by artists such as L. S. Lowry, Stanley Spencer, Paula Rego and Graham Sutherland. It hosts other collections when the main collection is not available.The museum hosts a collection of Roman artefacts, excavated from the nearby Roman town of Tripontium. It also has a display of the social and industrial history of Rugby. In December 2006, the Rugby World Cup was exhibited at the museum. The facility became the permanent physical home of the World Rugby Hall of Fame in November 2016.It also houses the town's visitor centre.As part of a national venture called Get it Loud in Libraries, the building has played host to gigs of various music artists such as Plan B and British Sea Power.