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Йорк / Великобритания

Йорк — один из важнейших городов Англии, главный город и унитарная административная единица со статусом «сити» в юго-восточной части церемониального графства Норт-Йоркшир, при впадении реки Фос в реку Уз . В городе расположена резиденция архиепископа провинции Йорк. Город имеет богатое историческое и культурное наследие, долгое время на его фоне развивались важнейшие политические события, оказавшие влияние на весь ход истории Английского Королевства. Туризм также является важной статьёй городских доходов. Йорк знаменит многочисленными историческими и архитектурными памятниками, самым известным из которых является Йоркский кафедральный собор. Основными спортивными сооружениями города являются йоркский ипподром и стадион Кит-Кат Кресент — домашний стадион футбольной команды Йорк Сити. На реке Уз возможны как речные прогулки, так и спортивные соревнования.

Национальный железнодорожный музей (Йорк)

Йорк / Великобритания

Национальный железнодорожный музей — технический музей в Йорке, Великобритания, входящий в британскую Группу Музея науки. Посвящён истории железнодорожного транспорта Великобритании и его влиянию на общество. Удостоен множества наград, в том числе European Museum of the Year Award в 2001 году. В музее хранится национальная коллекции исторически значимых железнодорожных транспортных средств, а также собрание других артефактов, письменных и графические работ.

Treasurer's House, York

Йорк / Великобритания

The Treasurer's House in York, North Yorkshire, England, is a Grade I listed historic house owned by the National Trust, who also maintain its garden. It is located directly to the north of York Minster.

Fairfax House

Йорк / Великобритания

Fairfax House is a Georgian townhouse located at No. 27, Castlegate, York, England, near Clifford's Tower and York Castle Museum. It was probably built in the early 1740s for a local merchant and in 1759 it was purchased by Charles Gregory Fairfax, 9th Viscount Fairfax of Emley, who arranged for the interior to be remodelled by John Carr . After the Viscount's death in 1772, the house was sold and subsequently passed through a number of local families before spending some time as a Gentleman's Club, a Building Society and a cinema. The property was bought by York Civic Trust in the 1980s and completely restored to its former grandeur. Fairfax House is now a museum open to the public and a Grade I listed building.

York Art Gallery

Йорк / Великобритания

York Art Gallery in York, England is a public art gallery with a collection of paintings from 14th-century to contemporary, prints, watercolours, drawings, and ceramics. It closed for major redevelopment in 2013, reopening in summer of 2015. The building is a Grade II listed building. and is managed by York Museums Trust.

Merchant Adventurers' Hall

Йорк / Великобритания

The Merchant Adventurers' Hall is a medieval guildhall in the city of York, England. It is a Grade I listed building.

York Museums Trust

Йорк / Великобритания

York Museums Trust is the charity responsible for operating some key museums and galleries in York, England. The trust was founded in 2002 to run York's museums on behalf of the City of York Council. It has seen an increase in annual footfall of 254,000 to the venues since its foundation. In both 2016 and 2017 it saw its annual visitors numbers reach 500,000 people.

Tower Street drill hall, York

Йорк / Великобритания

The Tower Street drill hall is a military installation in York.

University of York

Йорк / Великобритания

The University of York is a collegiate research university, located in the city of York, England. Established in 1963, the university has expanded to more than thirty departments and centres, covering a wide range of subjects. Situated to the south-east of the city of York, the university campus is about 500 acres in size. The original campus, Campus West, incorporates the York Science Park and the National Science Learning Centre, and its wildlife, campus lakes and greenery are prominent. In May 2007 the university was granted permission to build an extension to its main campus, on arable land just east of the nearby village of Heslington. The second campus, Campus East, opened in 2009 and now hosts three colleges and three departments as well as conference spaces, a sports village and a business start-up 'incubator'. The institution also leases King's Manor in York city centre. The university had a total income of £331.4 million in 2016/17, of which £66.0 million was from research grants and contracts.York is a collegiate university and every student is allocated to one of the university's nine colleges. The ninth college was founded in 2014 and was named Constantine after the Roman emperor Constantine I, who was proclaimed Augustus in York in 306 AD. There are plans to build two new colleges in the near future. In 2012, York joined the Russell Group of research-intensive British universities.

York Guildhall

Йорк / Великобритания

York Guildhall is a municipal building located behind York's Mansion House. It is a Grade I listed building.